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    2支持者 2018年8月24日 10:00
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    0支持者 2018年8月24日 10:00



  1. 肖倩
  2. 匿名
  3. 匿名
  4. 堰子
发布联系人: 2018城市当代艺术季

嬰兒一出生,就會感覺到身體被外界接觸,這個接觸感受是首次的,也是一個訊號,帶有歡迎、安全、溫暖等意思,充滿著愛及正能量。嬰兒收到這個訊號後,本能會作出回應,主動去接觸外界,主動和被動演變成互動,一連串的動作開始產生,這是與生俱來,無需學習。這個第一次接觸的經歴,是親子溝通的開始,每個人都有這個體驗,非常寶貴的記憶,你有印象嗎?身體有這記憶嗎?潛意識裡有沒有這些?接觸代表着甚麼?為甚麼我們想擁抱所愛的人?接觸和愛的有關係嗎?你喜歡主動去抱?還是享受被抱? 家長們,你喜歡抱孩子嗎?又想不想孩子抱你呢?被抱的感覺是怎樣的?這是角色對換的其中一種方式,還有其他嗎? 家長們,你和孩子是用甚麼方式溝通的?語言和文字以外,還有其他嗎?試過用身體和動作嗎?猜猜效果會怎樣?期待工作坊𥚃,見到大家!

When a baby is born, he or she can feel the body being touched by the outside world. This is the first experience of contact, and also a signal with a sense of welcome, safety, warmth etc. It is filled with love and positive energy. After the baby has received this signal, there is an instinctive response, of taking the initiative to contact the outside world. Being active and passive evolves into an interaction, and a series of actions follows. This does not require learning; we are born with it. This first experience of contact is the beginning of the parent-child communication. Everyone has this experience - a precious memory. Do you have any memory of it? Does the body have this memory? Are there any of these in the subconscious? What does contact mean? Why do we want to hug our love ones? Is contact and love related? Do you prefer to hug someone? or being hugged? Parents, do you like to hold your child? in return, would you like to be hugged by your child? What is the feeling of being embraced? This is one way of exchanging roles, can you think of others? Parents, in what ways do you communicate with your children? Except for language and words, are there any other ways? Have you tried using the body and movement? Without saying too much... looking forward to seeing you all in the workshop!


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2018年8月24日 10:10




  1. 肖倩
  2. 匿名
  3. 匿名
  4. 堰子