These violent delights have violent ends,but ,The sun also rises!
Luna Li(CDC)
Luna Li是一位来自成都的DJ,音乐取向多元,喜欢在不同类型的音乐中寻找破碎,抽象的节拍。Luna Li. Chengdu native music selector. Her recent collection tends to be syncopated, genre fluid rhythms in 4/4 meter.
Luca (CDC)
Luca是成都“切分音”(Syncopation)的成员之一,她想通过音乐传达循序向上的情绪,帮自我与你与世界和解。为孤僻者构建寻找自我的跳舞音乐,让电子音乐更加富有感性的力量。对音乐充满宗教式狂热的她,砥砺自己让听众的每一次试听都能体验到音乐该有的仪式感。Based in Chengdu, Luca is a member of "Syncopation". She wishes to deliver progressive emotions through her music, to reconcile the world with herself and her audiences. Luca helps loners seek for individuality by constructing perceptual and powerful dance music. Her religious approach to music brings fantastic and ritual experiences for every audiences; In Luca ‘s mind, this is what music should provides.
来自北京,在13年成立了hiphop音乐团队Half A Blunt,始终坚持diggin in the crates,作为DJ不时为大家带来精彩的黑胶set,作为制作人为龙胆紫、Dirty Moss、JiQi等国内音乐人制作了许多优良的伴奏,并与Diamond D、Budamunk等音乐人在中国日本等地合作演出。Undaloop Records参与制作及后期专辑:PurpleSoul – <F.T.W>Dirtymoss - <Interact>个人及团队发行:2015 <Instinct> by Jinsfake & Natural Doc / 2017 <Resonance> beattape by Jinsfake / 2018 <Overrolling> mixtape by Jinsfake & Natural Doc
Ben Huang(SHC)
“我收取的费用不仅仅是支付我的每一个现场,而是买到我品过的每一杯美酒和享用过的每一杯咖啡,看过的每一本画册,坐过的每一把椅子,经历过的每一段故事、阅过的迷人女子和每段美丽的场景、以及我踏到过的每一个地方……你买的是我全部生命的精华,并将其化成为幾小時的音乐旅途,怎能不贵?” — Ben HuangBen Huang set off on his creative path as a student of modern dance and fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. He then dipped his toes in the fashion world but with a major climate shift on the way in the dance music scene, Ben Huang gave up a budding career in fashion and found his calling in the Beijing music scene.
《造梦以求-梦想进行曲》Ben Huang
VJs:InnovationLux. Ltd旗下两位视觉表演者:Luxyan与Dumpling. Innovation Lux2016年成立于伦敦恩菲尔德;以互动软件程序设计开发、媒体艺术创作与研讨作为核心行为的基础上搭建艺术与技术人士间开源互利的渠道。历经三年的实践,团队已形成科技与艺术共同加持下的多元人才远程合作机制。除致力在传统多媒体技术的艺术表现与项目应用外;在研究与交流方向上亦将触须伸展至智能机械、MR、图像识别、机器学习与艺术串通产生的聚变反应,企图洞穿逻辑与感性之间的结界。着眼未来,Innovation Lux将持续把能量聚焦在银河人类数字发泄伎俩的探究中…Luxyan and Dumpling, two visual performers under Innovation Lux. LTDInnovation luxwas founded in enfield, London in 2016; On the basis ofinteractive software programming development, media art and discussion as thecore behavior, open source mutually beneficial channels between art andtechnical personnel are built. After three years of practice, the team hasformed a multi-talent remote cooperation mechanism supported by science, technologyand art. In addition to the artistic expression and project application oftraditional multimedia technology; In the direction of research andcommunication, tentacles are extended to the fusion reactiongenerated by intelligent machinery, MR, image recognition, machine learning andart collusion, in an attempt to penetrate the boundary between logic andsensibility.平面设计平面设计Abr/ 插画师 / 皇家艺术学院 Royal college of art
随机且有规律的人,通过( 给世间万物)设计来调节个体之间连结的频率,并在其中投射自己所好。目前在伦敦读服务设计,试图创造更多的规律与随机。
A random person with a ordered system, tuning the way how individuals connected to each other via design methods.
Based in London at the moment and studying service design, trying to create more randoms and orders.