
  • Presale
    成都市龙泉驿区成都乐空间space December 1, 2019 18:30
Contact: Can.


Vision by:MVM design label _

时间Time:12.01 - 18:30

票价Ticket:预售Presale: 220 RMB 现场Door: 280 RMB





愤怒的肚脐儿Angry Navel

超人田田Super tt

荷尔蒙小姐The Hormones



成都是一个令中国独立音乐刮目相看的城市。除了盛产摇滚乐和雷鬼乐,它同样出产拍案叫绝的Trip Hop。愤怒的肚脐儿 - 三个睡眼惺忪披着睡衣的女生开门的一霎那,一击即中。超人田田 - 中国最具故事性、戏剧性和探索性的现场乐队之一,初次登台就以尖锐的气质在成都摇滚圈独树一帜。滑稽的表演、戏谑的情节、邻家的地气、发指的歌词让每个现场热烈欢腾,一起去见证他们的滑稽朋兢和摇滚小戏吧。荷尔蒙小姐 - 几个热爱穿素色的女生,她们不愿接受世俗的目光,毅然组建了一支全女子乐队。她们在摇滚乐的核心基础上,融了入许多对她们成员有着深厚影响的元素,形成了乐队独特又纯粹的风格。“马赛克”通过模糊色阶细节造成色块打乱的效果,让色彩的边界变得更加暧昧。马赛克乐队与此有着相通之处,他们打乱的是音乐风格的界限,以暧昧热力的音符诉说着青春的心声,“暧昧摇滚”这个词专属于马赛克乐队,也专属于成都这个暧昧闷骚的城市。

Chengdu is a city that cannot be ignored in China’s indie music circle, for it witnesses thriving rock and reggae music, as well as impressive Trip Hop.

Angry Navel can leave you amazed when the three sleepy girls in pajamas open their doors to greet you.

Super tt is one of the most dramatic and exploratory live bands in China. They became a hot topic in Chengdu rock circle once they debuted with an aggressive attitude. The funny performances, ironic plots, down-to-earth vibes, and over-the-top lyrics light up every stage they are on. Go see their amusing punks and rock mini-dramas!

The Hormones is an girls band made up of girls who love plain clothes and fight against stereotypes. They put in many factors that had serious influences on their members on the basis of rock music, thereby creating their unique style.

In Mosaics, boundaries of color are made vague by playing with color gradation and mixing the color blocks. In that sense, the band of Mosaic is doing the same thing, but blurring the boundaries between music genres. The music with deep emotions simmered underneath tells the stories of young people. Vague rock is a word unique for Mosaic and the city of Chengdu.

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December 1, 2019 18:30
