5.4 Maybe Mars Presents: Gate to Otherside

  • ¥240.00


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    4 Backers May 4, 2017 20:30



  1. 国贸英雄
  2. 利天翔
  3. csj
Contact: NUART


Maybe Mars Presents




入场 Doors : 20:00
开始 Start : 20:30


55 Kuixinglou St, Qingyang, Chengdu






Gate to Otherside


2015年初,由孙鹤庭担任主唱与吉他手、艾绿绿(Alex)担任贝斯手以及姜梦洋担任鼓手的Gate to Otherside乐队正式成立。同年3月的某个周二,Gate to Otherside在XP Club 首次亮相之后,那梦幻而野性的音乐和舞台表现一下子令他们从众乐队中脱颖而出。这支年轻的乐队已在两年多时间里积累了丰富的舞台经验,正如其名Gate to Otherside (意外之门),他们往六十年代的迷幻、车库中灌入厚实的噪音基底,用原始能量带领听众冲破固有的知觉,将熟悉的已知世界抛在身后,穿过“意外之门”去往神秘与未知的另一边。


孙鹤庭 - 吉他手、主唱
姜梦洋 - 鼓手、和声
绿绿 - 贝斯手


豆瓣 https://site.douban.com/unexpecteddoore/

微博 http://weibo.com/u/5281206717

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gate-to-Otherside-143159239384676/



Are you stressing out? Are you FREAKING OUT? What you so worried about? Pass through the unexpected door with Gate to Otherside, Beijing’s latest dose of psychedelic brainwave modification therapy. Gate to Otherside is greater than the sum of its parts, but let’s start with those: vocalist/guitarist Sun Heting (aka Monkey), who cut his teeth in the Beijing underground drumming for such luminaries as Carsick Cars and Skip Skip Ben Ben; bassist Alex Turner, who’s also played a turn in Carsick Cars; and drummer Jiang Mengyang, who can otherwise be found shredding the axe in Beijing’s premiere riot grrrl punk unit, Free Sex Shop.

These three twist into stranger shapes here. Gate to Otherside takes the shambolic charisma of early psych pioneers and matches it with the catchy jangle-riffage of Carsick Cars and The Gar, tying their sundry influences together into a tight noise-pop package on par with the current Beijing underground rock’n’roll zeitgeist. Gate to Otherside draws its lineage from the Maybe Mars discography, to which it will add its own debut album in 2017.


Sun Heting - guitarist & vocal
Jiang Mengyang - drummer & background vocal
Alex - bassist


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gate-to-Otherside-143159239384676/

Douban: https://site.douban.com/unexpecteddoore/

Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/5281206717


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关于Gate to Otherside 《龙车站》 
About the album Dragon Bus Terminal


l  专辑名字

专辑名字《龙车站》的来由完全是巧合的意外,一次我和Ex-Punishment(原The yours)的主唱Jack微信聊到我们的新专辑,他前后问了我两个问题,一个是专辑的名字,当时我还没有什么想法,另一个是关于我在蒙古捡到的一只小狗(小龙)。捡她的那个地方是乌兰巴托的长途客车站,叫做Dragon Bus Terminal,结果Jack误以为Dragon Bus Terminal就是专辑的名字,我们都觉得这是个很好的主意,于是《龙车站》这个专辑名字就这么定下来了。


l  Title

We got the name “Dragon Bus Terminal” from a chatting with Ex-Punishment’s Jack. He asked me about our new album title and before I answered that question he threw out another question about my puppy. I had no idea about the album title at that time, so I just replied his last question about my puppy, “Dragon Bus Terminal”, I sent the message, that’s the bus terminal where I got my dog in Ulan Bator. Jack thought it’s the album title and it’s cool to him. Then I realized maybe I can actually use “Dragon Bus Terminal” for our band’s new album. It’s a good name, why not?


l  专辑封面

几年前在Carsick Cars巡演到香港的时候,The Yours的Jack和Tim带我和何凡在南丫岛游玩,碰见了一个卖蜡染的老太太,当时我特别喜欢这幅蜡染作品就买了回家。后来在构思专辑封面设计的时候,我们曾经尝试过别的想法,始终觉得不尽人意,直到忽然有一天我看到了一那幅挂在墙上的蜡染,上面就是一条龙啊,便觉得非它莫属。后来我们联系了作者所在的蜡染艺术馆,拿到授权,这样专辑的封面就定了下来。

Album Art

When I toured in Hong Kong with Carsick Cars (I used to play drum for Carsick Cars), Jack and Tim (both from Hong Kong band Ex-Punishment) brought me and He Fan (former Carsick Cars’ bass player) to Lama Island. We happened to meet a grandma there, selling batiks. There was one piece attracted my attention immediately. I bought it without hesitation. One day, when I was looking for idea about the album cover at home, after many dissatisfactory tries, this batik hung on the wall jumped in my sight. Yes, the pattern on it just looks like dragon, fits the name “Dragon Bus Terminal” well. So I decided to use this image as the cover art. After getting the authorization from a batik gallery in Guizhou. This piece of batik became Gate to Otherside’s album cover.


l  乐队及专辑


2014年12月,贝斯手绿绿加入,Gate to Otherside乐队正式成立;




Band and Album 

October 2014, Guitarist Sun Heting had first play with drummer Jiang Mengyang on Jiang’s birthday in rehearse room.

December 2014, bassist Alex joined, Gate to Otherside was founded.

December 2015, band recorded 12 tracks they wrote earlier that year, and selected 9 out of 12 for debut album “Dragon Bus Terminal”.


dragon bus terminal gto album art




Chengdu up and coming four piece Sonicave. Post-punk / no wave. Echoes of The Slits, Patti Smith, Siouxsie and the Banshees. Keep an eye on this band.



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