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    5支持者 重庆市渝中区坚果livehouse(得意潮馆店) 2023年10月19日 20:30
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    8支持者 重庆市渝中区坚果livehouse(得意潮馆店) 2023年10月19日 20:30



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Tomasz Chyla 托马斯·席瓦五重奏来自波兰北部特里希提地区,乐队自2013年起就活跃在舞台上,并多次参加波兰爵士音乐展演及比赛。乐队曾于2013年获得Azot爵士大奖赛入围奖,于2015年参与Ucho青年爵士蓝调乐队大奖赛展演。2013年,乐队还曾获得Zyrardow地区欧洲国际音乐大赛一等奖。2017年12月,乐队斩获第四十届波兰克拉科夫青年爵士音乐大赛金奖,成为了波兰北部第一支荣获该殊荣的乐队。
乐队创始人Tomasz Chyla同时身兼乐队领袖、小提琴手、作曲和编曲等多重身份。这支年轻的乐队重新定义了主流爵士音乐,并赋予其真诚和浪漫的特性。乐队的音乐以旋律优美,和弦大胆,即兴力量充沛著称。这支“并不典型的”爵士五重奏以轻车熟路的演奏风格和对爵士乐全新的阐释,为爵士乐注入了摇滚、民乐及实验音乐的元素。
乐队成员均为波兰境内最好的年轻爵士音乐人,并曾于多位知名爵士音乐家,如Leszek Możdżer, Tymon Tymański, Jerzy Małek, Maciej Sikała, Leszek Kułakowski等进行合作。
Tomasz Chyla 托马斯·席瓦五重奏将于2017年4月27日,在Nad Odra爵士音乐节上发行第一张专辑《Eternal Entropy》。波兰国家广播电台对该专辑予以高度评价。
目前该乐队已经发布了两个长的演奏专辑。其分别在2017年推出了“Enternal Entrophy”,在2018年推出 “Circle songs”和一张现场专辑“Live at Polish National Radio Radio”,都由波兰国家音乐电台发布。其中 “Circle Songs”专辑曾获得弗莱德里克奖(Fryderyk Award) 即波兰的格莱美奖提名。这张专辑还被《爵士新闻》杂志选为2018年最佳波兰爵士专辑。该乐队还赢得了爵士论坛、欧洲爵士杂志“New Hope”的第一名。
Tomasz Chyła Quintet于2018年开始在中国巡演。其中在北京、长春、哈尔滨、西安皆收到了非常热烈的反馈。在2020年的巡演中,该乐队将会推出EP专辑《Live in China》,并在九门爵士音乐节期间完成录制,此专辑将只在演唱会上以数字发行的形式发行。

该乐队将由以下特定人员参与巡演:Tomasz Chyła演奏小提琴, Emil Miszk 萨克, Krzysztof Hardych 吉他, Konrad Żołnierek演奏贝斯和Sławek Koryzno的鼓演奏组成。
Tomasz Chyła Quintet在中国的巡演也是Po Polsku工程在国外推广即兴波兰爵士乐的一部分。
Tomasz Chyła 小提琴(violin)
Emil Miszk 萨克斯(trupet)
Krzysztof Hardych 吉他 (guitar)
Konrad Żołnierek 贝斯(double bass)
Sławek Koryzno  鼓(drums)
Tomasz Chyła Quintet - originally from Gdańsk, northern Poland, has been active on the music scene from 2013. Since then the quintet has participated in many festivals in Poland and abroad, including Nine Gates Jazz Festival in Beijing in 2018, most important jazz festival in China. The bands greatest achievement was winning the Grand Prix of the 40 edition at the international "Jazz Juniors" festival in Kraków 2017. It's the first band from the Baltic region of Poland to win this prestigious competition.
The members of the quintet redefine mainstream jazz, lending it an honest and often romantic character. The quintet performs compositions that rely on melodic themes, courageous harmonic ideas and energetic improvisation. A light touch and fresh interpretations are characteristic of this atypical band that often goes beyond jazz idiom and explores rock, folk or experimental music fields.
The band has released three long play albums „Eternal Entrophy” (2017), „Circle Songs” (2018), „Da Vinci” (2020) and a live album “Live at Polish National Radio Radio”, all released by the Music Agency of the Polish National Radio.“Circle Songs” was nominated for the Fryderyk Award, the Polish equivalent of a Grammy. The album has been also selected by the Jazz Press Magazine as the best Polish Jazz Album 2018. The band won also the first price by the Jazz Forum, European Jazz Magazine, in the category "New Hope”.
Tomasz Chyła Quintet has been already touring in China in 2018, among others in Beijing, Changchun, Harbin and Xi’an, and received very enthusiastic feedback. During the 2020’s tour, the band will be promoting an EP album “Live in China”, recorded during the Nine Gates Festival. The album will be available only as a digital distribution during the concerts.
The band will be touring in a regular line up, which consist of Tomasz Chyła on violin, Szymon Burnos on piano, Piotr Chęcki on saxophone, Konrad Żołnierek on bass and Sławek Koryzno on drums.

Tomasz Chyła Quintet tour in China is a part of the Jazz Po Polsku project, promoting improvised Polish jazz music abroad. The tour is organised in collaboration with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, the Polish Institute in Beijing, the Consulates General of the Republic of Poland in Chengdu and Guangzhou.


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