3.24 Give Me Five 成都电子音乐@EXIT

  • ¥150.00


  • 5


  • 过期


  • 门票
    5支持者 2018年3月24日 21:00



  1. 哈哈难得
  2. guadebuqu
  3. Kiwi
  4. A1ABZ
发布联系人: EXITCDC



励志于推广努力推动成都本地活动团体的Give Me Five今年又回来了。今年我们将带来的三个完全不同风格的电子音乐人打破风格厂牌局限,分享属于各个厂牌的精彩展示内容。


Give Me Five is an event showcasing various electronic music collectives in Chengdu. Bringing together three completely different styles, artists CA1XR, Elliott and DSS-9 are set to share their original productions through our massive soundsystem.


Local beats, live and loud.



JAMROOM厂牌旗下dj。独立电子音乐音乐制作人,音乐推广人,ELLIOTT SOUND Radio电台主理人,Nod Addiction(点头上瘾)电子音乐派对发起人。

 ELLIOTT在大学与电子音乐文化相识。刚刚大学毕业的他就加入Jamroom,并有着与多个国际艺人同台演出的经验,包括低音男神Troyboi,低音双人组Too Fresh,美国加州厂牌SOULECTION等很多艺人。以Future Beat和Deep bass-lines, Eclectic Soul为主线的他,以对音乐独特的见解和感悟创作出让派对动物们点头上瘾的声波。

ELLIOTT从小就对音乐有着疯狂的热爱,七年的钢琴基础为他在自己音乐的道路上创造出了更高的起跑线。2013年,ELLIOTT开始了自己的DJ生涯。在不断的学习和成长中,ELLIOTT也逐渐孕育出了自己的音乐风格,并在网易云 SOUNDCLOUD等音乐平台发布自己的音乐作品和MIXTAPE。年龄仅仅22岁的他,就不断充实着自己对于音乐的理念,并在2016年开始推广Future音乐。后来创立了自己的电子音乐派对品牌Nod Addiction点头上瘾。2017年成立自己的电台”ELLIOTT SOUND Radio”,来为大家分享更好更前卫的音乐。

 ELLIOTT.SOUND , a member of Jamroom , independent electronic music producer , promoter , funder of ELLIOTT SOUND Radio podcast, funder of Nod Addiction party label.

 ELLIOTT   engaged in electronic music in college and joined Jamroom right after his graduation. He had chances to perform with a group of international artists including Troyboi, Too Fres, SOULECTION. He developed his own taste after a persistent period of practice and started to share his production and mixtape online. Despite a young age of 22, he stared to promote future music in 2016 and became a funder of Nod Addiction. ELLIOTT SOUND Radio , a podcast where he share cutting age music .



这个草根音乐人,也可以说是Underground网络虚幻少年,探索了完全崭新的黑色宇宙,如果你留意的话会发现到处都是紫色的小宇宙。从网络到各个俱乐部及音乐节,到处都有他醉倒的痕迹。从与前P-Model的著名键盘手Kotobuki Hikari同台巡演。再到参演Intro Shanghai 2016,他一直在努力。

 CA1XR - a young, cynical idealist, dreaming of dance music in the infinite Internet. A pioneering explorer with countless predecessors. 

Chengdu based producer/DJ CA1XR entered the scene from 2009 and started his own career from 2014. He toured with former P Model Keyboard pianist Kotobuki Hikari and played Intro Shanghai 2016 with famous artists such as Kenvin Sauderson, DJ Koze and more.

 If you pay attention to your surroundings you will find this is a unique black universe, dotted with blue and purple.



随意感性的表演风格使DSS-9倍受音乐人关注,2016年冬天,DSS-9受邀参与了由国内著名DJ/制作人 - X.L.F发起的电子音乐分享计划 - Random Voices,共同创作完成了Random Voices首张黑胶ep,即将于欧洲发行。

每一次现场对于DSS-9都是一次愉悦的创作,从组建自今一直保持以live set的方式表演,而音乐上的风格各有不同,唯一的相同是追求美的概念,他们希望能通过即兴演奏的表演方式将最真实的当下的感受分享传递给更多音乐爱好者。也希望能跟更多的音乐人一起碰撞出不一样的火花


DSS-9 is an electronic duo from Chengdu. Xiong has studied music since childhood and Ning has been engaged with sound work for many years. DSS-9 is deeply influenced by Psychedelic, Techno, Minimal and Ambient music. Their style is free and broad ranging. In live performance, DSS-9 aim to move their fellow music lovers through the transformative power of improvised electronics.


In 2016, DSS-9 were invited to contribute to the “Random Voices” vinyl EP which is set to be released in Europe by well-known DJ/producer X.L.F.




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  1. 哈哈难得
  2. guadebuqu
  3. Kiwi
  4. A1ABZ