6.17|Henning Baer

  • ¥6,280.00


  • 86


  • Expired

This campaign ends on June 17, 2018

  • 预售票
    66 Backers June 17, 2018 22:00
  • 早鸟票
    20 Backers June 17, 2018 22:00



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  11. Eddy Wong
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  14. ¥400.00

  15. ¥80.00
  16. Rui
  17. 徐子喧
  18. 春丽
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  20. yoyo
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  22. 九眼桥一个
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  24. w
  25. Anonymous
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  31. 来了来了
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  34. 大神
  35. 又来了
  36. Henning 粉丝
  37. Anonymous
  38. Anonymous
  39. ninjia
  40. Anonymous
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  43. 姬尘
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Contact: .TAG




联合呈现 / PRESENT 


记得去年当.TAG重新回归到”魔方大厦”,这位大神Henning Baer 带给了大家一个震撼的夜晚,舞池持续沸腾到第二天上午。让整个夏天缺少锐舞派对的成都,重新燃烧起电子音乐所带来的愉悦享受和精神释放。

这次,将由视觉团队CANTTOUCH LAB、33 STUDIO 和TAG一起联合呈现这个端午节重要的现场。同时也是33 STUDIO在TAG主办的周日主题派对“CATCH 33”的第二场活动。在柏林最好玩聚集最多party animal的after派对总在星期日,“CATCH 33”将致力于在星期日继续为成都带来品质保障的音乐现场,并从33 Studio输出新生代年轻DJ,为成都地下电子音乐注入新力量。


——Henning Baer——


“ Keep pace with the times,keep up with the world.”



作为Grounded Theory的驻场DJ,也是其创始人之一,著名活动和音乐策划人,以及全球知名的高品位DJ,Henning Baer一手建立起了自己的傲人简历。

As the senior resident DJ of Grounded Theory, one of its founders, curator of its celebrated agency and events, and a DJ of worldwide renown for ability and tastes, Henning Baer forged his enviable résumé with his own hands. 

自2009年开始以来,Grounded Theory 已经从柏林techno的一个新概念发展成为一个在其家乡和周边地区艺术夜生活的同义词。 以Henning长年在电子音乐的前线提炼出来的锐利远景和无误的判断力,它保持着多元化和尖端感。 反观Henning Baer的DJ set,Grounded Theory结合了来自不同时代和不同地域的音乐,扎根于techno,但同时却保证你听到的是在柏林舞场不常听到的声音:各类新老音乐人有前卫英国音乐,实验电子产品和全球各地的地下techno名号。


Since its beginning in 2009, Grounded Theory has grown from a bracing new idea in Berlin techno to an institution of artistic nightlife both at its home and around the continent. Directed with acute vision and unerring judgment, its philosophy extracted from Henning’s long years at the front lines of electronic music, it remains diverse and cutting edge. Mirroring Henning Baer's DJ sets, Grounded Theory combines music from different eras and areas, remaining rooted in techno while shedding light on sounds less frequently heard on Berlin dance floors: forward UK music, experimental electronics, and underground techno names from across the globe, both new and established.   


Henning Baer Boiler Room Berlin DJ set


Henning Baer最近在Taanstaafl Planets的EP上推出了新颖的新创作,表现出更强大的独立性。 他的MANHIGH发行巩固了自己作品的基础,与少数通过这位techno最优秀的耳朵之一的考验的精选作品一并发行。 在Sonic Groove,K209和其他地方推出了备受推崇的音乐后,世界各地的歌迷都非常期待能够听到更多和Grounded Theory相匹敌的厂牌音乐。


Henning Baer -Bliss


Henning Baer is asserting greater independence with innovative new production styles on a recent EP for Taanstaafl Planets. The launch of his own MANHIGH imprint buttresses the foundation of his own work, to be built up alongside a select few whose productions meet the curatorial acumen of one of techno’s finest ears. After esteemed releases on Sonic Groove, K209 and elsewhere, fans worldwide have much to look forward to from a label whose standards match those of Grounded Theory. 


Henning Baer -Moving Ground


作为一名受人尊敬的艺术家,Henning的勤奋将他从柜台带到了Hardwax的货架上,从舞池到Berghain的dj台。 现在,在这些傲人成绩之上,他继续发展自身,深刻地将当代techno从最近的记忆塑造进可预见的未来。



Already a respected artist, Henning’s diligence has transported him from the counter to the shelves of Hardwax and from the floor to the booth of Berghain in regular appearances. Now he is building further upon these impressive accomplishments, profoundly shaping contemporary techno from recent memory into the foreseeable future.


Support: 33 Studio DJs

在成都的电子乐场景中,几位充满热情的年轻人走到了一起,希望通过自身的努力将关于电子乐的技术与艺术传递给更多的爱好者。怀揣传播电子乐文化的共同理想与多年的音乐经验,成立了DJ&音乐制作的教学项目的——33 Studio,旨在让年轻人感受节奏和旋律为肢体带来快乐的同时更能了解电子乐背后的文化,以及掌控音乐技艺表达的独特审美体验。








Hidden Bar: 33 Studio DJs









VJ: Canttouch Lab



Canttouch Lab 创立于2013年,关注于声音视觉化工作,实验了大量 3D 投影(3D Mapping Projection)和声音影像Remix,后运用体感、触摸等方式创作灯光、影像、声音等交互装置作品,以此探索多感官之间的关系。曾多次参与大型艺术节舞台视觉工作和展览活动。


About .TAG


.TAG的成⽴初衷是为⼈们带来高品质的电⼦乐。为⼤家提供一个场合跳舞,  享受音乐,结交朋友,释放,获得力量与灵感,回归本质,有责任地⽣活。我们热爱跳舞,但TAG不⽌是⼀家俱乐部。我们希望传递平等与分享的理念,摒弃媚俗,抵达诚恳。我们相信⼀个群体的每个个体决定着这个社会是怎样的。我们想看到怎样的现实,取决于每个⼈有着怎样的内心。我们不仅跳舞。我们更关心通往更完善世界的道路。电⼦乐连接起这个群体与世界。


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