6.14 | Naduve

  • ¥3,030.00


  • 49


  • 过期


  • 预售
    29支持者 2019年6月14日 21:30
  • 早鸟
    20支持者 2019年6月14日 21:30



  1. .TAG
  2. 贝壳



  1. Stephen
  2. Echo
  3. Luke
  4. 大蛇(渣男)
  5. !!Naduve!!
  6. 匿名
  7. 匿名
  8. zw
  9. Rosa
  10. 张昕萌
  11. sa m
  12. niccccc
  13. 匿名
  14. kwii
  15. Big Jim sausage factory
  16. 匿名
  17. 匿名
  18. 匿名
  19. 德华
  20. Aviv salame
  21. UniteWeStand
  22. 嘛咪嘛咪哄
  23. 匿名
  24. 匿名
  25. 匿名
  26. 刘欢
  27. Gloria
  28. 匿名
  29. 马克
  30. 匿名
  31. 匿名
  32. 匿名
  33. 大炮
  34. hao1
发布联系人: .TAG


近两年来,随着国际地下电子音乐去中心化潮流的波澜暗涌,以色列电子音乐人伴随着Disco Halal、Malka Tuti等厂牌的崛起备受瞩目。他们雄心勃勃地出产着带有鲜明中东色彩的声音,在Experimental、House、Techno和Minimal领域全面侵袭,Moscoman、Red Axes、Autarkic和Naduve等优秀音乐人不再是“坊间传说”,他们以强大而多产的音乐创作力和清晰明确的立场表达,雕塑出当下以色列电子音乐场景,尤其是特拉维夫地下文化的鲜活生命力。

His musical output landed comfortably on record labels like Disco Halal、Mutli Culti、Cocktail d'Amore and Malka Tuti. Intricate synth themes, luscious medlodies and pulsating rythms, his no-nonsense approach makes for an infectious collection of sound that is full of character, energy and does not lack its fair share of creativity.

在艺术音乐人才辈出的特拉维夫场景中,Naduve犹如一枚瑰宝般存在于中东迷幻与当代舞池电子音乐相撞的美丽新世界中。作为一名音乐品味良好且多元的制作人/DJ,他善于将自己喜爱的音乐所创作衔接成为一整段具有高度舞蹈性的DJ set。

Naduve is the next best thing to emerge from the fertile Tel Aviv scene in a wave of new age artists. In the beautiful world where Middle Eastern infused psychedelics collide with contemporary dance floor electronica, his music is highly danceable with his current favorites.

Naduve与Disco Halal厂牌老板Moscoman
Naduve在如Disco Halal、Mutli Culti、Cocktail d'Amore以及Malka Tuti等近年来备受瞩目的厂牌都发行了自己的音乐作品。他的音乐作品拥有着错综复杂的合成主题、甜美的旋律和动听的节奏。他章节有秩的创作方法使得其音乐充满特性、能量和创造力。

His musical output landed comfortably on record labels like Disco Halal、Mutli Culti、Cocktail d'Amore and Malka Tuti. Intricate synth themes, luscious medlodies and pulsating rythms, his no-nonsense approach makes for an infectious collection of sound that is full of character, energy and does not lack its fair share of creativity.

在一篇采访中他被问到:随着Disco Halal和Multi Culti等厂牌在近几年获得大量的知名度,您认为中东地区的声音为何如此吸引人?

In on interview, he was asked "with lables like Disco Halal and Multi Culti gaining massive popularity in recent years, what would you say attracts people so much to the sounds from the Middle East?"


Naduve answered:"I guess that has to be somthing with versatility in sound. I do not think that a whole party of the same scale or chord or even a kick sound would be nice for the ears. As DJ's we are looking for fresh sounds in tracks and these kind of labels offers this, not necessarily middle eastern sounds but more live and organic sounds to mesh up with all the machines and static noises."


The Race For a Handshake 12'

 Disco Halal  


A Trip in Tel Aviv 12'

Cocktail D'amore


The Paolo Rossi w/ Katzele 12'

 Rotmans (UK)


Naduve同时也是84%Creativity (隶属厂牌Malka Tuti) 成员之一,决心将愉悦带到特拉斯维夫最黑暗的角落。他的现场电子打击乐三人组合音乐项目- (Shame On Us) 合作者包括Yovav Arzi 和 Alek Lee。他们如今更是担当轰动全球的techno samba大师Abrão的live乐队。

He also take places in the 84%creativity(of Malka Tuti label) collective who took the mission of bringing joy the darkest corner of Tel Aviv and his live project SHAME ON US along with Yovav Arzi and Alek Lee, now featuring the live band for Techno Samba sensation Abrão.

6.14 NADUVE带着他的全新SET继续撩拨你的心弦!!!


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  1. .TAG
  2. 贝壳



  1. Stephen
  2. Echo
  3. Luke
  4. 大蛇(渣男)
  5. !!Naduve!!
  6. 匿名
  7. 匿名
  8. zw
  9. Rosa
  10. 张昕萌
  11. sa m
  12. niccccc
  13. 匿名
  14. kwii
  15. Big Jim sausage factory
  16. 匿名
  17. 匿名
  18. 匿名
  19. 德华
  20. Aviv salame
  21. UniteWeStand
  22. 嘛咪嘛咪哄
  23. 匿名
  24. 匿名
  25. 匿名
  26. 刘欢
  27. Gloria
  28. 匿名
  29. 马克
  30. 匿名
  31. 匿名
  32. 匿名
  33. 大炮
  34. hao1