4.20 BARKER 重庆站 My House 3 yrs @ Echo Bay

  • 预售
    2018年4月20日 22:00
发布联系人: Wu

预售Presale 50      现场门票Door 80






提到Sam Barker这位在整个欧洲舞曲界都有着非凡影响力的音乐人, 就不得不提到他的各种身份。所谓能者多劳, 形容这位多面手再贴切不过。制作上, 他更多倾注在与Panorama Bar驻场nd_baumecker组成的Barker & Baumecker。这对饱受赞誉的双人组作为柏林俱乐部Berghain的驻场在其专属厂牌Ostgut Ton旗下的发行均是制作精良的上层之作: 无论是早期乐评口碑最佳之一的专辑《Transsektoral》和还是近期耳目一新的《Turns》。二人默契十足的演出现场将bass, breakbeat, dub 和ambient等各种类型丰富的元素巧妙融合的同时也兼顾着舞池的热度。
Barker其实标准的科班出身, 学习研究的就是音乐专业。甚至连早期成长经历,他从13岁起就开始学习使用身边所有能接触到的乐器,并开启了个人的电子创作旅程。2002年, 他搬到英国南部学习音乐期间开始涉足繁荣的实验音乐, 开始推广自己的活动Instrumentality。4年里, 每周都在鼓动一些互动,合作,进步,发展, 不断实验, 尝试。渐渐地, 作为一位受过专业音乐教育, 拥有较高音乐素养和丰富知识背景的音乐人, 他也拥有了另外一层鲜为人知, 但又十分有趣的身份: 一位活跃的乐器设计师和制造行家, 化名Voltek, 从事编程技术, 模拟, 声乐器材制造方面的工作。后期, 他更受邀前往Techno发源地底特律,驻场,研究开发中的项目, 和底特律传奇组合Underground Resistance成员Ray7在空旷的工厂里自行搭建, 自制电子打击乐器, 并录制一些影音材料。留驻期间他在Underground Resistance总部,John Collins和Mike Banks共同经营的Detroit Techno Museum进行了深切互动。
移居Techno天堂柏林是在2007年。也许很多人了解他是通过Berghain驻场的身份或是和The Field的长期合作, 但这位长期旅居柏林的英国音乐人身上可深入挖掘的地方远不仅如此, 比如他还有一层在业界举足轻重的角色: 指标性厂牌/ 元老级主办方Leisure System联合创始人。

厂牌主推艺人和令人瞠目结舌的重量级发行, 让一切不言而喻:底特律传奇双人组Dopplereffekt和如日中天的Techno怪杰Objekt联合发行的合辑《Hypnagogia》, 其中Objekt的《Ganzfeld》被权威媒体Resident Advisor评为当年50首年度最佳作品第一名 ; 底特律Tehcno奇才Jimmy Edgar和Machinedrum以JETS名义发表的首张同名EP, 造就无可复制的双人组神话;可圈可点的还有Techno制作人Joe Farr和英式Grime代表人物Visionist等各领域佼佼者的发行, 当然还包括Barker自己发行的EP Like An Animal, 这一系列发行成功开辟了一条通向未来舞曲的道路。
视野宽广的Barker从各个角度严谨把控Leisure System的品质。除了厂牌发行,更是经验丰富的主办方。幕后主创个个都是业界精英, 参与其中的包括Warp Records原始成员及Boiler Room / CTM音乐节首脑Michail。Leisure System在Berghain的第一场派对是在2008年, 如今已经历10个年头, 是Berghain为数不多, 经营时间最久的驻场派对之一。然而他们的身影不仅仅活跃于柏林,同样遍布世界各地, 例如有莫斯科Berghain之称的Amar17, 伦敦的XOYO...
多年来, Barker一直在努力推动柏林的舞曲场景, 围绕着4/4拍Techno领域, 走向其中心, 但又不拘泥于此 。长期经营Leisure System这样一个多元风格的厂牌,他的DJ现场彰显出的独特品味, 和厂牌所呈现的气质如出一辙。东渡柏林并树立自己音乐口碑的他, 可以说最能体现目前舞曲界融合风格的代表人物, 期待他此行的中国巡演, 和Say Yes, Lab studio一同在成都,重庆, 上海,深圳,香港同步传递欧陆舞曲界最具前瞻性和融合性的声音!
As a musician, DJ and co-founder of the Leisure System label, Sam Barker has helped push the boundaries of dance music in Berlin, looking beyond the realm of 4/4 techno to explore left-field sound design and rhythmic complexity. His musical approach – both solo and in the duo Barker & Baumecker with longtime Panorama Bar resident nd_baumecker – unselfconsciously combines bass music tropes, breakbeat, dub and ambient elements while still maintaining a strong connection to the dance floor.
Barker grew up learning every instrument he could get his hands on, and, by age 13, had started with his own electronic productions. In 2002 he moved to Brighton to study music, and became involved with the flourishing experimental scene there. He started promoting his own events under the name “Instrumentality”, and event that encouraged improvisation, collaboration, and electronic experiments every week for four years. During this time he built up a sizeable collection of analogue hardware that became the backbone for his work as Voltek. A classically trained musician, the British-born Barker is also an active instrument designer and builder who combines coding skills with analogue, electric and acoustic instrument construction. Most recently he worked together with Underground Resistance’s Ray 7 on a sonic architectural exploration of empty factories in Detroit using self-programmed analogue percussion instruments.

In 2007, he moved to Berlin. Since co-founding Leisure System, which now boasts one of the longest club night residencies at Berghain, Barker’s broad musical vision has not only guided his other Barker & Baumecker release, Turns, but also Barker’s curatorial direction for Leisure System, which now boasts one of the longest club night residencies at Berghain. Having put out records by the likes of Dopplereffekt, as well early EPs by Objekt and Visionist (not to mention his own 2011 EP Like An Animal), Barker has proudly operated on techno’s periphery – and, in the process, sought to shift its center.



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