Tust'me Byebye disco派对

  • ¥100.00


  • 2


  • 过期


  • 早鸟票
    1支持者 2017年2月24日 22:00
  • 预售票
    1支持者 2017年2月24日 22:00



  1. 匿名
  2. Jennifer

● 电子乐厂牌PRIME NUMBERS 创始人;

● 处女作被英国音乐杂志FACT收入千禧年第一个十年内最优秀的100张专辑;

● 创造全新的游走于灵魂边缘的深夜舞曲(Late Night Soul Edged House&Techno)风格;

● 2015 technobeatport 排名第一的电子音乐人。



▮ 你可能对David Wolstencroft这个名字感到有一丝陌生,但Trus'me这个朗朗上口的别名相信你一定有所耳闻。2007年,当这个土生土长的曼彻斯特小伙以一张名为《Working Night$》的概念化专辑炸翻地下电子舞曲界时,他决定用时常挂在嘴边的一句口头禅“Trust Me”来作为自己的艺名。

▮ 在这张深受底特律彼时电子音乐场景影响的专辑中,从嘻哈、放克、灵魂乐到致幻科技舞曲,Trus'me将采样自底特律夜间电台的丰富音频素材糅合混杂在一起,创造出一种全新的游走于灵魂边缘的深夜舞曲(Late Night Soul Edged House&Techno)风格。


With his love for music tracing way back to an early age by dabbling with various instruments and developing a passion for vinyl, Trus’me, truly found his calling after learning the art of mixing and sample digging. Surrounded by the heads of Manchester and its deep rooted music scene, one couldn’t deny that it was an effortless task to be exposed to good music from all genres, thus explaining his constantly evolving tastes as evident in his eclectic DJ sets as well as in his uniquely, diverse productions. “Like bookends some 12’s will work with both the beginning and the end of the night, such is the classy sampling from Trus’me” (Peter Nicholson, XLR8R).

▮ 在芝加哥厂牌Still Music发行了多张神秘的House风格EP之后,Trus'me做了一件其他有想法的优秀制作人都会做的事情——创建属于自己的厂牌。于是,Prime Numbers浮出了水面,并很快因出色而高质量的音乐出品收获了来自全球乐迷的推崇。


▮ 依托于此,Trus'me不仅发行了大量个人未发表的音乐作品,包括Move D、Actress、Linkwood、Fudge Fingas在内的一大帮因共同的音乐取向与诉求而聚集在一起的DJ/制作人也因此找到了合适的发声平台。


▮ 2009年,Trus'me在厂牌下发行了自己的第二张LP唱片《In The Red》,而这张作品也巩固了他在全球House音乐场景里的领军人地位。与此同时,由他创立的系列派对Disco 3000则每周末都在他的家乡曼城的地下俱乐部里彻夜不停地制造着喧闹的派对声响。

 Not one to rest on his laurels, the label Prime Numbers was set up and quickly gained an unfaltering reputation for highly collectable and exceptional music from artistes such as Move D, Actress, Linkwood, Fudge Fingas, Motorcity Drum Ensemble; all artistes that fit the ethos and style that Trus’me continues to carry a torch for. In 2009, his highly anticipated followup album, “In The Red” which featured ‘live’ collaborations with Chez Damier, Amp Fiddler and Dam Funk, further cemented his place in the House music scene and set off a flurry remixes for acts such as LCD Soundsystem, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Alton Miller, Anthony Shake Shakir and more.

▮ 近些年,全球巡演的经历令Trus'me接触到陌生的异国环境与新的人际关系,游走于之间的“机场—酒店—俱乐部”的奔波日常令他得以重新反思自己的音乐。


▮ 从2013年发行的第三张LP《Treat Me Right》开始,这位如今更习惯于被称为“声音艺术家”的英国人,将创作重心逐渐偏移向纯粹、高能而锐利的Techno科技舞曲。


▮ 不满于只是做出适合于舞池的无脑金曲,单纯将跳舞音乐当做一门动力学来研究,Trus'me更希望是将个人音乐出品全面概念化,为模拟的合成器声响注入思考,以起伏的音律来讲述扣人心弦的故事,为根植于他个人音乐偏好深处的底特律风味的House/Techno音乐调味加料。

His third and most talked-about album to date, "Treat Me Right’ in 2013 demonstrates his varied musical sense, with productions that were crafted solely with an emphasis on the dancefloor. Lauded by a gamut of the most respected DJs including Ben Klock, Guy Gerber, tINI and Maya Jane Coles, his club-focused tracks Somebody’ and ‘I Want You’ have received both heavy rotation and wide publicity across Resident Advisor Fact Mag, Groove, DJ Broadcast. The latest ‘Treat Me Right’ triple pack remix collection features a stellar cast of producers such as Alan Fitzpatrick, Roman Fluegel, Skudge, Marcelus and Luke Hess, who were specially handpicked to reflect his current musical palate and heaving sets at clubs and festivals alike in Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, North America, South America and of course, in his backyard, the city of Manchester where it all began.


“If techno is in fact the forward-thinking endeavor it claims to be, why do so many warehouse ravers stare at their feet all night instead of the stars?”













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  1. 匿名
  2. Jennifer