Say Yes- Bnjmn【 Tresor, Rush Hour, Delsin】@ Oil Shenzhen

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This campaign ends on March 23, 2018

  • 0 Backers March 23, 2018 22:00

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Contact: Say Yes

3.23 @ OIL Shenzhen
深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 )
11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd
Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen


英国制作人BNJMN和Tresor, Rush Hour和Delsin这些饱受赞誉的厂牌合作期间,仅7年就发行了超过20张作品,如此丰富的产量,他的名字也理所当然地在电子音乐的版图上留下了深入人心的印迹。

和许多Techno制作人的职业生涯路线相似类, 加入Techno战线以前, BNJMN的制作始于Downbeat和Hip Hop, 在深深受到Efdemin和Theo Parrish的影响后就此转型,一发不可收拾。

他就像一部没有刹车功能的路虎越野, 在沙漠上疯狂驰骋,没人能拦得住。2011年是取得重大突破最多的一年,可以说是事业转折点: 发行得到业界权威的认可和一致好评。XLR8R列出的最佳新人名单榜上有名,并邀请他参与独家podcast混音。


常驻柏林期间不断带来惊喜: 2017年,他在传奇老字号厂牌Tresor和自己新成立的厂牌Tiercel均推出重要发行, Goove Magazine和Smoke Machine也邀请他参与Podcast。

毋庸置疑, BNJMN是近几年电音界, 发展势头劲猛, 迅速广为人知, 最为特别的DJ之一: 同时驾驭氛围音乐, 科幻Techno等多种风格成为他的显著标签。对, 又是科幻,Say Yes春季主题就是科幻, 梦幻, 所以连续为大家带来这样一位与Matrixxman如出一辙, 有异曲同工之妙的艺术家。

Line-up /BNJMN / Tresor, Rush Hour, Delsin

CHENG NWSH / Awkwardly Social

British producer BNJIMN ( aka Ben Thomas) made a strong impression on the electronic-music landscape. Having released on such acclaimed labels as Delsin, Tresor and Rush Hour it’s clear BNJMN has a knack for making music that stands out and at the same time works on the floor.

He started out under different monikers producing Downbeat and Hip Hop beats before turning to Techno, citing Efdemin and Theo Parrish as two core influences. BNJMN doesn’t show any signs of stopping. After refining his sound year on year since his debut breakthrough album in 2011, he wound up on XLR8R's list of 2011's Best New Artists, which is why they invited him to put together an exclusive mix for their podcast series.

The discography of the Berlin-based Brit continues to evolve; never staying the same and continuing to surprise. In 2017 a double release on Tresor, solo 12’s on new imprint Tiercel and podcasts lined up for the likes of Smoke Machine and Groove surely set the stage to showcase who and what BNJMN has become.

He is fast becoming known as one of the most unique DJ’s on the scene – seamlessly blending ambient, hypnotic, sci-fi Techno and beyond, all with the signature BNJMN sonic vision.


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