• 预售票
    2018年10月27日 18:00
  • 现场票
    2018年10月27日 18:00
  • 早鸟票
    2018年10月27日 18:00
发布联系人: SHFT.

FREAK OUT万圣节仓库派对上海站

知道今天几号了吗?万圣节马上就要到了!这是每年为数不多的最肆无忌惮的狂欢,即使你想裸奔也绝对不会有人diss你(只会把你的视频传到网上),每年的这一个夜晚,你最爱的FREAK OUT会将整个城市隔离,怪咖出没,百鬼夜行,务必,小心。

今年的FREAK OUT比之前的任何一场都更加宏大,国内外的艺术家,DJ,Rapper,会和我们一起RAVE ALL NIGHT,我们请来了传奇的SAID THE SKY,Trap大帝UZ,还有你们强烈要求的NIGHT LOVELL,OMENXIII,这是他们第一次来到中国!

每一年的FREAK OUT票都卖的飞快,今年一定记得早点下手,不然就,没,有,了!一票难求啊

Are you ready for Halloween!? The one time of the year where you can wear your underwear to the party an no one will judge you ; )  The one night of the year that all the Freaks of the city come out to play.

 For the first time ever, China's biggest Halloween Warehouse Rave - BUDX FREAK OUT - comes to your city! We are taking over a massive warehouse putting a big bad ass stage inside and transforming it into a Haunted Insane Asylum! We welcomes 1000's of freaky party people to come dressed in the craziest costumes. We are giving a 1000 RMB cash prize to the best dressed couple!



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