• 54


  • Expired

This campaign ends on November 14, 2018



  1. 赵赵
  2. 李叶玲
  3. 李叶玲
  4. 李叶玲

  5. ¥0.00
  6. Anonymous
  7. 语明
  8. 小玉
  9. Anonymous
  10. Anonymous
  11. 熊超
  12. ermeng
  13. 划船不要桨
  14. Anonymous
  15. Anonymous
  16. 赵玲
  17. Anonymous
  18. Anonymous
  19. ggg
  20. 西西
  21. Anonymous
  22. 车轸
  23. 车轸
  24. 唐以轩
  25. 张霞
  26. Anonymous
  27. Anonymous
  28. hillel behar 修杰
  29. Anonymous
  30. Ian Lindhartsen
  31. 文森玄
  32. Anonymous
  33. Anonymous
  34. Anonymous
  35. Anonymous
  36. Megan
  37. 山猫大
  38. Jack
  39. Anonymous
  40. 小白
  41. Anonymous
  42. Anonymous
  43. Anonymous
  44. Anonymous
  45. 李昊天
  46. 徐奔
  47. Anonymous
  48. Anonymous
  49. Ding
  50. JOYEROT Claire
  51. 李彦伶
  52. 余灵茜
  53. Anonymous
  54. Anonymous
Contact: NUART








免费入场 Free Entry


Line Up:

Alcatraz 黑金属吉他噪音 METAL NOISE

发电机 Fadianji 电子呼麦三人组 KHOOMEI MASHUP

Sasha K feat. Jonny A 多语种诗歌朗读A/V POETRY

Salif, Shponka + Brother Jim 英国DJ拼盘



Sasha K 2

Jonny A

Sasha K feat. Jonny A

A girl from a unique place called Latvia. A well traveled person with a passion for music and different cultures and their languages. She has been writing her original poetry in Spanish, Russian and English, producing original music and continuing to discover magical musical landscapes and embracing her artistic nature.

She has quite an emotional personality and tendency to look at the darker side of things, but her pains amd sorrows along with all the experiences she has gotten from life so far, translate perfectly into her art. Creating helps her breathe and gives her a reason for existence.



发电机 edit









呼麦对于游牧民族来说不单单是个技巧 更多的是来感受大自然与大自然沟通的一种方式 。

图瓦是最早唱呼麦的民族 图瓦人的呼麦并不只停留在模拟自然声响范畴,他们通过不同的发音方式来应对不同的自然图景.。





独立民谣音乐人 吉他 


来自南方小城桂林,喜机械,痴旅行,身体陷于城市面孔,常神游于故乡山水的滋润,自幼受西方文化影响,在近乎疯狂的成长中,催生出属于他特立独行的民谣风格。独立音乐人,坚定行者,狂热中古车收藏玩家,普通人。在近来成长变化中   越来越多的尝试用即兴音乐寻找根源音符。


digitalien数星人(aka Big Alien)是独立音乐人吕彬的个人电子音乐项目。


2007年,Nine Inch Nails专辑《year zero》的巡演班底来华参演北京流行音乐节,吕彬被极大震撼。受到Trent Reznor的影响,他化名Big Alien开始使用garage band和Logic Pro制作一些非常个人色彩的音乐片段并配以英文演唱,整理成一张专辑,起名为《1st Decade 一零年代》。



2010年前后,Big Alien开始改用Ableton Live进行一些现场电子乐的尝试,随后加入木玛&third party参与专辑《进化》的制作以及现场演出。2012年离队后与吉他手关伟短暂尝试双人电子乐项目《蝉》。2014年起以合成器及人声采样方式陆续参与Jungle Mico Project的专辑制作及巡演。2017年移居成都,更名为digitalien,年底参与阿尔泰民谣歌者疆Jan在马丘比丘一年一度的跨年演出。



digitalien (aka Big Alien) is an indie musician from Beijing and now base in Chengdu.


Since 2007, after witnessing a Nine Inch Nails' concert in Beijing, influenced by Trent Reznor, he started writing and producing some English songs by himself on garage band and logic pro, most of them are collected in his self released album <1st Decade>.



Around 2010, Big Alien started trying some live set on Ableton Live, and soon joined the Band MUMA&third party for recording its 5th Album <Evolution> and performed in the following tour. In 2012, after leaving the band he briefly experimented an electronic duo with guitarist Guan Wei. Since 2014 he joined Jungle Mico Project off and on for album recording and tour. In 2017, Big Alien moved to Chengdu and changed his name to digitalien.





Formed in Oct/ 2014
Local: Chengdu China

Genres: Dark Ambient/ Experimental/ Noise/ Minimalism

''Zartacla''实为背后主创Alcatraz名字的倒序写法。本计划主要为个人或合作创作的氛围、黑暗氛围、实验音乐、新古典音乐、工业噪音等。受到Phillip Glass, Einstürzende Neubauten等前辈的影响。经过自我的不断尝试,Zartacla计划还在不断蜕变之中。

'Zartacla' is the reverse wording of Alcatraz‘s name. This project is mainly for the individual or collaborative compose and produce including Ambient, Dark Ambient, Neo-Classic, Experimental music and so on. The influence of the pionner predecessors such as Philip Glass, Einstürzende Neubauten, etc. Project Zartacla is still evolving through self-improvement.


Hoppers Discotheque

Salif, Shponka + Brother Jim

Street jams straddling tropical wiggles - the latest instalment of the Hoppers canon promises rip-snorting rhythms shrouded in a tropicana fug.


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  1. 赵赵
  2. 李叶玲
  3. 李叶玲
  4. 李叶玲

  5. ¥0.00
  6. Anonymous
  7. 语明
  8. 小玉
  9. Anonymous
  10. Anonymous
  11. 熊超
  12. ermeng
  13. 划船不要桨
  14. Anonymous
  15. Anonymous
  16. 赵玲
  17. Anonymous
  18. Anonymous
  19. ggg
  20. 西西
  21. Anonymous
  22. 车轸
  23. 车轸
  24. 唐以轩
  25. 张霞
  26. Anonymous
  27. Anonymous
  28. hillel behar 修杰
  29. Anonymous
  30. Ian Lindhartsen
  31. 文森玄
  32. Anonymous
  33. Anonymous
  34. Anonymous
  35. Anonymous
  36. Megan
  37. 山猫大
  38. Jack
  39. Anonymous
  40. 小白
  41. Anonymous
  42. Anonymous
  43. Anonymous
  44. Anonymous
  45. 李昊天
  46. 徐奔
  47. Anonymous
  48. Anonymous
  49. Ding
  50. JOYEROT Claire
  51. 李彦伶
  52. 余灵茜
  53. Anonymous
  54. Anonymous