• ¥1,840.00


  • 23


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    23支持者 2018年10月19日 19:30



  1. 匿名
  2. 周燕熙
  3. 李年菊
  4. 徐志坤
  5. 江衡
  6. 张尧
  7. 程溦昕
  8. 熊雪佼
  9. 胡文煦
  10. 李年菊
  11. 孟雯晴

  12. ¥80.00
  13. 谭姝
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 匿名
  17. 匿名





“HIGH DEFINITION”高清四重奏是波兰顶级的专注于即兴音乐演奏的乐团,以其音乐的原创性和流动感为欧洲乐坛所知。乐团斩获无数爵士音乐节和比赛大奖,其中最著名一次的当属2011年夺得比利时Jazz Hoeilaart金奖。乐团中的音乐家也都手握多项大奖,其中钢琴手皮奥特·奥杰赫夫斯基(Piotr Orzechowski)于2011年获得瑞士蒙特勒爵士音乐节钢琴独奏比赛大奖,贝斯手阿兰·维克比兹(Alan Wykpisz)获2012年丹麦哥本哈根贝斯大赛大奖。High Definition还曾在2012年和2013年两次与美国传奇小号手兰迪·布雷克(Randy Brecker)同台献艺,并于2013年在环球唱片公司旗下发行了处女专辑“Hopasa”, 后在纽约曼哈顿音乐学校驻场演奏一年。乐队的首张专辑一经推出,就立刻收获了波兰国内爵士乐评人和爵士乐权威机构的一致好评,被誉为2013年度最佳唱片。2015年,乐队新专辑”Bukoliki”再次成为年度最佳。乐队钢琴手皮奥特·奥杰赫夫斯基在这张专辑中对波兰作曲家维托尔德·卢托斯瓦夫斯基(Witold Lutosławski)的作品进行了一系列全新改编,在国内外众多音乐节上的演出都大获成功,包括印度Jazz Utsav音乐节,美国罗切斯特爵士音乐节(Rochester Jazz Festival),加拿大埃德蒙顿爵士音乐节(Edmonton Jazz Festival),印尼Ubud爵士音乐节等著名爵士乐舞台。眼下,乐队即将于2018年发行第三张专辑,并将首次大胆尝试把原声即兴音乐与现代电子音乐加以融合,以期在艺术上得到新的突破。





亚当·密茨凯维奇的长诗《先人祭(Dziady)》是上世纪60年代最早流传入中国、并广为中国读者所熟知的优秀外国文学作品之一。2015年,波兰弗罗茨瓦夫剧院(Polski Theater in Wroclaw)早已将由此改编的戏剧作品带入北京首都剧场,让观众一睹为快。《先人祭》一书的中文再版也同步在中国各大书店发售。




“爵色波兰”2018年度中国巡演由Plateaux基金会鼎力支持。该活动作为2017-2021年“重获独立”长期项目的组成部分,受波兰文化与民族遗产部资助;同时也是密茨凯维奇学院“文化桥梁” 赠款工程的一部分。


High Definition四重奏

Mateusz Śliwa, tenor sax 高音萨克斯风

Piotr Orzechowski, piano 钢琴

Alan Wykpisz, double bass 低音贝斯

Grzegorz Pałka, drums 鼓


High Definition四重奏2018德国布莱梅Jazzahead音乐节实况


High Definition四重奏 Dziady feat. Basinski, Fennesz, Knittel, Rich


High Definition四重奏 at Tygmont Jazz Club, Warsaw, 2012


High Definition 四重奏 at Jazz in Ruins Festival, Gliwice, Poland, 2013


High Definition 四重奏 „Bukoliki”


Randy Brecker about High Definition part 1 & 2


More about Jazz Po Polsku 了解更多


More information about band 艺术家个人网站



HIGH DEFINITION QUARTET is a leading ensemble performing improvised music in Poland. Its originality and musical freshness are well-received in Europe – the quartet has won an array of the highest laurels at prestigious jazz festivals and competitions, including the most valuable of all – First Prize at Jazz Hoeilaart 2011 in Belgium. The ensemble musicians are also winners of prestigious individual competitions, among them such events as the Montreux Jazz Solo Piano Competition 2011 in Switzerland (Piotr Orzechowski) and Bass2012 Copenhagen in Denmark (Alan Wykpisz). The quartet has to its credit a collaboration with jazz trumpet giant Randy Brecker (USA), as part of which they have toured Poland (2012) and the Persian Gulf countries (2013). The quartet took part in a musical residency at the Manhattan School of Music in New York (2013) after its debut release – Hopasa (EmArcy Records/Universal, 2013). The disc received excellent reviews by the most renowned jazz journalists in Poland and became an Album of the Year 2013 according to the most opinion forming jazz magazines in Poland. Two years later the band recorded a new album titled Bukoliki (For Tune, 2015) that again was called the best disc of the year 2015. This programme is Orzechowski arrangement of Witold Lutosławski music and was performed successfully at the biggest festivals in Poland and abroad, among others Jazz Utsav (Delhi/India); Rochester Jazz Festival (USA); Edmonton Jazz Festival (Canada), Ubud Jazz Festival (Indonesia), as well as at famous clubs such as Bohemian Caverns (Washington), or Opus Jazz (Budapest – Hungary). The band’s newest program titled The Forefather’s Eve that is an unprecedented meeting of two musical worlds – acoustic improvised music with contemporary electronic music – is due to be released in 2018 

About the current concerts

The band will perform a special program dedicated to one of the most important Polish writer of all time. The programme is based on one of the best known Polish romantic drama "Dziady" written by Adam Mickiewicz (1822), considered as an one of the great works of European Romanticism. The project is a true testament for showing first-hand how music can be a bridge between diverse genres and times. The heart of the project is to meet the human world with the spiritual world. It is a music project in its entirety.


The Chinese audience already had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Adam Mickiewicz's "Dziady" (Forefathers' Eve) – it was the first (written) foreign work, the fragments of which were translated to Chinese after the end of the Cultural Revolution. In 2015, the Beijing audience watched for the first time the theatrical version of "Forefathers' Eve", performed by the artists of the Polski Theater in Wrocław. At the same time, the reprint of the Chinese translation of the entire Mickiewicz's drama appeared in bookshops.


The concerts will enrich the world celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence.


The concerts are organized by the Plateaux Foundation as part of the “Jazz Po Polsku - Live in China 2018". The project was financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, within the scope of the Multiannual Program INDEPENDENT 2017-2021, as part of the "Cultural bridges" subsidy program of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. The performances are organized in cooperation with the Chinese Association of Jazz Musicians (CJA) and supported by the Polish Institute - Culture Department of the Polish Embassy in Beijing, Consulates General of the Republic of Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shanghai.


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2018年10月19日 19:30




  1. 匿名
  2. 周燕熙
  3. 李年菊
  4. 徐志坤
  5. 江衡
  6. 张尧
  7. 程溦昕
  8. 熊雪佼
  9. 胡文煦
  10. 李年菊
  11. 孟雯晴

  12. ¥80.00
  13. 谭姝
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 匿名
  17. 匿名