09/30 周六|LINEOUT Pres.“Grounded Theory”创始人: Henning Baer @loopy

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    0支持者 2017年9月30日 22:00


发布联系人: loopy

这个国庆假期的前夜, LINEOUT将目光再次转向Techno之都柏林,携手Say Yes,将柏林最为成功的派对之一Grounded Theory的创始人及主脑Henning Baer带到了杭州!



柏林最为成功的派对之一:Grounded Theory



Grounded Theory成立于2009年, 初衷始于通过不同以往的概念为当时的Techno场景注入新势力。很快派对就在整个欧洲Techno圈里引起不小震动。敏锐的洞察力和精准的判断力, Henning多年来奋斗在电子音乐圈前线得出的哲学分析, 始终不失其多元化和前沿性。



在活动演出的现场, 除了主打根源性的Techno, 又囊括了各种不同的音乐, 往多元化方向延伸。活动期间邀请了众多地下Techno艺人, 无论是享誉全球的大牌艺人, 还是冉冉上升的新人, 音乐类型包括试验电子, 英式舞曲等。班主任常教导的全方面综合发展也就是这几个意思,Henning在自己的派对上淋漓尽致地展现给了众人。



在和搭档Milton Bradley同时作为驻场主力这些年里,Henning通过与其紧密的合作,积累了丰富的DJ经验, 并以此为基础发展音乐制作。厚积薄发的他除了在Taanstaafl Planets发行作品, 更于去年成立了个人厂牌MANHIGH, 并陆续发行了自己和另外一位Techno俊杰Matrixxman的作品。通过此举, 他也渐渐能建立一套筛选体系,精选出那些将经得起推敲, 符合Grounded Theory派对标准和风格的优秀声音。


Henning Baer和Adam X在Electronic Beats TV的对话


今年, 他又更上一层楼, 陆续在Boddika, Psyk及Fuse Brussels的厂牌发行作品, 让全球的粉丝们又有了更多的期待, 他也收获了无论是Hardwax的货架还是Berghian的DJ台上越来频繁的曝光。


For your national holiday special, one more event production boss after bringing Mutual Dreaming landlady Aurora Halal, Bunker New York's Bryan Kasenic and 2 more Bunker guys, time to back to Berlin, Henning Baer is the one, the senior resident DJ of Grounded Theory, one of its founders, curator of its celebrated events, and a DJ of worldwide renown for ability and tastes. China Tour includes Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjian and Beijing. 



Since its beginning in 2009, Grounded Theory has grown from a bracing new idea in Berlin techno to an institution of artistic nightlife both at its home and around the continent. Directed with acute vision and unerring judgment, its philosophy extracted from Henning’s long years at the front lines of electronic music, it remains diverse and cutting edge.  Mirroring Henning Baer's DJ sets, Grounded Theory combines music from different eras and areas, remaining rooted in techno while shedding light on sounds less frequently heard on Berlin dance floors: forward UK music, experimental electronics, and underground techno names from across the globe, both new and established.  



Following on years of closely-synchronized work with fellow residentMilton Bradley, Henning Baer is now asserting greater independence with innovative new production styles on a recent EP for Taanstaafl Planets. The launch of his own MANHIGH imprint buttresses the foundation of his own work, to be built up alongside a select few whose productions meet the curatorial acumen of one of techno’s finest ears. After esteemed releases on Sonic Groove, K209, Non Series  and elsewhere, fans worldwide have much to look forward to from a label whose standards match those of Grounded Theory. 

Already a respected artist, Henning’s diligence has transported him from the counter to the shelves of Hardwax and from the floor to the booth of Berghain in regular appearances. Now he is building further upon these impressive accomplishments, profoundly shaping contemporary techno from recent memory into the foreseeable future.






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