12.14 Nick Curly@Nomad

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    1支持者 2018年12月14日 22:00
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    0支持者 2018年12月14日 22:00



  1. 豌豆
发布联系人: Nomad



20世纪,德国西部的Mannheim提出了“over the house sound”的口号。这座城市对俱乐部文化及电子音乐的热情蓬勃发展,以至于最近还专门选举了“夜间市长”。其中,一位音乐人用自己的名字,定义了“the sound of Mannheim”——Nick Curly。



如果关注有着电子音乐业内“圣经”之称的Resident Advisor(RA),那你对 Nick Curly不会陌生。他与Maceo Plex, Butch, Radio Slave 和 Maya Jane Coles,共同名列世界最受欢迎艺人榜单前五。



Nick Curly是“出名要趁早”的代表人物之一。和所有精力充沛又充满探索欲的少年一样,15的Nick岁开始瞒着父母偷偷潜入俱乐部。自发的学习钻研,让他成为了Vibration Club、Loft Club的驻场。Nick一路走来的历程,音乐就是唯一主线,发布作品与演出几乎填充了他所有时间。能终其一生只专注一件事的人,肯定是极幸福的。不然Nick不会在持续“霸占”各家媒体头条的情况下,仍然坚持着早在他9岁第一次触摸键盘时,就许下的“创造能与人交流的音乐”的愿望。

他的坚持在于,显然他的名气已经被推至顶端时,他仍然没有被商业化的宣传所影响。2012年,他发行了首张艺术专辑《Between The Lines》。这张专辑节奏稍慢的感觉,可能让人意外。它是适合无所事事时,长途跋涉时或者思维漫游的艺术合辑,而并非普遍意义上,目的性极强的音乐市场运作的产物。



Nick Curly ‎– Between The Lines


Style:House, Tech House


它着重捕捉情感,其中包含现场演奏的乐器音色,赋予了声音更多深度。邀请了著名歌手Rebecca Maas、Luca Sportiello,Worthy Davis表现人声部分。Nick曾坦言,这样一张注重声音质量与音乐艺术本质的作品,是他一直想要呈现的。其中的单曲《Piano in the Dark》和《Underground》都是鲜明的例子。毫无疑问,他取得了巨大的成功。其发行的厂牌就是Nick自己创立的deep & minimal House 、 Techno 唱片厂牌Cecille Records。

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Nick Curly自己创办的Records label.

这位变化多端、充满活力的艺术家在早期创立了许多唱片公司。目前,他的工作重点是8Bit,正使其不断壮大。除此之外,Cocoon Recordings和Defected等行业巨头都在Nick Curly的故事中扮演了重要角色。在Cocoon Recordings发布的12”专辑《Sun City EP》,成为该厂牌2011年最畅销作品。紧接着Nick操刀了Cocoon Ibiza mix 合辑《Party Animals》。同时《Piano In The Dark 》EP在Defected上的发行,使得他与这家英国巨头建立了紧密联系。在Defected的Ibiza Show上的成功——《in the House》系列,于2013年发布并在全球巡演。Defected呈现了Nick Curly在《in the House》中House与Techno的感性、深沉的结合,以及厂牌与艺术家之间关系发展的自然演变。

在唱片公司中的迅速崛起,让Nick将他的DJ才能带到国际舞台。Nick成为了Space Ibiza的驻场,并且几乎每周末都出现在“Kehakuma”概念派对活动上。Kehakuma的概念总是与实验和前卫相关联,代表了Ibiza之夜的音乐激情,受到优雅和东方极简主义的影响,自2009年一直是地下派对的主要参考之一。在这个时候,尼克开始世界巡演,在亚洲、南美和澳大利亚都取得了出色的成绩,同时也不断在国际一线俱乐部Warung, Womb 和 Fabric等演出。这个早期阶段的成功在2011年夏天达到顶峰。

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Nick Curly与Kehakuma

2014年尼克带来了全球100多场巡回演出,同时也推出了他的系列派对——“Trust“,该系列在北美BPM音乐节首次亮相,Nick首次担任策展人。Trust迅速加快步伐,现在已经开始进军音乐节舞台,在英国的UK’s Found Festival ,荷兰的the Netherlands’ Edit Festival,Nick与Sasha、Davide Squillace、Matthias Tanzmann和Steve Lawler等音乐人同台演出。在这一过程中,“Trust”也在Watergate, Moscow’s Gipsy ,London’s EGG, Badaboum in Paris, 还有Barcelona巴塞罗那休市期间的年度户外活动中,得到体现.。

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Nick Curly的Trust系列派对海报

在这个社交媒体不断曝光的时代,尼克仍然相当“守旧”,他在录音室里不断创新,潜移默化地改进他的声音,为世界各地的前卫思维提供服务。这意味着他既可以在一个小而亲密的俱乐部演奏,也可以在室外舞台上与更多的观众交流。这一点在他的作品中得到了体现。他的动力仍然来自于,与任何愿意倾听的人分享自己的感受和情绪。他没有赶着时间,也没有赶着上头条,而是只发布对他来说真正特别的东西。随着2015年专辑《Truesoul》,2018年专辑《 Knee Deep In Sound》的发布,以及与慕尼黑歌手合作的一首非常个人化的新单曲《Freedom》,Nick Curly继续设定他自己至关重要且多变的音乐日程。

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It is now a decade since Nick Curly announced himself on the international stage, and the Mannheim artist remains very much at the heart of the scene. Still innovating in the studio, subtly evolving his sound and serving up forward thinking sets around the world, he has continued to establish his 8Bit label as one of the most influential out there. 

Recent years have also seen Nick branch out with Cocoon Recordings, his own carefully curated event series. Each one finds him play in handpicked locations around the world from Sonus Festival to Watergate, Mint Club in Leeds to The Bow in Buenos Aires via BPM Festival, Fabric and Razzmatazz and ZT Hotel, Barcelona. Playing with him are a choice selection of his friends and peers and each party allows dancers deep into Nick Curly’s musical world. 

That world continues to take in slick, infectious tech house sounds that range in mood and come on labels like Knee Deep in Sound and Truesoul, as well as, mostly, his own mighty 8Bit. Of course, Nick also ran Cecille until a few years ago, and it helped introduce the world to the now much loved Mannheim sound. The label’s goal was always to prise quality over quantity, and so went into extended hiatus in order to stay true to that. As more and more people continue to send Nick exciting demos, though, he feels the time might soon be right for it to return. 

In these times of constant social media exposure, Nick has remained rather old school in that he would rather be judged for his music than his memes. It has served him well and continues to see him play headline slots at over 100 places each year. Also continuing to mark him out is his ever growing discography, which includes his genre defining ‘Between The Lines’ album release on Defected, and vital ‘In The House’ compulsion on the same revered label, as well as plenty of fantastically functional and well formed 12”s. 

Back at the start of his career, Nick held down some key residencies which helped honed his craft in the DJ booth. It means he is able to play to a small and intimate club as well as connect with larger audiences at outdoor stages. That is reflected in his productions, which always find new life in tech house grooves and continue to keep dancers dancing and DJs in supply of dance floor dynamite. Proof of that comes from the fact he is never far away from the top of various online charts or the most charted section of online bible Resident Advisor. 

Nick Curly has the same aspirations as he did when he first started playing keyboards aged nine: to make music that connects with people. He might now have a bigger audience than ever before, but he is still driven by sharing feelings and emotions with anyone who will listen. Rather than rushing out tunes to meet a deadline or stay in the headlines, he only puts things out that feel truly special to him. With more planned for Knee Deep In Sound and Truesoul, as well as a very personal new single ‘Freedom’ with a vocalist from Munich, Nick Curly continues to set his own vital and varied musical agenda. 


DJ Blue



DJ BLUE, 一个具有极强律动感和灵魂音色的舞池掌控者,Deep minimal tech house是她的标志...在她的音乐里你可以听到爵士,迷幻,古典,实验电子的影响.DJ BLUE每年游历于世界各大音乐节。minimal techno中融入house音乐的精华,micro house律动中穿插着Romania techno的节奏.根据环境和心情,与舞池对话而制造出的惊喜更能让她充满热情.




普乐电音PLUR LAB主理人,90后锐舞文化推广者,同时也是一名纹身艺术工作者。2014年开始效力于推动本土电子音乐文化。2017年正式加入普乐电音团队,并创办了普乐实验室,开始了DJ和音乐制作的道路。全身心地投入到听觉美学与视觉美学的研究。从他的音乐里能够感受到千变万化又丰富多彩的情感世界,简单却不失内涵,柔软却富有弹性。



D182,独立电子音乐人,从小深受摇滚乐的影响,曾是国内著名流行朋克乐队The Wheel的鼓手。2012年在重庆创办H2O地下跳舞俱乐部。D182在早期就开始尝试各种风格的音乐创作,寻求独特的音乐理念,有着独特的审美和鲜活的创造力。无论是摇滚还是激进自由的电子乐,他都能从极简的角度去营造个人音乐氛围,加上强大的律动节奏和干净深邃的音色,使的现场具有极强感召力,深受大家喜爱。



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2018年12月14日 22:00




  1. 豌豆