柏林传奇俱乐部 Tresor 官方派对

  • ¥28,560.00


  • 243


  • 过期


  • 预售票
    213支持者 2017年4月30日 22:00
  • 早鸟票
    30支持者 2017年4月30日 22:00



  1. 安笑言
  2. Z
  3. Z
  4. Davy
  5. Z
  6. 匿名
  7. 匿名
  8. 匿名
  9. Yeming Rouw

  10. ¥240.00
  11. 紫虎
  12. 张惠婷
  13. 匿名
  14. Eddy Wong
  15. xin
  16. 老王
  17. Andreas
  18. 匿名
  19. 梁桥
  20. Aviva
  21. 匿名
  22. JIAN
  23. 匿名
  24. 严棋
  25. postunk
  26. Mario
  27. 瞿健
  28. Z
  29. 阿星
  30. 老王
  31. 匿名
  32. 匿名
  33. 成都了凡民宿
  34. 老王
  35. 丁芮轩
  36. 匿名
  37. 匿名
  38. Zhi
  39. 特日格乐
  40. 白白白
  41. 匿名
  42. 巴丽吉德
  43. sm
  44. Wang
  45. 傅红雪
  46. 王堃
  47. 焦彦雯
  48. 匿名
  49. 刘辞
  50. 陈馨
  51. Shiliu
  52. 矮矮
  53. 匿名
  54. 匿名
  55. 许嘉欣
  56. 张曦
  57. 兄批批
  58. 芭芭拉
  59. 卢崧铭
  60. KuKi
  61. 郑晓周
  62. 匿名
  63. 石安娜
  64. 匿名
  65. 林小圈
  66. Anita
  67. Scarlet
  68. 周峰
  69. 匿名
  70. jin
  71. Aviva
  72. kiki
  73. 大力丸
  74. 匿名
  75. 纸糊
  76. 匿名
  77. 汤姐
  78. 匿名
  79. 王敬蓉
  80. TST131
  81. jin
  82. 匿名

  83. ¥120.00
  84. 匿名
  85. félicia
  86. 小白
  87. Pan
  88. 匿名

  89. ¥120.00
  90. 毛毛
  91. 冉语
  92. 李天宝
  93. 陈梦佳

  94. ¥120.00
  95. Sharon
  96. Raina
  97. 匿名
  98. 易鹏成
  99. 郭文潇
  100. Luna
  101. 宁大大
  102. 匿名
  103. 红领巾
  104. 胡兰慧
  105. 吴健朝
  106. 匿名
  107. 匿名
  108. 匿名
  109. 匿名
  110. 韩旭
  111. Lee
  112. Scarlett lyn
  113. 匿名
  114. 匿名
  115. 匿名
  116. 匿名
  117. 匿名
  118. 匿名
  119. 匿名
  120. 匿名
  121. 匿名
  122. 李祯
  123. 匿名
  124. Andrea
  125. Tutu
  126. 合江亭熔岩巨兽
  127. MOMOKO
  128. Tang
  129. 远师傅
  130. 匿名
  131. 匿名
  132. drean
  133. 匿名
  134. 匿名
  135. 八火
  136. 张红雷
  137. Guottting
  138. 鼻子吃面条
  139. 匿名
  140. 大能
  141. 匿名
  142. 李放
  143. Mao
  144. 白由人
  145. 匿名
  146. Zw
  147. 匿名
  148. 陈可欣
  149. 匿名
  150. 曾晓楠
  151. 匿名
  152. 匿名
  153. 刘鹏飞
  154. 黄Milk
  155. 匿名
  156. dream
  157. Z
  158. dream
  159. 小慧
  160. 匿名
  161. 匿名
  162. 匿名
  163. 匿名
  164. 匿名
  165. 👀
发布联系人: 成都x柏林电子音乐文化周

4.30 在水璟唐地下空间

Tresor DJs:

Marcel Heese (DE)
Claudia Anderson (Aus)

Ni Bing (北京)
Xiao Long (成都)
Harry Ho (成都)


Berlin electronic music culture background:




Before the collapse of BERLIN WALL, this was a bleak city that hosted almost no women, because no females would love to live here. In the beginning, clubs in Berlin could only last for a few weeks, maximum several months. There were no fixed venues, therefore at night, partygoers could only go out to explore the secret parties.



Before the collapse of Berlin Wall


柏林墙Berlin Wall


在柏林墙推倒之后,东柏林拥有了最初的一批Techno club:Tresor,E-Werk等等。这是一个新的开始,Techno的底鼓完全将过去的音乐推到了一边。在那个时间点走进Tresor或者和Tresor类似club的派对动物们都感受到了这一点:新的音乐来了。

After the collapse, Eastern Berlin embraced its first patch of techno clubs: Techno club:Tresor and E-Werk etc. This was a brand new start, techno shuffled away the previous music. By that time, if you walked into Tresor, you would definitely notice one thing: NEW MUSIC IS COMING.


当时的E-WerkT   hen E-Werk



Berlin’s economy started to break down in 90s, no economic dreams had ever came true in berlin, instead, the techno music industry was stronger than ever. Money is not Berlin culture’s pass, the pass here is: I am here, and I know here. I witnessed so many rich people moved to berlin, so many racing cars coming and going, but they did not belong here. Your racing car means nothing, come on, here is Berlin!

Tresor Club


Dimitri Hegemann,Tresor俱乐部创始人

Dimitri Hegemann,Founder of Tresor


“我们像僧人一样,不会追赶任何潮流。这将一直持续下去,这就是我们的理念。你可以选择去酒吧摇滚一夜,但第二天醒来就忘了,我们更欣赏具有持久性、概念性的音乐。Tresor 更像一种象征性的力量。当时我们很年轻,不懂太多事情,也没想过盈利。我们像水一样,永远在流动和变化之中,不知道下一步会怎样,也会犯错。”


------------- Dimitri Hegemann

"We are like a monk, will not catch up with any trend. This will continue, and this is our philosophy. You can choose to go to the bar rocking all night, but waking up the next day remembering nothing, we appreciate the persistent, conceptual music. Tresor is more like a symbolic force. When we are very young, did not know too many things, and never thought of profit. We are like water, always in the flow and change, do not know what to do next, and will make mistakes of course. "



UFO俱乐部标语   UFO slogan


Dimitri Hegemann 和他的伙伴们于1988年创办了Tresor的前身UFO俱乐部。UFO俱乐部迄今都被认为是柏林House与Techno音乐最初的中心,1990 年因经济原因倒闭。

Dimitri Hegemann co-founded UFO Club (former Tresor) with his partners in 1988. UFO Club is still regarded as the core of Berlin House & Techno music, though it went bankrupt in 1990.




Tresor in 90s



After 1990, the crew of UFO founded Tresor club, the original venue was a safe warehouse of a bank, that’s also where the name Tresor came from. Its first year had already established its chicest spot in the city. Any cabbie would know the address of Tresor, even if it never advertised itself, it’s actually illegal in traditional sense but each day there was long queue outside the door.



Tresor 派对场景

Tresor party scene


Tresor 派对场景

Tresor party scene



在俱乐部门口,每个人都是平等的,没有社会等级,无论腰缠万贯还是身无分文,无论VIP 还是普通客人,唯一被拒之门外的可能,就是因为里面已经客满。后来,有人评价Tresor 之所以取得如此成功,正是因为“它在正确的时间、正确的地点选择了正确的音乐”。

In that damp basement, the rusty fence separated the crowd and the bar. There were several hundred safeboxes building up the wall. The crowd were sweating in the dynamic lights. The chemistry between electronic music and the architecture was fierce than ever.

In the entrance, everyone is equal, and no hierarchy. You are affluent or broke as hell, VIP or commoner, the only reason you would be blocked was that it was full. People commented on its success “Tresor chose the right music at the right timing and right venue”.



Tresor 内部

Inside Tresor



Tresor 内部

Inside Tresor


2005 年,Tresor 所在的旧楼成了那里唯一的“钉子户”,同年4月16 日,这个“坏小孩”正式被扫地出门。关门之前的半个月,Tresor 每天举行派对,最后一天共有1.4 万人赶来告别。关门后的第一年,它还在柏林其他俱乐部进行“流浪派对”。Dimitri Hegemann 说:“柏林墙不倒,很难想象能做成这样的俱乐部,没有这样的空间,也不可能有这个强度。”一个年轻人参加完在Tresor 旧址举办的最后一次派对,黯然地说:“我的青年时代结束了,自由也溜走了。

In 2005, Tresor located in the old building and it became the only residency which refused to leave. In April 16th, this badass kid was kicked out. Before the final shutdown, Tresor hosted parties each day and the final day, there were 14,000 attendees saying goodbye to it. The first year after its close, it still brought on the “floating parties” in other clubs. Dimitri Hegemann said “Without the collapse of BERLIN WALL, it would be impossible to run such a club; without such space, there would not be such magnitude.” One young man after the final party said ”My younth has ended, my freedom is fading away.”



Tresor 内部

Inside Tresor


直到2007 年5 月24 日,Tresor 在柏林Kpenicker大街重新开张。国际电子音乐杂志《红旗》(Red Flag)在2009 年11月刚进行了一次投票,其中票选最具影响力的俱乐部,仍是Tresor。

Tresor was reopened in Kpenicker in May 24th, 2007. The international electronic music magazine “Red Flag” hosted a poll in Nov. 2009, and the most influential club still remained as Tresor.


2009 年底,Dimitri Hegemann带着几位电子音乐人来到中国北京,并带来了一场精彩的演出。

本月的30号,Tresor 俱乐部将带领团队第二次来到中国,而这一次我们有幸在电子音乐正在发生变革的成都迎接他们的到来。Tresor将联合本地俱乐部TAG、骑鼓唱片、造梦社平台一起在水璟唐地下空间呈现一场高质量的电子音乐现场。敬请关注更多精彩内容。

By the end of 2009, Dimitri Hegemann, along with several electronic music artists came to Beijing, and brought up an excellent performance.


Marcel Heese


Marcel Heese 的 Techno 音乐技术可以说是劲爆和细节的完美结合,时而让你跳舞不停,时而悠扬间歇,利用声音技术和精确美学。他用叙事性方式创造了超出境界的techno音乐。

Marcel Heese’s take on Techno is a blend of relentlessness and sublety, using sound design and precise aesthetics, he walks that leftfield path that opens techno out beyond its confines.

他在2008年加入了柏林的 Tresor 俱乐部,成了驻场 DJ 之一。Marcel 是个见地独到的 DJ,他并不随波逐流追逐商业舞池的步伐。这一切都源于他作为优秀dj的独立素质,当 techno 被视为异类的时候,他一直坚持着自己的音乐热情。

Part of the Tresor. Berlin resident team since 2008, Marcel is a DJ who disregards expectations for floorfillers. This stems from an independent minded view on DJing that saw him through a time when hard, ambitious Techno was in the state of an outlaw.

在2000年早期的 Minimal 浪潮中,他便开始购买唱片,受到了Tresor 的 Surgeon 的音乐影响。他一点一点的收集他心目中英雄们的唱片,从这些唱片中他吸纳百川,逐渐有了自己的音乐美学。唱片和艺人诸如 Underground Resistance, Downwards, early Warp Records, Basic Channel, Plastikman, Sähkö, Planetary Assault Systems, proto-Techno á la Throbbing Gristle & Nitzer Ebb, Whitehouse 以及Italo-Disco 都是他的灵感源泉。

During the Minimal-legacy of the early 2000s he began buying records, inspired by a Tresor DJ-set from Surgeon. Bit by bit he collected his heroes’ records, drawing from them to his own emerging yet diverse aesthetic sensibility. Labels and artists such as Underground Resistance, Downwards, early Warp Records, Basic Channel, Plastikman, Sähkö, Planetary Assault Systems, proto-Techno á la Throbbing Gristle & Nitzer Ebb, Whitehouse and Italo-Disco filled his record shelf.

他常驻 Tresor 俱乐部,并将那里作为一个观察和学习 Techno 音乐的地方。在“new faces”的现场演出之后,他便被任命为了 Tresor 的驻场 DJ。Marcel 随后便开始自己主持起了“new faces”的演出,同时他也在德国最好的俱乐部之一的 Tresor 培养起了他的 DJ 技术。聚焦于精确和深度,他创造出了一种可以无缝迂回贯通的音乐风格,这让他有能力确保自己能够在每个晚上放音乐,尽管是在这个有无数选择的星球上。


He frequented Tresor, seeing it as a place to observe what techno could do. He was appointed to the resident team after a gig at “new faces”. Marcel subsequently began hosting “new faces” himself while cultivating his DJing approach in one of Germany’s best booths. Focusing on sublety and depth, he developed a style that could meander seamlessly through styles, affording him the ability to play every time of the night and keep up even with the most selectors on the planet.

他在2014年成立的厂牌 Finitude Music 进一步追求自己喜爱的音乐。这个年轻的厂牌至今已经发布了四张唱片。两张与柏林 DJ 兼音乐制作人 P.E.A.R.L. 共同发行的唱片 PMH,以及两张与德国大师Alexander Kowalski aka d_func 共同合作的唱片。还有来自大牌诸如Sleeparchive, Regis 和 Lewis Fautzi 的音乐收录。

His pursuits in the scene have moved further with the beginning of his label Finitude Music in 2014. Thus far the young imprint has released four records; two of Marcels mutual project with Berlin DJ and producer P.E.A.R.L. called PMH, and two in collaboration with German mastermind Alexander Kowalski aka d_func.. Remixes so far have been contributed by none others than Sleeparchive, Regis and Lewis Fautzi.

Claudia Anderson


Claudia Anderson 生活在奥地利维也纳。她擅长制作 techno 音乐,其中精妙夹杂了 funk 和 groove元素。

aClaudia Anderson lives in Vienna, Austria. She produces a fine breed of techno, where funk and groove always have a subtle place.


在2016年,Claudia 成为了 Tresor 巡演名单中的必要组成部分,Tresor 此次巡演也是柏林协会的 25周年庆典的一大元素。这使得她与 Tresor 主要艺人 Moritz von Oswald, Jonas Kopp 以及 the Zenker Brothers 等等一同演出。

In 2016, Claudia was integrant part of the Tresor touring roster, as part of the Berlin institution’s 25th Anniversary. This took her to perform with Tresor staple artists Moritz von Oswald, Jonas Kopp and the Zenker Brothers, amongst others.


Claudia Anderson 刚刚在 Tresor的25周年编制中发行了她的专辑 “Phase”。她的下一张EP会分别在 Tresor Records 和Singular 中发行,发行时间分别是六月和十月17号。


Claudia Anderson just released her track “Phase” on Tresor’s 25th anniversary compilation. Her next EPs on Tresor Records and Singular in June and October ’17 respectively.


430号,Tresor将联合骑鼓唱片、Martial Artists Management、本地俱乐部TAG、造梦社平台一起在水璟唐地下空间呈现一场高质量的电子音乐现场。敬请关注更多精彩内容。

This month 30th, Tresor will bring another crew to China again, and Chengdu – the fast growing electronic music scene – is honored to welcome them! Tresor along with .TAG Club, Qigu Record and Zaomengshe, will showcase an unprecedented high-quality party in the underground spcace in Shuijingtang.



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  4. Davy
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  8. 匿名
  9. Yeming Rouw

  10. ¥240.00
  11. 紫虎
  12. 张惠婷
  13. 匿名
  14. Eddy Wong
  15. xin
  16. 老王
  17. Andreas
  18. 匿名
  19. 梁桥
  20. Aviva
  21. 匿名
  22. JIAN
  23. 匿名
  24. 严棋
  25. postunk
  26. Mario
  27. 瞿健
  28. Z
  29. 阿星
  30. 老王
  31. 匿名
  32. 匿名
  33. 成都了凡民宿
  34. 老王
  35. 丁芮轩
  36. 匿名
  37. 匿名
  38. Zhi
  39. 特日格乐
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  41. 匿名
  42. 巴丽吉德
  43. sm
  44. Wang
  45. 傅红雪
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  47. 焦彦雯
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  49. 刘辞
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  52. 矮矮
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  54. 匿名
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  67. Scarlet
  68. 周峰
  69. 匿名
  70. jin
  71. Aviva
  72. kiki
  73. 大力丸
  74. 匿名
  75. 纸糊
  76. 匿名
  77. 汤姐
  78. 匿名
  79. 王敬蓉
  80. TST131
  81. jin
  82. 匿名

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  84. 匿名
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  94. ¥120.00
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  96. Raina
  97. 匿名
  98. 易鹏成
  99. 郭文潇
  100. Luna
  101. 宁大大
  102. 匿名
  103. 红领巾
  104. 胡兰慧
  105. 吴健朝
  106. 匿名
  107. 匿名
  108. 匿名
  109. 匿名
  110. 韩旭
  111. Lee
  112. Scarlett lyn
  113. 匿名
  114. 匿名
  115. 匿名
  116. 匿名
  117. 匿名
  118. 匿名
  119. 匿名
  120. 匿名
  121. 匿名
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  124. Andrea
  125. Tutu
  126. 合江亭熔岩巨兽
  127. MOMOKO
  128. Tang
  129. 远师傅
  130. 匿名
  131. 匿名
  132. drean
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  137. Guottting
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  144. 白由人
  145. 匿名
  146. Zw
  147. 匿名
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  150. 曾晓楠
  151. 匿名
  152. 匿名
  153. 刘鹏飞
  154. 黄Milk
  155. 匿名
  156. dream
  157. Z
  158. dream
  159. 小慧
  160. 匿名
  161. 匿名
  162. 匿名
  163. 匿名
  164. 匿名
  165. 👀