
  • ¥1,500.00


  • 50


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  • 预售一张
    50支持者 2017年12月8日 21:00



  1. Tim
  2. ray
  3. 大蛇
  4. 匿名
  5. 七十只毛
  6. 巫佳宸
  7. 小鱼
  8. 七十只毛
  9. hui
  10. 张珍蕊
  11. 匿名
  12. Ana
  13. T3
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 匿名
  17. 纽西克
  18. 匿名
  19. 匿名
  20. 章鱼鱼
  21. 匿名
  22. 匿名
  23. 匿名
  24. 匿名
  25. 白卡
  26. 毛彦锦
  27. HE
  28. 匿名
  29. 林木
  30. T3
  31. Sub
  32. 匿名

  33. ¥60.00
发布联系人: .TAG





2017.12.8(Fri..)   21:00-late


Support DJs 

Sunny W /Ewan / !SSY




预售pre :30¥   现场door:50¥







作为 .TAG 的老朋友

这次 .TAG 专门采访了 DONN



As .TAG’s old friend, 

here are our interviews about 

how he thinks about become a DJ:



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When did you come to China and why did you come here? What do you think about the music atmosphere of China?


* D:我2012年离开新加坡选择了上海而不是柏林。我认识那儿的一帮子音乐圈的重要人物。我充满了期待同时也很好奇即将发生的一切。

I chose Shanghai to Berlin for my relocation plan out of Singapore in 2012. I knew a hand full of key people in the music industry here and my expectation was full of hope but extremely curious for what to expect. 




When is the first time you got in touch with electronic music?


* D:1996-1999年我在大学主修音乐,开始接触电子乐。我二十几岁的时候一直在调鼓器和搞和弦。

I first got my hands washed in electronic music when I was in university majoring in Music Studies from 1996-1999. At that time, I was actively sequencing drum machines and tweaking synths in my early 20s.




What made you want to become a DJ?


* D:我做 DJ 的一个原因是我意识到我的音乐很广:可以在晚宴,时尚秀,叔叔的葬礼,大型音乐节上信手拈来。

One of the reasons I continued to be a DJ is because I realized my collection was wide enough to work a dinner lounge, fashion show, my uncle’s funeral to slaving a frenzy set of bass techno sounds to a bunch of music heads!



4你的音乐风格是什么? 影响你音乐最深的是谁?

What is your music style? Is there anyone that affects your music a lot?


* D:我有一个底特律 house techno 的底子,随着时间的磨练,加入了我自己的风格进行折衷。现在很大程度音乐调制和 techno 元素。

I had a Detroit House techno foundation to start with over time my style ventured electronically thick into eclecticism. Of late it has deeply been stripped in modulation and techno. 



5成为 DJ 最大的挑战是什么?

What do you think is the biggest challenge to become a DJ?


* D:如果有能力做 DJ,挑战会越来越少而机会无穷无尽

Challenges are less now if one is qualified to becoming a DJ. There are only advantages and endless opportunities today.



DJ 只是你的爱好之一,你还做什么?

I heard that DJing is just your hobby, besides DJing, what else are you doing?


* D:很多爱好是一生的。玩音乐,讨论音乐。我靠管理预定音乐人和制作音乐为生。我组织音乐节,宣传音乐派对,管理新音乐人才以及尝试新颖的音乐体验。

Most hobbies are a lifetime .. playing to discussing music is my life. I make a living directing music booking artists to producing music. I create music festivals ,promote parties manage new music talents as well as curate innovative music experiences. 




What kind of music do you want to perform for Chengdu ?


* D:我会在新的名叫 Patterns的系列派对中打碟。音域很广,包括:psychedelic house,deep音乐,techno等。

I will be featuring a new series of parties called Patterns that covers a range of electronic drone music psychedelic house Deep, music for techno formations.





对于 Donn 来说,电音舞曲的世界像宇宙一样浩瀚无垠,各种风格他都能相当成熟的驾驭。作为一个经验丰富的音乐布道人,这位音乐品位很高的鉴赏者,非常擅长控制舞池的节奏和营造良好的互动氛围,往往能挑选出能将舞池气氛推到最高潮的set。当DONN放起音乐,没人还能傻站着。


Donn, from Singapore, is one of the trend-setters there. His versatile music enables him to blend in both underground and commercial parties. From Disco、Deep House to Bass & Techno, he has them all! In his sets, there are always unexpected elements. Everyone are anticipating something brand new in his music. He's known for being able to combine beats from the past and the future efficiently. 








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2017年12月8日 21:00




  1. Tim
  2. ray
  3. 大蛇
  4. 匿名
  5. 七十只毛
  6. 巫佳宸
  7. 小鱼
  8. 七十只毛
  9. hui
  10. 张珍蕊
  11. 匿名
  12. Ana
  13. T3
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 匿名
  17. 纽西克
  18. 匿名
  19. 匿名
  20. 章鱼鱼
  21. 匿名
  22. 匿名
  23. 匿名
  24. 匿名
  25. 白卡
  26. 毛彦锦
  27. HE
  28. 匿名
  29. 林木
  30. T3
  31. Sub
  32. 匿名

  33. ¥60.00