8.28 哈里森·沃德利三重奏巡演计划Harrison Wardley Trio

  • ¥960.00


  • 11


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  • 预售
    7支持者 2019年8月28日 21:00
  • 现场
    4支持者 2019年8月28日 21:00



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  1. 兰子
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  4. 张艺泷
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  7. Simonaf
  8. Simonaf
发布联系人: 周菲
8.28 哈里森·沃德利三重奏巡演计划Harrison Wardley Trio


时间/Time: 2019年8月28日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 100(door)/80(presale)
地址/ADD: 成都市武侯区玉林北街一号
Yulin No. 1 North Stree-wuhou 
地点/Venue: 马丘比丘咖啡馆
电话/Tel: 15908163473

Harrison Wardley三重奏

Harrison Wardley三重奏于2011年成立于澳大利亚墨尔本。这支乐队由三位墨尔本的年轻音乐家Joseph Batrouney (鼓手), Tully Ingamells (钢琴手) 和 Harrison Wardley (贝斯手)组成。乐队的音乐风格融合了传统爵士乐以及他们的原创作品。他们致力于将澳洲爵士的魅力展现给中国听众。同时这次中国巡演,他们也将特邀成都有名爵士吉他手廖宇峰(吉他手)加入他们的三重奏。

The ‘Harrison Wardley Trio’ was formed in early 2011 in Melbourne, Australia. Featuring Joseph Batrouney (drums), Tully Ingamells (piano) and Harrison Wardley (bass) The group plays a mix of traditional jazz standards as well as original compositions.  They are looking forward to bringing their unique brand of Australian Jazz to a Chinese Audience. For this tour they will be featuring the renown local Cheng Du guitarist Xiao Qi.

Harrison Wardley 韩睿 Bass

  Harrison 在墨尔本莫纳什音乐学院主修爵士低音。自从2017年初来到成都,Harrison 已经成为这个城市最受欢迎的爵士低音提琴手。他参与过许多优秀乐团的表演,JaHaLa,5乡Salsa,4 Guys Named Moe,The V.A.C Project,梁颖三重奏。现在他作为兼职教授在四川音乐学院教爵士低音。


Harrison majored in Jazz Double Bass at the Monash Music Conservatory in Melbourne.  Since arriving in Cheng Du in Early 2017 Harrison has become the most in demand jazz double bassist in the city. Performing in many popular groups such as JAHALA, 5乡Salsa, 4 Guys Named Moe, The V.A.C project, Liang Yin Trio and many many more. He now teaches jazz bass as an adjunct professor at Sichuan Conservatory.

Tully Ingamells Piano 

  Tully Ingamells来自澳大利亚墨尔本,是一位爵士钢琴演奏者同时也担任爵士音乐与电子音乐的制作,Tully这次来到成都想为大家展现不一样的现代爵士乐视听体验。Tully Ingamells非常热爱爵士乐,并从Oscar Peterson与Keith Jarrett领衔的伟大三重奏中汲取灵感。当Tully完成了他对爵士音乐的研究与学习后,他不但继续创作现代爵士乐同时也投入到实验电子音乐的制作,并将自己的音乐变得更加丰富。


Melbourne based pianist and composer Tully Ingamells developed a love of jazz listening to and drawing inspiration from the great trios led by Oscar Peterson and Keith Jarrett. Since finishing his music studies, his musical endeavours range from modern jazz quartets through to experimental electronic music.

Joesph Batrouney Drums

  作为一名弗拉明戈打击乐手和爵士鼓手,约瑟夫·巴特鲁尼(Joseph Batrouney)演奏了一种独特的打击乐。约瑟夫一直非常熟悉澳大利亚公证人的早期击鼓经历,如Tony Gould博士,Stephen Magnussen和Riley Lee(首次获得大师级别的非日本人)。每周一次的弗拉门戈住宿以及Arte Kanela的国内和国际旅行,将Batrouney的风格融入到激情,色彩和身体的氛围中。


Performing extensively as a flamenco percussionist and jazz drummer, Joseph Batrouney has developed a unique percussive voice. Joseph has been privy to early drumming experiences with Australian notaries such as Dr. Tony Gould, Stephen Magnussen and Riley Lee (first non-Japanese to achieve the rank of Grand Master). A weekly flamenco residency as well as national and international tours with Arte Kanela has galvanised Batrouney’s style to one that radiates with passion, colour and body.

Seven “小七” 廖宇峰 guitar

  国内优秀爵士吉他演奏家。现任教于四川音乐学院爵士专业。毕业于美国Capital University爵士教育研究生专业。曾师从美国知名爵士教育家RobertBreithaupt, Lou Fischer, Stan Smith等。在美留学期间曾与新奥尔良当地音乐家JamesBeamount, Smitty Supab等同台演出。也曾与俄亥俄州的爵士众多爵士乐手合作,如DannyBower, Tony Bernardi, Max Marsillo等。并于2014年底组建自己的原创乐队Dervish。现与国内知名歌手谭维维贝斯手Bodo Von Zingler和来自乌克兰的鼓手Nikola合作组建自己的放克三重奏乐队。


Professional jazz guitarist, currently a faculty member in the jazz department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Graduated from Capital University Columbus Ohio with a Master’s Degree in Jazz Pedagogy. Studied with renowned jazz drummer Robert Breithaupt, guitar player Stan Smith and bass player Lou Fischer.Seven has performed with some of the talented musicians in the US and Canada, including Murray James Morrison, James Beamount, Smitty Supab, Danny Bower, Tony Bernardi, Max Marsillo etc.Seven had also formed his original band Dervish in 2014, and later formed his funk trio with some of the best local players in Chengdu, including Bodo Von Zingler, the bassist for renowned Chinese singer Tan Wei Wei, and Ukrainian drummer Nikola .



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  1. 兰子
  2. 匿名
  3. 和光
  4. 张艺泷
  5. 唯二
  6. Coco
  7. Simonaf
  8. Simonaf