4.3 Bloody Moon 週六|血月

  • ¥3,270.00


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    26支持者 广州市珠海区工业大道南882号树德之光创意园B16-106-108 2021年4月3日 20:00
  • 现场票
    1支持者 广州市珠海区工业大道南882号树德之光创意园B16-106-108 2021年4月3日 20:00



  1. 匿名
  2. 曾铭科
  3. 匿名
  4. 匿名
  5. 匿名
  6. 何超霆
  7. 匿名
  8. Nicole
  9. 匿名
  10. 匿名

  11. ¥120.00
  12. 匿名
  13. 匿名
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 维维豆奶
  17. 匿名
  18. NINI
  19. 反叛空想
  20. Debbie
  21. 匿名
  22. 匿名
  23. Wen Yu
  24. 陈凯群
  25. 不愛
发布联系人: 黄盈盈



平衡,炽热,飘摇,悸动的心魄侵略边界线,灵魂也在漂流不定里被广泛的抽思扒绪。“它”滚烫热烈,掠走你的惊呼,分享了“它”最终的赤裸,危险至夺命的力量,是雌雄同体的化身。我们颂扬一种终极自我实现的愉悦, 保持尊重、开放,包容,从行为剧场,声音,影像,装置,倡导一切颠覆、破坏、反动的呈现。


十七世纪,,“lunatic”(疯狂)开始被“moons truck”(月痴)所替代。显示了月亮和大脑的非理性,原始和黑暗特征的广泛关联性。浪漫主义时期,普鲁士科学会员卡尔·赖辛巴赫(Baron Karl Ludwig von Reichenbach,1788–1869)把梦游和特殊月相联系在一起。他认为,这种月亮诱惑(lunar attraction)是一种原始自然力量的表征,他把这个重要法则命名为“颂歌力量”(Odic force)。当今时代,在德国和东欧的很多语言中,梦游人仍然被叫做“lunatics”(疯子)或者其他与月亮相关的词汇。

oday's world, although science has disintegrated the hypothesis of the moon effect, the truth about the relationship between the moon and madness can never really meet the needs of human beings. The primitive worship of the moon constantly appears in popular culture and is repeatedly reconstructed. "Blood Moon" is about creating a subconscious madness caused by artificial moon, and getting the release of nature in the tide of blood color.

By olafur eliasson
In today's world, although science has disintegrated the hypothesis of the moon effect, the truth about the relationship between the moon and madness can never really meet the needs of human beings. The primitive worship of the moon constantly appears in popular culture and is repeatedly reconstructed. "Blood Moon" is about creating a subconscious madness caused by artificial moon, and getting the release of nature in the tide of blood color.

让我们一同淌入Bloody Moon这座临时狂欢之城,你就是个纯粹的人类。带着最初生理硬件诞生的人类,欢迎你活出本我。

Let's show our hazy imagination. The nameless body liberates its nature under the strange neon lights. Let's forget to shuttle here. We will build the illusory situation of artificial blood moon, and gradually reach the secret room of demon governance. The southern queen will step on the high heels to offer you the most respected dips and dips in queer's history

Let's go into the temporary Carnival city of bloody moon. You are a pure human. With the birth of the initial physiological hardware of human beings, you are welcome to live out of the ID.


Drag Queen,即变装皇后,兴起于欧洲。在早先时候,男扮女装是比较主流的一种表演方式,后来此种文化没落,成为了小众文化,与LGBTQ相结合,逐渐成为以LGBTQ群体为核心的表演群体。
Drag Queen, emerged in Europe. In the early days, male disguised as women’s clothing was a relatively mainstream way of performing. Later, this culture declined and became a niche culture. Combined with LGBTQ, it gradually became a performance group centered on LGBTQ groups. This kind of activity called “doing drag” has many motivations, from personal self-expression to mainstream performances.

这种被称为“doing drag”的活动有很多动机,从个人的自我表达认同到主流的表演。舞台和街头表演者之间的“Drag Queen”活动可能包括唇音同步表演、现场演唱、跳舞、参加同性恋骄傲游行、Drag Queen游行或在歌舞厅和夜总会等场所举办的活动/
"Drag Queen" activities between stage and street performers may include lip-sync performances, live singing, dancing, participating in the Gay Pride Parade, Drag Queen Parade, or events held in venues dance halls and nightclubs.They have a set of their own lifestyles and standards, and even society’s “normal” standards are a cage for Drag queens to sneer at and need to break free.

他们有着一套自己的生活方式以及标准,甚至社会对于“正常”的标准是Drag queen们嗤之以鼻并需要挣脱的牢笼。它是你创造出来的一个角色,这种虚幻的感觉极其奇妙,像是一种强大的面具,是力量,是先锋,是革命者,所以我们尊称他们为“Queen”。
It is a character created by you. This illusory feeling is extremely strange, like a powerful mask. They are the bravest group of people, pioneers and revolutionaries, so we respectfully call them "Queens."

Drag queen Yihao // Yihao是一位千禧后变装表演者。近年来一直以变装为媒介,从事针对人文价值观,社会身份,多元性别,即兴戏剧,时事政治等题材为中心思考的实验性演出。或许当下呈现给观众的现场形式大过类容,但自发性相较主动,不追求流行文化为中心的主义,所呈现既所生活,是我生活意志的体现。
This time, we will be from Xiamen to Guangzhou, with drag queen YIHAO and artist LINWENCAI. From clubs to new media video spaces, online to offline, we work together to create a turbulent and enchanting night of the future, exploring the luxuriant and creepy forest of power in the subconscious.Let's Wade into Bloody Moon, the city of temporary revelry, you're a pure human being. Human Beings, born with the original physical hardware, are welcome to live out your true self.
Drag queen Yihao // Yihao是一位千禧后变装表演者。近年来一直以变装为媒介,从事针对人文价值观,社会身份,多元性别,即兴戏剧,时事政治等题材为中心思考的实验性演出。或许当下呈现给观众的现场形式大过类容,但自发性相较主动,不追求流行文化为中心的主义,所呈现既所生活,是我生活意志的体现。
This time, we will be from Xiamen to Guangzhou, with drag queen YIHAO and artist LINWENCAI. From clubs to new media video spaces, online to offline, we work together to create a turbulent and enchanting night of the future, exploring the luxuriant and creepy forest of power in the subconscious.Let's Wade into Bloody Moon, the city of temporary revelry, you're a pure human being. Human Beings, born with the original physical hardware, are welcome to live out your true self.
毕业于纽约大学艺术学院电影系,专长是编导和美术置景; 在校期间多次获得A类、B类国际电影节最佳学生电影奖;同时作为 新锐摄影师参加过多个摄影群展,作品在亚洲博物馆、日本半山摄影 展,54 Museum Gallery等展出;美国摄影基金2020 Lens Culture Exposure Award新人奖获得者
Graduated from the film department of the school of art of New York University, specializing in directing and art setting; won the best student film awards of class A and class B international film festivals many times during the school; at the same time, participated in many photo group exhibitions as a cutting-edge photographer, and exhibited his works in the Asian Museum, Banshan photo exhibition, 54 Museum Gallery, etc; Winner of 2020 lens culture exposure Award
DARK(Floating)具有流动性的,从不局限,定义,将任何的深色情绪,通通包裹,迅速坠入不识边界的救赎,娴熟的声音制作,充满着觉醒、冲破。将松弛或是疯狂佐以不同的温度和情绪呈现。作为DJ 制作人, Promoter Camper ,Beach Hunter / Nighthawks 发起者,涉及创办多次自然户外活动,活跃跨性别场景,艺术展览,行为剧场等,她擅长在森林、海滩、桥洞和你意想不到的地方在夜间组织舞动,无法无天做梦。
FLOATING (DARK) is fluid, never limited, defined, wraps all dark emotions, quickly falls into the redemption of ignorant boundaries, and presents relaxation or craziness with different temperatures and emotions. As DJ Promoter Camper, the initiator of Beach Hunter / Nighthawks, she is involved in the establishment of various indoor or natural parties, active transgender scenes, art exhibitions, etc. She is good at organizing dances at night in forests, beaches, bridge holes and unexpected
图片 广州独立电子音乐制作人,DJ。对古典音乐和90、00年代摇滚乐的热爱,让ZHAO在2012年成为乐队的小提琴手和吉他手,2014年乐队解散后转向电子音乐,擅长Techno、House、Breakbeats、Trance。数学系出身的ZHAO,追求舞池中的理性共鸣与情感冲突,尝试通过稳定富有律动的鼓点和迷幻的音色,提供能让人们持续不断跳舞的听觉体验。
Guangzhou independent electronic music producer, DJ. Zhao became a violinist and guitarist in 2012 because of his love for classical music and rock music in the 1990s and the '00s. After the band dissolved in 2014, he turned to electronic music and was good at techno, house, Breakbeats and trance. Zhao, born in the Department of mathematics, pursues the rational resonance and emotional conflict on the dance floor, and tries to provide the auditory experience that can make people dance continuously through the stable rhythmic drumming and psychedelic timbre.
To break the gender gap, the number 617 never belongs to one of the two realms of yin and Yang. His charming decorations on the dance floor make people forget the standard definition in terms of music and atmosphere, because the moment he stands on the DJ stage, you are ready to party all night.


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  1. 匿名
  2. 曾铭科
  3. 匿名
  4. 匿名
  5. 匿名
  6. 何超霆
  7. 匿名
  8. Nicole
  9. 匿名
  10. 匿名

  11. ¥120.00
  12. 匿名
  13. 匿名
  14. 匿名
  15. 匿名
  16. 维维豆奶
  17. 匿名
  18. NINI
  19. 反叛空想
  20. Debbie
  21. 匿名
  22. 匿名
  23. Wen Yu
  24. 陈凯群
  25. 不愛