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【2020影响城市之声】11月6日梵木创艺区•乐空间 【2020影响城市之声】11月6日梵木创艺区•乐空间时间:2020年11月6日 - 20:00票价:预售票:150 RMB  现场票:180 RMB场地:梵木创艺区•乐空间阵容:假假條、海皮威尔、假斯文、派对间谍、怪器 【2020影响城市之声】11月7日成都梵木创艺区•乐空间 【2020影响城市之声】11月7日成都梵木创艺区•乐空间 时间:2020年11月7日 - 19:30 票价:预售票:150 RMB  现场票:180 RMB 场地:成都梵木创艺区•乐空间 阵容:浪味仙贝、结冰水、甜又丧、Hoo!、眼神实验 【2020影响城市之声】11月7日MAOLivehouse成都 【2020影响城市之声】11月7日MAOLivehouse成都 时间:2020年11月7日 - […]

影响城市之声(成都)音乐节 Sound of the Xity(CHENGDU)

【2019影响音乐节】通票购买区 Vision by:MVM design label _ 导语: 2019影响城市之声(成都)音乐节,是8年里第一次离开北京,我们选择了市场竞争最激烈,海外乐队票房非常非常非常一般,但极具潜力的成都。将会以“室内音乐节+国际音乐产业高峰论坛”的形式为期4天在成都的武侯区音乐坊和梵木艺术区等多个场馆进行。 2019年影响城市之声的主题为“亚洲的XX”。和往年相比,今年在影响音乐节上不仅增加了像Yogee New Waves,yahyel+水曜日のカンパネラ,Tokyo Shoegazer(东京酒吐座),东京事变的吉他手浮云的乐队PETROLZ这样在国内已经有影响力的亚洲音乐人以外,也有类似来自英国的Glass Animals、Swim Deep 、瑞典的Star Horse、奥地利的HVOB,法国的Last Train,丹麦的Blue Foundation此类在影响城市之声许愿群中提到的比较多的欧洲乐队。同时也有海龟先生,Carsick Cars,马赛克,荷尔蒙小姐,Chinese  Football,孔雀眼等经常出现在国内大型音乐节的名字,同时也将为你带来北河三世界音乐专场与BAD HEAD二十周年两个特别专场。 影响Showcase中,我们与Young Blood 新血计划共同从300多支报名乐队中挑选了10支非常新的乐队,大部分乐队从未参加过音乐节,也从未发过唱片。我们希望能为来自世界各地的Promoter呈现来自中国未来的声音。 影响国际音乐产业高峰论坛,应该是目前国际重量级嘉宾最多的音乐产业高峰论坛,确实没有之一,甚至连相似的项目类型都没有。在过去的7年里影响共邀请过37个国家的200余位国际音乐产业重量级嘉宾参加,以收藏和慈善的心态为600多组音乐人提供了去国际合作的机会和国际音乐产业知识。三十几组音乐人在影响的showcase中获得国际大型音乐节和主办方的offer。今年的影响高峰论坛我们与小鹿角APP&音乐财经密切合作,除了以往影响的老朋友Glastonbury音乐节,WOMEX世界音乐博览会,SOUND CITY音乐节,EXIT音乐节,西班牙MADCOOL音乐节等诸如此类的欧洲大型音乐节的预订过亚洲艺人的BOOKER/BUYER,也特别增加了亚洲的音乐节和主办方的比例:日本FUJI ROCK音乐节、SUMMER SONIC音乐节 、香港Clockenflap音乐节、韩国DMZ音乐节、泰国Maho Rasop、菲利宾Wanderland音乐节、蒙古play time 音乐节等亚洲音乐节的主办方,以及韩国Zandari […]


上海站 国内最受期待的万圣节派对—BUDX FREAK OUT 2019正式来袭,在这里我们让噩梦变成现实!过去的四年里,我们给大家带来了数不清的欢乐与尖叫。今年的“邪恶马戏团”即将开张,各式各样的妖魔鬼怪和浸入感的现场装置将将会让你们丧失理智。我们还从全球绑架了一批最炸的DJ和说唱歌手带来惊悚之夜!令人瞩目的Herobust, Svdden Death, K?D, ATLiens, 还有Fat Nick都在阵容之中,还有更多惊喜在等待着你们。上海,北京,深圳,成都,佛山和厦门,这个万圣节让我们在惊叫声中度过! 北京站 国内最受期待的万圣节派对—BUDX FREAK OUT 2019正式来袭,在这里我们让噩梦变成现实!过去的四年里,我们给大家带来了数不清的欢乐与尖叫。今年的“邪恶马戏团”即将开张,各式各样的妖魔鬼怪和浸入感的现场装置将将会让你们丧失理智。我们还从全球绑架了一批最炸的DJ和说唱歌手带来惊悚之夜!令人瞩目的Herobust, Svdden Death, K?D, ATLiens, 还有Fat Nick都在阵容之中,还有更多惊喜在等待着你们。上海,北京,深圳,成都,佛山和厦门,这个万圣节让我们在惊叫声中度过! 成都站 国内最受期待的万圣节派对—BUDX FREAK OUT 2019正式来袭,在这里我们让噩梦变成现实!过去的四年里,我们给大家带来了数不清的欢乐与尖叫。今年的“邪恶马戏团”即将开张,各式各样的妖魔鬼怪和浸入感的现场装置将将会让你们丧失理智。我们还从全球绑架了一批最炸的DJ和说唱歌手带来惊悚之夜!令人瞩目的Herobust, Svdden Death, K?D, […]

电子音乐在其他的城市,The electronic scenes of other cities

With the rise of the bedroom producer there are individuals in cities and towns all over China producing their own beats, those who need to throw off the shackles of their day job and hit the club, share the decks or dance floor with like minded people. Below 4 people from 4 different cities around China with burgeoning electronic scenes, share their stories.
随着越来越多的卧室制作人在全国各地发出自己的声音。我们也不禁会想他们的夜生活到底怎样。他们也会像我们一样在下班之后找到同类,放个音乐, 跳个舞吗?下面来自四个不同城市的圈内人将分享他们的故事。

亲爱的变色蝴蝶 Dear Proximity Butterfly

上周在蒸汽旅舍的周年庆派对里,跟很多次一样,你们的音乐把我从院子里,从吧台,从聊天中拖到回到舞台前。这次听到热泪盈眶,我眼光瞄见蒸汽旅舍的老板毛毛,他向我会意的点了下头。Goodbye 是很复杂的过程,
Last week at the Steam hostel’s anniversary party, as so many times before, your music grabbed me from outside, from the bar, from mid conversation and dragged me to the dance floor. I felt a few tears pricking in my eyes as I listened to “Wonderful”. I looked over at the Steam hostel’s Mao Mao standing next to me and he gave me a little nod. I felt like he understood. Goodbyes are so complicated.

Cvalda's Chronicles of Chengdu Club Scene - Wooozy.cn

Lots of people know Cvalda, mostly due to the fact that over the years she’s come to be known as the “Chengdu representative”. Through out the scene in China she’s gained a reputation as a force for positive change in club culture. Actually she’s a veteran of the Chengdu club scene, starting out as a fan then transitioning to DJ, Promoter to organising her own events, even designing the posters. As part of her work she dives down into every aspect of club culture. Her passion fuelled by her memories spanning several years of the Chengdu club scene, looking on at the current scene wondering if other fans unaware of all that’s happened in the past can really understand and feel the uniqueness of club culture here.



For anyone thinking of working in the music business, Mark Reeder's career reads like a Linkedin tick-list. He cut his teeth working in Virgin Records flagship Manchester store before moving to Berlin in 1978 where he was the Germany rep for the now legendary Factory Records. He went on to co-manage all-girl outfit Malaria!, toured with New Order in his band Shark Vegas and, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, founded the first ever dance music label in former East Berlin, MFS. He even found time to produce the last ever pop record released in East Germany (Torture by Die Vision), show John Peel around Berlin for his Travels with my Camera documentary and discover superstar DJ Paul van Dyk. As one of the earliest pioneers of the 90s EDM sub-genre trance, it's little wonder that a recent Smirnoff Wall of Sound documentary described Mark as “The Godfather of the Berlin Music Scene”. Throw in a handful of remixes for the likes of Pet Shop Boys and Depeche Mode and a couple of albums of his own and you'd think he'd be happy coasting into retirement with nothing left to prove. That might have been the case until a chance conversation in 2013 not led to the creation of “B Movie: Lust and Sound in West Berlin 1979-1989”, a documentary looking at the music scene in a divided Berlin which has – perhaps surprisingly – gone on to become one of the biggest critical successes of his career.