Small Projects Vol.3 | Dim Light

  • ¥1,380.00


  • 23


  • Expired

This campaign ends on November 15, 2018

  • 23 Backers November 15, 2018 20:00



  1. Anonymous
  2. 徐小壮
  3. Anonymous
  4. Anonymous
  5. Anonymous
  6. 大侠
  7. 小玉
  8. 左冉
  9. mimi hillel
  10. hillel behar 修杰
  11. 李肆
  12. 尿
  13. 彭玲
  14. 胡梦英
Contact: zhuoling
小计划第三期 |明黯
乐山大佛脚下悠然自得其乐、在神游曲风中探索中国传统戏曲融合的“颤栗的花”;融合后摇、数学摇滚、Chill out、爵士嘻哈等时尚风格,热爱探索创新、难以描述其音乐边界的“Fayzz”;初出茅庐却富有舞台感染力的成都摇滚新血“浪旅Long Travel”。三支或明或黯的独立乐队将带来一场怎样的听觉之旅呢?


In line with our past events, the poster design for “Small Projects VOL. 3” is inspired by children’s paintings. For this time’s performance of three independent bands we did not make a final choice until we saw the work from the little artist Xuanxuan. The image is simple, bright, and has some innocent romance to it. It is an interplay of light and colors and gives rise to many interpretations, like a bright moon fading into a turbulent blue sea. It reflects the character of our three bands in a sophisticated way, hence the theme of this volume: Dim Light ~

In Leshan at the foot of the Giant Buddha, you can enjoy yourself and explore the fusion of traditional Chinese opera and trip-hop in the songs of "The Trembling Flowers" (颤栗的花). Back in Chengdu at a studio by the riverside you can meet an unique local band called Fayzz, who are keen on mixing Math Rock, Chill Out, Jazz, Hip Hop and other fashionable styles and exploring music boundaries that are hard to describe. And finally there is the very young and promising shoe-gazing band Long Travel who are ready to bring their youthful spirit and power to the stage. On what kind of acoustic journey will these three bands take us?

Apart from their live performances, we also plan a special jam session afterwards. Musicians randomly chosen from each of the three bands will spin the wheel and are going to engage in a free style music session. There will be more surprises and fun waiting for you to discover at the scene. We’re looking forward to welcome you to Nu Space and explore the Dim Light together!

颤栗的花 The Trembling Flower


"颤栗的花" 拥有特立独行的唯美迷幻气质,但作品并不局限于某一种风格或流派,擅长从各类音乐风格中获得灵感。简约的BASS律动包裹起层层叠加,如浪般起伏的音乐进行。各声部旋律的采集力图实现知觉情绪的合一,在对trip-hop、dream-pop、电子、bossanova、硬核、JAZZ等多种形式和风格的音乐进行重新解构后,作品仍严谨却不失趣味。乐队女声时而慵懒,时而戏剧感十足,唯美多变的音质不断游走于狂暴失真和丰富大气的弦乐中,就好像是演绎一场经典的暴力美学电影,莲花之下,血比铁硬。


浪旅Long Travel

浪旅Long Travel,浪漫的旅行之意,一支成都盯鞋后朋克乐队,乐队沉浸于英伦三岛70年代末至90年代初的音乐浪潮,并在一批后朋克、盯鞋先驱的启发下,于2017年9月开始独立创作之旅,乐队成员希望通过适可而止的默契,为自己和他人创造一些浪漫美好的记忆点。








Fayzz最初是由48V及The hit 吉他手骷髅萌发出的个人计划 来自成都 从2009年开始陆续创作了一些作品并上传到名字叫Fayzz的豆瓣音乐小站 起初作为一种歌曲存放和分享一直存在至今 并在2016年与贝斯手黄雨.吉他手母旺和鼓手宋晓波结成乐队.开始以乐队和现场音乐的形式让Fayzz继续转动.

乐队名字没有意义 只是一个能让他存在的符号 这一切可能并不引人注意 但是Fayzz正在建造一个属于他的幻境 一种语言无法表达的沉默之声 一座和你脑海相连的桥 与传统后摇类型不同 Fayzz淡化掉了极简旋律循环和音墙 融入更多爵士乐元素和序列化的器乐配合 尝试在一个偏执的角度上刻画具象的事物 认知和思考 氛围感更加抽象 可能在fayzz的歌里没有星空大海般磅礴 但是谁能说的准呢 磅礴的永远应该是你的心 每个人的脑海中都有座属于自己的城市 浮于高空 藏匿地下  一切都在音乐的包裹下都会得到更自由的释放 希望你能和我们一起产生共鸣 在营造出的这缕短暂霓虹之中自我想象.迷失.平静.欣喜。



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  1. Anonymous
  2. 徐小壮
  3. Anonymous
  4. Anonymous
  5. Anonymous
  6. 大侠
  7. 小玉
  8. 左冉
  9. mimi hillel
  10. hillel behar 修杰
  11. 李肆
  12. 尿
  13. 彭玲
  14. 胡梦英