
  • 预售
    2018年6月15日 22:00
发布联系人: 杨于卉

Born in London, Jack entered the world of music young, singing in professional choirs from the age of 7. By 10 he had performed for and met the Queen as well as recorded at the famous Abbey Road studios in London. He grew up in a family that listened to almost exclusively to jazz, funk and classical in equal measure, making his sound reflection both that and his choral past.

出生于伦敦的Jack在很小的年纪就开始接触音乐,并且表现出了惊人的天赋。他从7岁开始进入专业唱诗班,10岁时Jack就已经有幸随唱诗班在唱片史上最耀眼的Abbey Road Studio录音,并且!因此蒙英国女王伊丽莎白二世杰克的召见为她表演,这对于英国的艺人无异于最大的荣耀,而被当时只有10岁的Jack获得了!

Jack is a rare hybrid of producer/singer/instrumentalist frequently using his own vocals in his music including tracks The Feels, Never Get Enough, Start Over Again, All I See, Fooled Around, Feels Like Home and more... translating into live performances that are truly unique.

从小Jack收到家庭的熏陶,偏爱jazz、funk、古典乐等,因此Jack开始踏上自己的音乐之路后,所表现出的音乐风格也来源于此,并且非常巧妙地糅合了自己在合唱班学到和唱法。作为一个罕见的集音乐制作人、歌手和演奏家于一身的艺人,杰克经常把自己的声音和乐器演奏声用在自己的音乐中,包括The Feels, Never Get Enough, Start Over Again, All I See, Fooled Around, Feels Like Home等等,这种表现音乐的方式成就了属于Jack独有的表演艺术,也为每次来到现场的粉丝带来独一无二,无可比拟的音乐享受。



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2018年6月15日 22:00
