2016年10月31日 00:00
成都导演徐小溪和西班牙导演罗伯托.卡努图继国际电影节获奖电影《逆境》,《浮果》之后,计划创作拍摄新短片《沉李》作为“成都三部曲”的第三部。这部短片是一个非盈利的艺术项目,希望能代表成都电影人在国际优秀的电影节进行参赛与展示,创作目的希望反映现实年轻人的生活现状与思想价值观,希望社会对弱势群体给于更多的关注和尊重。现实有许多边缘化的人渴望被聆听到自己的声音。导演希望通过影片可以展现不同形式人生观和价值观,为少数弱势群体争取到平等的权益。 因此我们发起这次电影众筹计划,呼吁所有支持艺术创作,爱好独立电影的朋友,一起帮助我们完成“成都三部曲”的第三部作品。
《沉李》主要制作团队 THE TEAM
导演 徐小溪(XU XIAOXI) / 罗伯托.卡奴图(Roberto F. Canuto)
中国青年导演徐小溪(Xu Xiaoxi)和西班牙导演罗伯托.卡奴图(Roberto F. Canuto)毕业于美国纽约电影学院MFA电影制作专业。从2008年起开始共同创作指导电影。2010年由他们自费筹资在美国洛杉矶拍摄的毕业长片电影《欲望之途》,获得业界关注,参与多个国际电影节并获得奖项。
2012年,徐小溪与罗伯托回到中国成都,成立“乱红影像工作室”,并继续坚持以“作者电影”方式进行独立创作。2013年在成都拍摄的低成本短片电影《逆境》获得了美国密歇根州河滨萨吉诺国际电影节最佳短片电影奖。而首次出演电影的在校学生夏瑞红也因《逆境》获得西班牙阿斯图里亚斯电影节最佳女主角。 2015年徐小溪和罗伯托导演再次以成都为主题,创作拍摄出第二部系列短片《浮果》。此短片采用全非职业演员参与表演, 已成功入围西班牙希洪国际电影节,荷兰ROZE FILMDAGEN, 韩国KQFF, 英国利兹NGFF等多个国际影展,并获得奖项,目前仍在世界巡回展映中。
徐小溪/ 罗伯托卡奴图 Roberto F. Canuto 导演作品年表 (节选部分)
2016 《沉李》 短片 (前期筹备中)
2016 《尚未来临》 短片(后期制作中)Ad-Vent (in post production)
2015《浮果》短片 Floating Melon (获阿斯图利亚斯国际电影节最佳摄影和最佳观众票选短片奖)
2013 《逆境》短片 Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal (获美国密歇根河滨电影节最佳短片奖)
2011 《欲望之途》长片 Desire Street (feature) (获墨西哥MIX国际电影节最佳长片特别关注奖)
2010 《永远的托托》短片 Toto Forever(荣获巴拿巴国际短片电影节最佳观众票选短片奖)
2009 《美美》短片 Mei Mei
An independent short film that will be the last part of the Chengdu Trilogy by the awarded directors “Xu Xiaoxi & Roberto F. Canuto”, that will aim to represent the city at international film festivals, needs your support to be made and finish at a high standard level. It will represent the LGBT community, with an intriguing plot, eye catching visuals and an international film language narrative. We need your support to represent Chengdu and make proud our filmmaking community when representing the city around the world.
Xu Xiaoxi is a director from Chengdu (China) and Roberto F. Canuto is a filmmaker from Asturias (Spain). They started collaborating in 2008, in a Master of Filmmaking at the New York Film Academy of the Universal Studios (Los Angeles). They graduated with their feature film ‘Desire Street’, awarded in Mexico and Spain and screened in many international film festivals. They move to Chengdu to direct “Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal”, also with awards in USA (Saginaw Film Festival in Michigan) and Europe. They founded the production company "Almost Red Productions”. Their latest work, “Fu Guo (Floating Melon)” is being selected in over 20 film festivals around the world and has been booked for 2016 and 2017 in many events.
2016 Ad-Vent (in post production)
2015 Floating Melon
2013 Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal
2011 Desire Street (feature)
2010 Toto Forever
2009 Mei Mei
之前的两部短片《逆境》和《浮果》,导演和剧组团队在低成本的困难条件下努力完成,并获得了一些好成绩和回响。这给与了我们更多的信心继续去创作更优秀的作品。同时我们也意识到,作品要达到一个更高的完成目标,要在世界优秀的电影舞台上参与竞赛展示,如果缺少足够的资金,的确是个很大的挑战 。
The film “Sunken Plum” will be the third part of the trilogy about Chengdu, after the films “Ni Jing” and “Fu Guo”. We created the first two parts of the trilogy with very limited funds, since they were independent art films. After the great reviews at international festivals, we realize that we need a higher end product to be able to compete and represent better Chengdu around the world. We call supporters of art films to support the third part of the trilogy to help our team to create a better film, with a more professional finish look. While in other countries these films get the support of art institutions, in China we don’t get that support and we need to rely on colleagues, Art supporters and enthusiasts for film. We need you.
The third part of the story will represent minorities of the community. People that normally are not represented on film. It is our responsibility to help the visibility and help with the rights of everybody in the society. The story will have a level of mystery and emotion, with beautiful cinematography and breathless narrative.
We include here the trailers of the previous parts of the trilogy. On this occasion we will shoot in the outskirts of Chengdu, with a lake and some traditional settings, to create outstanding visuals and mixing a contemporary characters with a more traditional environment.
The contributions of the Chengdu community and the supporters of art film to be developed in Chengdu will make our project successful.
Thank you for being part of it.
Ni-Jing Trailer:逆境预告片
Fu Guo :Folating Melon Trailer:浮果预告片
全片计划在 6月开始进入前期准备工作(选角试镜,征集剧组团队,选景,彩排),7月在成都和周边地区拍摄(计划拍摄 5天左右)。8月底结束后期剪辑,9月-10月将寄送至国际影展参展。
这部短片属于非商业盈利性质的电影,它是一个艺术项目。我们没有打算把它作为一个商品或者宣传品来销售买卖。 我们目的是希望可以代表成都电影人和来自世界各地优秀的电影人在电影节等渠道上进行展示和交流。 所众筹的资金,我们将用来作为辅助电影的后期制作,以便呈现出更为专业的出品效果。而电影团队成员不会在众筹款项上获得收益。所有款项都会投入到电影本身和宣传中。
独立电影通常就是单打独斗,没有大型电影公司当靠山, 一切需要靠电影人自己努力和坚持。而拍摄一部电影,即使是短片,需要上山下海四处奔波,必须要有一定的工作团队来支持。此外包括电影器材(摄影机,灯光,场务),人工费用,美术道具,场租费用,交通费用,住宿费用,后期制作费用(剪辑,色彩调光,混音,配乐,制作拷贝,寄送影展报名费)等等,对于低成本的独立制作剧组都是沉重的负担。
The pre-productions process will start in June 2016, with an expected shooting in July and the editing and post-production in August and September 2016. The international distribution will start in Autumn 2016.
The help from this crowd-funding campaign will be used to complete the project, with a post-production process and film look end film. The film team is not going to have monetary gains from the campaign. All the contribution will be invested into the quality of the film and the distribution internationally.
In terms of our budget, so far we can cover part of the shooting process (still trying to raise funds to complete the equipment and expenses of the onset period), but we are quite short in all the post-production and distribution budget. This is an extremely important process, since it will produce the final look of the film and it will allow us to send the film to good level festivals around the world.
Thants why we call friends, colleagues and companies that support art to help to complete the project and show to the world what can be made in Chengdu.
It will be shot this summer and, in order to be complete and finish at a high standard to be able to compete with international films, it needs your support. The goal is to achieve enough resources to be able to complete the shooting with high end equipment, the post-production process and the distribution steps. It will be submitted to festivals mainly in Europe and America, where the support by institutions and level of film presented is too high, and difficult to compete by Chinese films.
We have some of the funds necessary, but with your support and being part of our sponsors (with a big or small contribution), we can complete and achieve a most competitive result.
This is an art project. It doesn’t have any commercial or monetary benefit purpose. It is independent, so we don’t aim to advertise or promote any product. Only we aim to display our works at international venues with other filmmakers from all around the world, representing at a good level the film-making of Chengdu. For that reason we call supporters of independent movie-makers and artist in China, to contribute to our project to help make a better view of Chengdu in other parts of the world.
5000元人民币:包含以上奖励,您将出现电影正片的“联合制片人”的名单中,并正式作为剧组成员 。在电影正式拍摄期间,我们也会邀请您前来观摩现场。
We cannot offer a huge amount of rewards. We feel that we will love for any contributor to feel part of the team of “Sunken Plum”. We will be in the credits of the film, as a thanks for your contribution that make the film possible. We have a small set of other rewards. We explain now. We will really appreciate all your contribution and we are happy to consider you part of the creation of the film.
100 RMB: Your name appear on the Thanks List of the credits, social media shoutout and a film postcard with cast signature.
200 RMB: the above plus a priority screening invitation in the Cast/Crew screening in Chengdu.
500 RMB: The above, but your name appear in the “Special Thanks” list and will be feature on IMDB and Douban site. Also a full size Poster of the film with cast signature.
1000 RMB: All the above, plus a signed pressbook with your name featured, and an invitation to appear in the Photocall of the film together with the cast and crew of the film.
2000 RMB: You will be feature in the credit as “SPONSOR” of the film, with a relevant credit in the film as a special contributor and your name will appear in all the information supplied to the media. And all of the above.
5000 RMB: You will be an “Associate Producer” of the film. It means that your name will appear with the creators of the movie. You will be featured in all the websites as one of the creators of the film and you can use it in your CV’s as being part of the creation and crew of the film. Also you can be in the set in the shooting of the movie.
10000 RMB: “Collaborating Company” : Your company will be represented in the credits as one of the creators. The film is not aim to have monetary gains, but in any possible success, your company will share the credits and you can use the film as part of your company portfolio, since you company is one of the creators.
Contributions over that quantity can be discussed with the producers of the film to obtain higher rewards.