【2019影响音乐节】/Yogee New Waves/Star Horse/Swim Deep

  • 预售票
    成都市龙泉驿区梵木创艺区·正火艺术中心1号馆 2019年11月29日 19:30
发布联系人: Can.


Nov.29 ,2019(DAY 2)


Vision by:MVM design label _

时间Time:11.29 - 19:30

票价Ticket:预售Presale: 280 RMB 现场Door: 340 RMB





Star Horse(SE)

Swim Deep(UK)

Yogee New Waves(JP)


Star Horse(SE)

Star Horse是来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的shoegaze/dreampop乐队,他们的音乐常让人联想到90年代的独立流行音乐。乐队主唱兼吉他手Maja和Andreas在东京相遇,一拍即合,他们想从所热爱的90年代shoegaze中创造出一些不一样的声音,回到瑞典与贝斯手Viktor、鼓手Samuel结成乐队。在他们的音乐中,清亮的和弦,飘渺又纯净的人声模糊了音乐与现实的边界;富有旋律感的贝斯演奏和节奏感十足的鼓点又能瞬间将你带回复古的独立流行音乐浪潮中。

Star Horse, a Shoegaze/Dream-pop band from Stockholm, is strongly reminiscent of the indie pop music in the 1990s. Maja, the vocal and guitarist, met Andreas in Tokyo. The duo clicked right away and was determined to create something new based on the 90s Shoegaze music they love. Once they headed back in Sweden, they formed the band with Viktor, the bassist, and Samuel, the drummer. In Star Horse songs, not only the border between music and reality vanishes in the bright chords and the ethereal and pure vocal, the melodic bass and rhythmic drum beats can also bring you right back to the retro indie pop atmosphere.

Swim Deep(UK)

提起Swim Deep,躁动、狂热,或是其他所有与青春有关的词眼也一并跃然纸上。受Ride、The Stone Roses等乐队影响,起于英式摇滚却不断向外延伸,干净的合成器和吉他的梦幻感在其中一览无余,当Austin拿着铃鼓在舞台上唱出那些鲜活的旋律,再肆无忌惮喊“Birmingham is the king city!”从少年澄澈双眼透出来的那股野心实则名为勇敢。

Wild and frenzy are some crucial words when it comes to Swim Deep. The band started off from Brit-Pop, and is now constantly expanding under the influence of Ride and The Stone Roes, mixing clean synthesizer and dreamy guitar lines in its music. The vocalist Austin Williams would hold a tambourine on stage, while sings the upbeat melodies. He delivers fearless roars of “Birmingham is the king city!” At the moment, the band’s boldness is bursting out from own melody, lyrics and soul.

Yogee New Waves(JP)

Yogee New Waves诞生于东京,挟带着都市青年与生俱来的时尚感,又拥有大自然难得质朴的亲和力,正是这种全新形态的City pop的代表乐队之一。主流出道以来的Yogee New Waves,无论是音乐创作的包容度,还是现场演奏的专业性,都在飞速成长。这一年,他们和台湾地区炙手可热的落日飞车乐队开展East Asia Tour,与泰国著名的年轻唱作人Phum Viphurit交流演出,主唱角舘健悟更是首次参与到日本嘻哈音乐人VaVa的新专辑创作中,与之开展精彩的跨流派合作。

Founded in Tokyo, Yogee New Waves is down-to-earth while boosting the sense of fashion typical of the young urbanites, which makes it an archetype of City pop. Since its birth, the band has been rapidly growing in its musical inclusiveness and professionalism in live performances. In the past year, they went on the East Asia Tour with Sunset Roller-coaster, and collaborated with Phum Viphurit, a young Thai singer and songwriter. The lead singer had a cross-genre collaboration with VaVa, a Japanese hip-hop singer, by participating in the production of her new album.


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