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  • 现场票11:00pm前免票/一杯龙舌兰
    0支持者 2017年9月23日 22:30


发布联系人: 东村303


SPYFI-pics (2)
SPYFI(aka.Senders Chen)现居北京,这个奇怪的艺名从2015年开始活跃在中国电子音乐场景中。他专注低音风格的创作与现场,作品讲究采样的构思与低音律动,DJ现场则侧重奇妙的选曲与天马行空的MASHUP。2016年SPYFI发行了Dubstep/Bass音乐专辑《Let Me Low It》并举办了总数13场的全国巡演,耐人寻味的BASSLINE和别具一格的城市实地采样素材出现在各大地下电音俱乐部。天水围的列车,DUBSTEP的回响低频,二沙岛街头交谊舞,TRAP中深陷的808底鼓,南京路尽头的理发店,FOOTWORK里切片重复的语音,甚至DADA二楼的窃窃私语,都可能是SPYFI创作与现场的组成元素。
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SPYFI乐于打破目前中国俱乐部固有的舞池音乐格式,错落有致的选曲和奇异的视觉配合,每一次DJ和LIVE都会祭出自己亲手熬制的editon曲目让舞客惊喜。近年他活跃在张北音乐节,上海理想音乐节,草莓音乐节等国内一线音乐节,演出城市包括广州,上海,北京,成都,重庆,深圳,杭州,南通,厦门,天津,石家庄,长春,沈阳,西安,西宁,兰州等等。俱乐部同台国内外音乐人则包括FLAVA.D,DJ Krush,ROYAL-T,Bloodz Boi,Howie Lee,Shackup等。
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SPYFI-pics (1)



From Guangzhou , now based in Beijing, SPYFI thought-provoking bassline and the on-the-spot distinctive sampling together with him appear on parties in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenyang etc. inspirations come from various life scenes. For instance, trains in Tin Shui Wai, reverberation of low frequencies in Dubstep, ballroom dancing around the street corner of Ersha Island, TR-808’s sinking in TRAP, the barbershop down the Nanjing Road, sliced repetitive sounds in footwork, even the whispering on the second floor of DADA Bar can probably be the elements for SPYFI’s creation in music.With counterchanged song picking , surprising visual setups , every DJ Set or Live Set of SPYFI always makes you physically and mentally DANCE!In recentyears,he shared a stage with FJAAK,Flava.D,Royal-T,DJ Krush,Bloodz Boi,Howie Lee,Shackup. Album is out now .


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