BUDX FREAK OUT 万圣节仓库派对 上海站

  • 上海站预售票
    上海市徐汇区壹秀秀场 2019年11月2日 19:00
  • 上海站全价票
    上海市徐汇区壹秀秀场 2019年11月2日 19:00
  • 上海站早鸟票
    上海市徐汇区壹秀秀场 2019年11月2日 19:00
发布联系人: SHFT.

DJs and Rappers from all over China have gone missing !

Strange noises of laughter and screams have been heard deep in the night by citizens all over the country.  Reports state that the noises are coming from the sewers running under the city.  Ayi's have claimed they have seen the dark figures of clowns walking the streets at night and mysterious giant red balloons have been spotted drifting over multiple cities.  No one can explain what in the world I happening, but what is clear, is this is only the beginning. Something big is coming. You have been warned !



WELCOME TO BUDX FREAK OUT 2019 ! Where all your nightmares become reality ! China's number # 1 Halloween warehouse rave is back ! We have terrified and brought unforgettable memories to Chinas for the last 4 years. For our 5th edition we bring all the ravers, party people and freaks our EVIL CIRCUS.  That’s right ladies and gentlemen,  we are bringing you an action packed line up with DJ and Rap Superstars: Herobust, Svdden Death, K?D, ATLiens, and Fat Nick. But it does not stop there.  This year we bring you the evil circus experience, with games, monsters, and more. So go get your party crew together and pick out your costumes because this is going to be a Halloween party that will leave ripples in the history of time ! Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Fosha, Xiamen, Beijing, are you ready !!!!!?

国内最受期待的万圣节派对—BUDX FREAK OUT 2019正式来袭,在这里我们让噩梦变成现实!过去的四年里,我们给大家带来了数不清的欢乐与尖叫。今年的邪恶马戏团即将开张,各式各样的妖魔鬼怪和浸入感的现场装置将将会让你们丧失理智。我们还从全球绑架了一批最炸的DJ和说唱歌手带来惊悚之夜!令人瞩目的Herobust, Svdden Death, K?D, ATLiens, 还有Fat Nick都在阵容之中,还有更多惊喜在等待着你们。上海,北京,深圳,成都,佛山和厦门,这个万圣节让我们在惊叫声中度过!



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