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    September 9, 2017 22:00
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    September 9, 2017 22:00
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Lexus Lewis出生在199136日,因艺名Lex Luger而被人熟知,来自美国Virginia州的Suffolk的音乐制作人。他在很年轻的时候便开始学鼓,编曲及做beats。然后他开始使用打碟机(CD机),他也会在Music Generator(一款游戏)上制作beats

他曾居住在亚特兰大,他想要去找到那种纯粹的Trap音乐。在亚特兰大期间他接到了Kanye West打来的电话。他甚至都不知道那个和他畅聊了30分钟的人是Kanye West。事后得知之后,Lex Luger激动到不能自已,立马答应了飞去New YorkKanye一起工作。他向Kanye播放了很多他做的不同的beatsKanye出乎意料的对其中的几首beats很感兴趣。最终他给Kanye留下了8beats,其中的一首成为了后来Kanye的“HAM”的beatsLex称这个beats就像是一部电影,Kanye不停向其中加入一些元素,部件,最后完美地完成了它。

Lexus Lewis (born March 6, 1991) better known by his stagename Lex Luger, is an American record producer from Suffolk, Virginia. Got started playing the drums and learned about beats, measurements and bars. Then he started working with turntables. Music Generator was a game for Playstation 2, and he would make beats on it.

He was in Atlanta and just happened to have the radio loud enough to hear the beginning of the song. Also while in Atlanta, he got a phone call from Kanye West. He did not even realize who he was talking to for about 30 minutes. Once realizing who it was, Lex was excited and agreed to fly to New York to work with Kanye.  He played him many different beats and was surprised that Kanye liked certain ones. He would eventually leave Kanye with 8 beats, one of them being the beat for the single “HAM”. Lex would call the beat a “movie”, stating how Kanye added a lot of other pieces to the song that made it what it is.

Luger is also a member of the hip hop production duo Low Proswith A-Trak and the VABP (Virginia Boyz Productionz), a production group that he founded back in high school.Luger’s austere and utilitarian trap sound has been well known for his heavy use of hard hitting 808′s, crisp snare drums, frantic synthesizers, sinister and rhythmic Danny Elfman-like bombastic ominous orchestration of synthesized brass, stringed, woodwind, and keyboard instruments commonly incorporated throughout his productions. At the 2011 BET Awards, Luger won the award for Producer of the Year.

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