
  • ¥5,400.00


  • 9


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  • 早鸟价
    9支持者 2018年8月20日 09:00
  • 原价
    0支持者 2018年8月20日 09:00



  1. 匿名
  2. 李红
  3. 匿名
  4. 李迎春
  5. 匿名
  6. 匿名
  7. 匿名
  8. 匿名
发布联系人: 2018城市当代艺术季

Marloes van Houten (荷兰)


舞蹈编导,地域学和哲学都将在此工作坊糅合。通过动作的探索和舞蹈编导练习,我们将会探寻大家在怎样的文化里成长,生活在现有的本土环境,是否影响着我们的身体和思维。为了哲学的一探究竟,找到我们生活的意义,我们通过此生创造给世界的影响。通过在舞蹈编导的方法里将一一阐述,身体会像画家的画笔一样挥动。我们居住在像诗一般的想象里,书写着像书法一样的文字。这位书法家的文笔会记载什么内容呢;我们将如何把自我的存在书写进这个世界?你独特的书法里将会通过笔法和线条呈现什么样的情绪,韵律和动作的质感呢? 三天的工作坊我们每天都有30分钟的热身练习,从瑜伽,呼吸的练习和当代舞动作中提取的 综合训练。跟随动作的探索逐步打开建立起新的肢体动作词汇的可能性;这部分将会集中在肢体探索,有时会是一个接一个,有时会是叠加的两至三个动作。然后,我们会进入舞蹈编导的框架里不同的练习,并以每位参与者短暂的分享和汇演为结束。这是通过像诗歌一般的书写进练习里,‘收获’我们的新视角,或者通过给彼此展示舞蹈编导的素材进而探索。所有的参与者将会在这三个板块的综合练习里深入学习。

Choreography, geography and philosophy are combined in this workshop series. Through movement research and choreographic assignments, we will explore how the culture we grew up in, and the current local context in which we life, has an effect on our bodies and mind. In terms of philosophy; the meaning of our lives, the impact we make through our lives into this world. Within the choreographic approach taken, the body is seen as an extension of the painters brush. Our lives imagined as a poem, a text written like a calligraphy. What would the content be of such a calligraphy; what is the text that we write into this world through our being? What is the emotion, the rhythm, the movement quality of the brushstroke and the linear gesture of your personal calligraphy? This workshop of three day parts will start each day with a warming up of 30 min, a mixture of yoga, breathing exercises and contemporary dance. Followed by movement research to open up to the possibilities of building up new movement vocabulary; this part will be quite physical, sometimes one on one, and sometimes in two’s or three’s. Then we will work on framed choreographic assignments and we’ll end each session with a short sharing/debriefing. This can be by “harvesting” our insights through a poem or drawing exercise, or by showing each other (part of the) choreographic material developed. The participants are advised to take part all three sessions because of the build up.


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2018年8月20日 09:00




  1. 匿名
  2. 李红
  3. 匿名
  4. 李迎春
  5. 匿名
  6. 匿名
  7. 匿名
  8. 匿名