• 早鸟票
    2018年5月25日 19:30
发布联系人: 孙浩轩

Straight outta Shanghai, comedian and actor Storm Xu was hailed as 'one of the brightest talents in China' by Sydney Morning Herald. After tour across the world, he will debut his Chengdu solo show in May.

This show is an hour-long stand-up comedy show created and performed by Storm Xu. It contains stories from himself when he was a child to his adulthood, living and observing the changes of Shanghai, how he deals with and overcomes his frustration and eventually becomes a better version of himself.

Storm Xu ,杨浦一哥,世界巡回双语单口喜剧演员,喜剧联合国创始人,《CSM中国职业脱口秀大赛》亚军。

Storm Xu自2016年开始, 连续三年受邀参加世界顶级喜剧节——墨尔本国际喜剧节,巡回澳大利亚演出,成为首位在墨尔本国际喜剧节上演出的华人。

Storm Xu在2017年完成了美国东西海岸巡演,接受纽约时报全版面专访,成为首位完成美国东西海岸巡演的华人。

被悉尼先驱报评为“One of the brightest standup talents in China”中国最闪亮的脱口秀明星。

被纽约时报评为“The Pioneer of standup comedy in China”,中国脱口秀喜剧的先锋人物。

Storm Xu在其微博上推出一系列脱口秀视频,累计播放量达500万。

Storm Xu曾接受英国BBC radio 4的邀请,同步连线BBC伦敦中心,80万电波听众进行了单口表演。

Storm Xu推出的个人音频博客“伐要去管它”,自喜马拉雅上线以来,一直受粉丝热捧。


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2018年5月25日 19:30
