Contact: DADA Shanghai

POPASUDA是上海首屈一指的GLOBAL音乐品牌聚集世界各地各种各样的音乐文化。领导者DJ SKINNY BROWN注入POPASUDA私人定制音乐及混音,这些音乐来自亚洲非洲南美洲欧洲和印度。同时Popasuda也准备了一个完整的由牙买加最棒的雷鬼音乐人为其私人定制的雷鬼乐加入battle中。(“dubplates”/音乐)。过去5,POPASUDA主要根基在上海活跃于VICE CHINAUK 和几乎每一个上海的主要媒体。POPASUDA带给你一个独特的音乐体验,除了在POPASUDA其他地方都听不到的音乐体验。



Skinny Brown

Skinny Brown是自2011年起在上海各大知名酒吧举办的跳舞派对Popasuda的发起人和DJPopasuda在葡萄牙语中的意思是掠夺,当晚你会听到的众多语言中的一种,不过你不会听到任何英语歌词。Skinny Brown认真地播放着来自加勒比海、撒哈拉以南的非洲、印度和其他地区的廉价电脑中的“global bass”。他也曾有过这样的夜晚——他的背景比曲调更复杂,他会说七种语言,他曾去过的地方遍布从加拿大到巴基斯坦再到牙买加甚至日本的每一寸土地。



POPASUDA派对主理人Skinny Brown深度采访文章:






------DADA SHANGHAI------

[DADA BAR]  上海独立文化、地下音乐活动场地。

每周一休息, 21点开门, 22点后DJ上台。

地址: 上海长宁区幸福路115号 (近法华镇路)









VENUE: Dada Shanghai


DATE: Friday, February 1st, 2019


DEEJAYS: Skinny Brown












POPASUDA hits Dada for another instalment of global dance music. Expect an 8 hour set from Skinny Brown, full of international sounds, remixed and bassed-up for the dance floor. It's always a wicked party at China's longest running Global Bass night. POPASUDA.



Skinny Brown

Skinny Brown is the DJ and promoter who started the Popasuda dance parties at Dada Shanghai back in 2011. Popasuda means "booty" in Portuguese, one of many languages you'll hear at the night. You won't hear any English lyrics though. Skinny Brown strictly plays "global bass" jams coming from cheap computers in the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Indian, and beyond. He has the cred to do a night like this too – dude's background is more mixed than the tunes, he speaks seven languages, and has lived everywhere from Canada and Pakistan to Jamaica and Japan.

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