Lollipop <Gay Extravaganza> 志同道合

Contact: Echo Bay




 Lollipop  志同道合

<Gay Extravaganza>

♫ [ECHO BAY提供一个平台,让大家更好的乐在其中,没有拘束没有压抑没有歧视,请尽情的释放荷尔蒙因子]

[Cuz bitch, we're FABULOUS!]





早鸟票│Early bird ticket:30 RMB

门票│Doorsale tickets:50 RMB










💕  “LOLLIPOP”又回来了!!💕



这一定是我们已经确认了第三次“丛林”聚会!有人叫它派对,而有些人会把它作为野外疯狂之夜!在重庆这座因著名的城市水泥森林,我们都知道重庆夏天有很nice的火辣氛围,像以前一样!让我们保持最亢奋的状态在wild jungle Kiki!夏天到来看看你们最野性的一面!炎热丛林,野兽们赤裸的情况下将会被赋予最疯狂的一面!这里会有更多你想象不到的DRAG show 和挑战游戏!如果你觉得上一次party十分有趣,那将成为一本刺激火热的“丛林指导书”!让我看看你们是否被驯服!














 It's  gathering that we must identify with as a party. Some may call it a party, some may call it a wild and crazy night within the concrete jungle known as 重庆. But we all know one thing, we know that the summer is hot here and the vibes are good! Let's keep the same positive energy at this wild jungle Kiki as before! See all of your wildest sides come out! The beast with the wildest side without a shirt will be given an essential tool that's needed to live in this concrete jungle! There will be DRAG SHOW, contests and many more. If you thought last time was fun......... you'll turn your precious diary into one sexy and exciting jungle book! We'll see which animals can be or can't be tamed!






💕2017 / 10 / 14


Contest with price|有奖竞赛



 Drag show|变装秀!


Topless game|无上装游戏!










🍭🍭热舞秀|Go Go Dancer🍭🍭








重庆本土 Go Go Dancer→ Kairystyle,游历多个城市,拥有丰富的夜店舞台经验,擅长多元化的舞蹈融合与碰撞,从modern jazz到new skool都呈现精彩的演绎,曾选拔过Jolin Tsai Dancer团队,逐渐成为gogo dancers中的瞩目新星









❤ Drag Queen ❤




当你问道drag queen 什么是他们成为drag queen 意义的时候,一些我们熟知的美国drag queen会告诉我们:


1. “超越这个星球所有的美丽。”— Miss Fame

2. “做一个我想做的人。” — Raven

3. “失真。”— Violet Chachki

4. “一种庆祝生命的方式。”— Ongina

5. “Drag 是我静脉里流淌的血液,以足以点燃我的创意之心。”— Darienne Lake


毫无置疑,drag queen彻彻底底的将他们的血液注入进了他们drag的一生...而EchoBay能注入的是在重庆为你们带来真实的,生动的drag queen show。让我们在10.14再次齐聚,感受新的表演形式以及现场音乐气氛。











When you ask what it means to be a drag queen, the answers from famous queens are various:


1. “Beyond this planet beautiful!” — Miss Fame

2. “Being whatever the fuck I want to be!!” — Raven

3. “Distortion” — Violet Chachki

4. “Drag is a celebration of life” — Ongina

5. “Drag is the blood in my veins that fuel my creative heart!” — Darienne Lake


For sure, drag queens powerfully implant their blood to present their drag lives from heads to toes.  Well, what EchoBay implants is how to present drag queen realistically in front of your eyes in CQ. Let's be together to feel our show star K who drags and getting hot in EchoBay on 10.14!




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