K?D 中国巡演 广州站

  • 预售票
    2018年4月27日 22:00
  • 现场票
    2018年4月27日 22:00
  • 早鸟票
    2018年4月27日 22:00
发布联系人: SHFT.

谈到当下电子音乐行业中最红的新生代标签,K?D毫无疑问位于最前列。作为2017年最抢眼的电子音乐制作人之一,其音乐像风暴般迅速席卷全球。他被众多权威媒体赞誉为2017年最值得期待的电子音乐人之一,当然,K?D也一次又一次用实力证明着自己。在美国,只要有他作为压轴艺人的演出,绝对全票售罄;他的单曲“Lose Myself”荣登Billboard榜;全球各大知名电子音乐节都被他轰了个遍,所有这些都将他名字和实力深深谱写于蓝图的中心点。



Patrick Cybulski aka K?D has quickly become one of the hottest names in electronic music.  He was dubbed as one of the top artists to look out for in 2017 by numerous media outlets and has lived up to that label.  By selling out venues across the states as a headliner, having his single “Lose Myself” chart on Billboard, and playing shows all over world, K?D has established himself as a force to be reckoned with.  But music isn’t the only thing propelling K?D into the limelight.  This gifted 20 year old also draws and creates the artwork for all of his singles. With a fanatic fan base that continues to grow and a creative drive that propels him to work to bring his visions to life, there’s no limit how far K?D can grow.


城市: 广州 




日期: 4月27日 周五 

DATE: Friday, April 27th


地 址: 广州天河区东莞庄路2号鸿德国际酒店6楼

ADDRESS: 6F,No.2 Honder International Hotel, DongGuan Zhuang Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou



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