2016年10月20日 22:00
.TAG : 领事馆路保利中心东区A座2118
A 2118 Poly Center,No1 Jinxiu Road ,Chengdu
HWG : 领事馆路保利中心东区A座2103-2104
A 2103-2104 Poly Center,No1 Jinxiu Road ,Chengdu
ASIANDOPEBOYS (ADB) was established in 2015 in Beijing. By integrating of art, music and live dance performances, which are the most important present forms of the label, ADB built its style on the foundation of visual and sound art. In the book publishing and derivative products that will be release soon afterwards, ADB extends its antenna intomultiple fields.
10月20日ADB耶路撒冷综合症巡演将带着KARMA SHE造访成都,PARTY也将前所未有的在.TAG + HWG同时进行!加盟成都站的瑞士艺术家Grebnellaw会带着她奇妙夸张的造型带来特别演出;同样还有来自以色列的OM GOLDA 和 The Caribbean Connection 精彩DJ现场;此外当然还有成都本土音乐人BIGLOCO、SU、WONKEY和摩洛哥DJ Bchir 助阵。Special Guest :北鸥Beio。
KARMA SHE ,一个来自以色列的灵女,神秘美艳就像是坐着飞毯来的或者能满足你三个心愿。
LOGO用的是圣经字体,唱的是psychedelic Hip-Pop,KARMA SHE有着强烈的东方文化印记,却也有着街头感的表现。就像在神话故事和日常现实中若即若离的穿梭,她的作品解构了特殊文化背景下的符号和标记,重新组合成超现实、超刺激感官的视觉体验。
KARMA SHE 作为一个表演项目,往往不是一个人在创作,视觉艺术家,艺术家,编导,舞者和设计师集结在一起,共同打造舞台演出,视频,装置和更多意想不到的表演。
GREBNELLAW是瑞典艺术家Nosslo-Grebnellaw Aniluap与来自不同领域的创作者合作的表演项目,依据表演场地创造图像、音乐与行为表演,就所谓的“时代精神”发表看法。
Grebnellaw happens in the moment and the red and white party revolution sweep through different constellation and contexts to celebrate the ugly, the weird, the different, and that which does not fit in. To the sounds of electronic music flows a screaming blend of poetry, politics, food and environmental issues in an absurd show.
Special Guest :北鸥Beio
Omer Goldman 同样是来自特拉维夫,艺术家、导演、演员、活跃在各种艺术领域。她在画廊做行为表演和举办交互装置的展览;又是MV导演还在电视剧以及电影里表演。作为DJ“OM GLODA",她擅长dancehall 和 Hip-hop音乐。Omer 与KARMA SHE 也是非常好的工作伙伴,近期就以合作导演与表演者的身份出现KARMA SHE 最新video里《Meshiha》。
Omer Goldman is an artist/director/actress/activist based in Tel-Aviv, working in various fields of art. Omer creates performance art events and interactive installation in galleries in Tel-Aviv, she directs music videos and actings in TV and film.
Goldman is also a DJ playing mostly dancehall and hip hop music. She is now working withKARMA SHE on her new performance ‘Meshiha’ as a co-director and performer.
The Caribbean Connection
The Caribbean Connection 把加勒比的风吹去全球所有俱乐部演出的舞池里。电子的气流穿梭在非洲与拉丁之间,模拟与数字之间,轻柔与粗野之间。
Spreading a caribbean breeze to all dance floorswith a clubby interpretation of global music.An eclectic vibe which travels between the Afro and the Latin,the Analog and the Digital, the Soft and the Rough.
BIGLOCO,从 DJ,制作人,电子乐队Eat Alien's Brain 的主创,TASTY! 掌门人,到独立音乐节策划者。BIGLOCO 将自己全部的热情投入到了成都的地下电子音乐场景当中,他先后创办了ALL-IN-ONE电子音乐节和动静电子音乐节,而后者更是将成都的独立音乐氛围推上了一个新阶段。就像 BIGLOCO 的DJ Set一样,无穷的能量和先锋的声音总是能确切的描述他的现场。
Bass kid BIGLOCO who’s been running ‘tings in the midlands the last few years. This young independent producer was the founder of electronica band Eat Alien’s Brain. He’s been the heart and soul of the underground dance scene in Chengdu and wears a big promoter hat under the name TASTY!, putting on some of the biggest warehouse parties and festivals, namely ALL-IN-ONE and DongJing E-FESTIVAL. His DJ sets are always packed full of energy, blending dancefloor favorites with upfront sounds.
Bchir是一名来自摩洛哥的DJ,他在自己的家乡是一名知名的DJ播客,曾在当地的音乐节以及各大聚会上担任过组织者和DJ. 来到成都以后,在各大电子酒吧举办专场,他也专注于创建自己专属的原创音乐,对Bchir来说,无论通过哪种方式,最重要的是打造一个出色的现场氛围来催眠你的每一根神经,让在场的每一个人跳动起来!
Bchir has evolved from a humble bedroom mixtape creator, to a festival organizer in the late 2000s, to one of the most well-loved techno DJs in Chengdu. As a DJ with refined musical taste and ability to blow the roof off till 8am, Bchir also spreads the gospel of techno with the party collective ChengduLoko and The TechnoPowa Label. With a diverse bag of tracks and an intuition for the dance floor, Bchir will bring his good vibes and deep hypnotic groove.
Su Born in a family of Sichuan opera artists, she grew up within the strong interest and foundation ofmusic and arts . In high school she got the first contact with electronic music, and ever since could never run out of a crush on this infinite creation of space and sound. She always sticked to her music dreams,running towards thefavorite parties and electronic music festivals.
For many years she joined famous electronic club parties and live music festivals in Germany and other European countries. She got the strong will to bring this truly pure,high-quality electronic music back home , she gradually stepped into the music promotion , and also learned to be a DJ and produce. She wishes to share her own understanding and interpretation with the others.
WONKEY,来自成都的新锐DJ,近两年在大大小小的音乐节与PARTY上留下了别致的声音,对音乐有独特的见解。从小受家庭的佛学思想影响,让他拥有了看待宗教与世界的独特视角。他自始至终热爱暗黑系电子音乐,用DJ Set的方式在虾米、网易云音乐等平台上专注推广暗黑系音乐,得到了乐迷的广泛认可
Wonkey, a new rising dj from Chengdu, he brought his special sound to different music festivals and parties, he has his own opinion about music. Wonkey's buddalism faithful family influenced him a lot, that he treats religions and the world from his unique angle. Wonkey loves dark electric music all the way, he focuses on popularizing dark electric music by his sets on different music apps, gathered many fans, and we love each other.
206 Gulou dong dajie , Beijing