• 普通票 (ARKHAM; 巨鹿路168号)
    2017年9月23日 22:00
  • 预售票 (ARKHAM; 巨鹿路168号)
    2017年9月23日 22:00
发布联系人: SHFT.

有时一场派对往往就是一些天赋异禀音乐人的绝佳相遇点,他们因不经意而碰撞出无限的创作灵感。深受英国 90 年代经典舞曲影响并乐此不疲的的两位年轻人 Samir 和 Diego 在躁动的 House 派对上离奇相遇一拍即合, 于是后来有了 Barong Family 旗下最强双人 DJ 组合 - Moksi.

Moksi的音乐总能让听过的人们尖叫不止,融合了当今最先锋与受欢迎的电子音乐类型,有着最令人惊叹的开场、让你一直保持着万花筒一样新奇美妙的低音节拍,在音乐高潮阶段带给你最强烈的低音脉冲。他们的作品中有着鲜明的重低音的UK Garage及Dubstep等地下跳舞音乐痕迹。


Sometimes house party hangs can be a perfect meet-up point for creative minds to click; and even though Samir and Diego, a duo behind Moksi, is a perfect example of it, the success didn't come until they actually focused on working as a team numerous years later.

Moksi's music is a kaleidoscope of screaming leads and bass face perfect-subwoofer loving drops. Even though lately they've been musically inspired by 00's Fidget sound, for those guys influence starts with the 90's UK garage classics, dubstep and all that goes with it.

Mike Cervello 2

毫无疑问,Mike Cervello已经成为DUTCH圈内最炙手可热的音乐制作人及DJ之一,他每一次炸裂的现场及新作品发布都为他带来大量粉丝。他在2015年Barong Family厂牌旗下发布的首张个人EP Smack便获得诸如Hardwell, Diplo和Skrillex等一票最知名大牌的支持,这张EP中的主打歌曲获得了Beatport排行榜第一名的耀人成绩。Mike另一首对Yellow Claw 《Wild Mustang》的remix单曲也获得了巨大成功。Mike的目标是创造属于自己具有标志性的音乐以及通过电子音乐与人们保持着交流。


With every step that he takes, Dutch DJ and producer Mike Cervello is growing as an artist and gaining fans alike. His 2015 Barong Family debut Smack EP was supported by hit makers like Hardwell, Diplo and Skrillex, with the title track (featuring Cesqeaux) getting to #1 on Beatport. Mike’s remix of Yellow Claw’s ‘Wild Mustang’ was another big hit with fans. Creating a signature sound and continuing to connect with people through dance music remains his goal throughout.


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