6/9 DJ AFRO &鸡腿饭RACO G

  • 预售票
    2018年6月9日 22:00
  • 现场票
    2018年6月9日 22:00
发布联系人: SHFT.



 屏幕快照 2018-05-23 下午1.06.06


DJ AFRO was an unknown street player. He suddenly jumped on the global stage to DMC in 2009, where he slayed individual and team competitions during the DMC Championship in 2010. From there he went to the final in UK as the representative for Taiwan.His track selection combined with his unique scratch and turntablism set him apart from the competition. Crowds were wowed by his energetic performance and distinct personal style.

除了曾担任台北传奇夜店-LUXY(现今OMNI),驻场DJ,并于台湾各大夜店登台主秀之外,也是台湾知名DJ团体-“A.K.G”三巨头之一。参与诸多国际DJ赛事亦为常胜军,堪称台湾界比赛的大魔王,近期更在“2017RedBull 3Style Taiwan”DJ赛事中夺得冠军王位,成为台湾目前唯一拥有DMC与“RedBull 3Style”台湾区冠军的双冠王。

In addition to being a resident DJ at LUXY, (currently OMNI) a legendary nightclub in Taipei, and performing in various nightclubs around Taiwan, he was also one member of the well-known DJ group, “A.K.G.” in Taiwan. He participated in and won numerous international DJ competitions, and is regarded as an absolute beast throughout DJ competitions in Taiwan. He recently took the throne as the winner of Red Bull 3Style Taiwan in 2017, and has become the only winner of both DMC and “Red Bull 3Style” in Taiwan. 

强悍实力不就成就其为台湾各大嘻哈厂牌的御用DJ,更因此受邀参与张惠妹、周杰伦、蔡依林、MC HOTDOG、顽童MJ 116、蛋堡Soft、Lipa等众多大牌明星的专辑制作,并合作多场演唱会至世界各地巡演为台湾嘻哈嘻哈萌芽至今的指标性人物之一,但凡金曲奖等各大音乐盛会常能见到DJ afro的踪影。

His distinct sound and impeccable skill have won him endorsements by numerous Hip Hop brands as well as performing alongside superstars such as Amei, Jay Chou, Join Tsai, MCHotDog, MJ116 and Soft Lipa to debut their albums. He has toured the world, and has become one of the key figures in the scene since Hip Hop’s explosion in Taiwan. He has appeared in various music festivals, such as Golden Melody Awards. His abundant knowledge of music, capability onstage and years of experience make him a perfect candidate for any show. 

演出经历达到百场以上,丰富的音乐知识与舞台实力,经验累积造就其源源不断的演出能量与惊喜,更进一步开设音乐工作室-Afro Studio,并定期举办”Afroschool同学会”、“Afro Studio课后辅导”等系列活动,建立传承嘻哈与DJ文化的媒介平台。

He championed his own studio, “Afro Studio” as the next step in his progression.They hold plenty of events, such as “Afro Homecoming” and “Afro Afterschool Tutoring,” in order to build a platform for the proliferation of DJ and Hip Hop culture.

 现任AfroStudio主理人,擅长音乐类型:HIPHOP、R&B、Trap、Old School、Popular

DJ Afro is the current owner of Afro Studio, and is adept in HipHop, R&B, Trap, Old School and Pop music




 屏幕快照 2018-05-23 下午1.07.28

Growing up in Taipei’s 106 East Side, this icon started rapping very early on and is now regarded as one of the best in his field. 台北长大的小孩,来至东区106,从小在圈子里打滚,最混的饶舌歌手。

Rap music wasn’t just a thing for him to do, it was more of a way of life, hence why it seems more fitting to describe RacoG鸡腿 as a “hustler” instead of a rapper. 


 Throughout the years, he has become a celebrity in Taiwan’s Rap world and even though you may not know who he is, you will recognize him through the music and work he has created.

 In 2017, he participated in the Listen Up Rap Contest where he represented Taiwan and throughout his career he’s performed alongside many famous rappers, such as Soft Lipa, GorDoN and MISS KO, among many others. He has gained a multitude of experience in his lifetime that has only contributed to making his current performances even more amazing! 

他也曾经跟许多知名说唱歌手同台,帮这些知名歌手帮唱,例如蛋堡、国蛋葛仲珊,这许多演出也成就了他往后的舞台经验,更扎实了他的演出。也在2017年代表台湾区,出战中国Listen Up创作歌曲大赛,废话不多说,来看表演你就会知道这是怎么一回事!






日期: 6月9日 周六

Date: Saturday, June 9th


地 址: 上海黄浦区巨鹿路168号

ADDRESS: No. 168, Julu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai



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