7月28日 Medasin 上海站

  • 预售票
    2018年7月28日 22:00
  • 现场票
    2018年7月28日 22:00
发布联系人: SHFT.


Medasin is caring out a name for himself.  In a scene that’s filled with generic copy cats, Grant Nelson thrives on being different.  His drive and passion forces him to strive for perfection with each and every release.  This hard work has already paid off with a nomination at the Electronic Music Awards for his official remix of “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man.  Medasin has also garnered the attention of some big names with official remixes of Martin Garrix, Jahkoy, DJ Khaled and Rihanna.  The brilliant young man’s creativity knows no bounds however as Grant’s production ranges from dance floor bangers to chilled out vibey tracks and everything in between.  The future is bright for this young star as his dynamic talent continues to propel him skywards.

Medasin正在努力为自己正名。在如今的电子音乐界充满了各种”模仿者“的情况下,Grant Nelson正因为其与众不同的风格而茁壮成长。他对音乐的热爱以及激情促使他在每次演出以及音乐中都力求完美,而他的努力也得到了相应的回报。在EMA电子音乐大奖上,Medasin混音的Portugal. The Man的成明歌曲《Feel It Still》得到了官方混音中的众多大牌,Martin Garrix、Jahkoy、DJ Khaled以及Rihanna的认可。然而这位才华横溢的年轻制作人的创造力也是无限的,从舞曲到能让你放松的Chill风格歌曲等各种风格他都有所尝试。对于这位年轻的明日之星来说,未来是一片光明的,因为他无与伦比的天赋将使得他越来越受到各界欢迎。

DATE日期7月28日 周六Saturday, July 28th

ADDRESS:No. 168, Julu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

地 址:上海黄浦区巨鹿路168号


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