Rotating Color 2024成都

  • ¥880.00


  • 10


  • Expired

This campaign ends on June 14, 2024

  • 预售
    6 Backers 成都市武侯区家吧(临江西路店) June 14, 2024 22:00
  • 预售双人
    4 Backers 成都市武侯区家吧(临江西路店) June 14, 2024 22:00



  1. 家吧Jahbar



  1. destiny
  2. amber
  3. zola
  4. zola
  5. long
  6. long
  7. Anonymous
  8. long
  9. Anonymous
  10. 海岩
Contact: 家吧Jahbar


Rotating Color的音乐色彩和情绪变化丰富,旋律和声音交织,或点状,或线条,亦或是混合虚实交错的颜色,营造不同的听觉氛围,描绘不同的画面。

时而是宽广的深蓝海洋《Ocean》,深邃而又神秘莫测,巨大的鲸,缓缓遨游其中;时而是风轻云淡时,山中青翠欲滴的绿竹《Bamboo》,守望自然的宁静;时而是一场狂风骤雨的《雨后》,大地一片生机,树叶和花朵挂着晶莹的水珠,青苔和泥土都散发着芬芳;时而亦是光怪陆离的梦境中,迷雾重重,奇异的人眨着绿色眼睛《Green Eyes》欲言又止…

2024年5月,旋转色彩乐队(Rotating color )开启了公路巡演的新旅程,自2021年启动《时间的声音》至今,我们随着时间穿越中国各个地方,一直坚持寻找最纯净的声音,希望把我们的声音和大家一起分享…我们现场见。

About Rotating Color

Our music is rich in color and emotional changes, with interwoven melodies and sounds, resembling dots, lines, and a mixture of virtual and real colors. We create different auditory atmospheres and depicts various scenes.

In Ocean, we depicted a vast deep blue ocean, profound and mysteriously unfathomable, with giant whales leisurely swimming in it.

In Bamboo, we created a feeling of gentle breeze and light clouds, with green bamboo in the mountains dripping with tranquility, guarding the serenity of nature.

In After the Rain, you may hear  a storm with gusty winds and pouring rain, where the earth is bursting with life. Leaves and flowers are adorned with glistening water droplets, and the moss and soil emit fragrance.

And in Green Eyes, we would like to invite you to this bizarre dreamland, shrouded in dense mist, where peculiar individuals blink their green eyes, hesitant to speak...

In May 2024, Rotating Color band will start a new road tour. Since the launch of "The Sound Of Time" in 2021, we have been traveling across various parts of China, persistently seeking the purest sound. We are ready to present you with the best performance, looking forward to sharing our music with you. See you soon!

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  1. 家吧Jahbar



  1. destiny
  2. amber
  3. zola
  4. zola
  5. long
  6. long
  7. Anonymous
  8. long
  9. Anonymous
  10. 海岩