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Contact: DADA Shanghai

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DJ’s:Sal Haque aka Skinny Brown,Kodama,Aktüman







DADA,上海,2019419日。耶稣受难日。事实上,这将是一个邪恶的星期五! XIA |  非常荣幸能够呈现Skinny Brown首次SitarBeats现场秀。在进过大量的Popasuda之夜,萨尔将现场演奏一系列全球音乐。他也是一位训练有素,经典的印度西部男歌手,并将在Ableton Live上做一个特别的Raga(印度特有音乐)。我们将在夜晚开始,慢慢地逐渐形成一个史诗般高潮的高潮。如果这还不够,他还会将我们视为一个特殊的XIA |下午晚些时候DJ设定。来自着名的Kodama (GoaProductions) Aktüman的支持



Skinny Brown


Skinny Brown是自2011年起在上海各大知名酒吧举办的跳舞派对Popasuda的发起人和DJPopasuda在葡萄牙语中的意思是掠夺,当晚你会听到的众多语言中的一种,不过你不会听到任何英语歌词。Skinny Brown认真地播放着来自加勒比海、撒哈拉以南的非洲、印度和其他地区的廉价电脑中的“global bass”。他也曾有过这样的夜晚——他的背景比曲调更复杂,他会说七种语言,他曾去过的地方遍布从加拿大到巴基斯坦再到牙买加甚至日本的每一寸土地。



POPASUDA派对主理人Skinny Brown深度采访文章:








15岁的时候在比利时出生并长大的Kodama搬到伦敦了。在全球的音乐首都,他在Dome接触了Psytrance音乐。目前在中国十年多了,他大部分的时间花在发展Psytrance的场面和文化。他在各种各样的现场举办过派对,包括ckb dkd,G+,MAO,Park 97等。其中的派对已经成为上海派对场面的传说了。为了进一步推广Psytrance文化和音乐,他加入了Goaproductions,中国最有活跃的Psytrance唱片公司。







Aktüman 并没有经常作为DJ的身份亮相,但是他在各大音乐节已经出没了将近十年。在多文化环境中成长,逐渐变成音乐的狂热爱好者,他一直在他的收藏里不断添加那些富有异域风情的声音、地下音乐家以及未知的宝藏





------DADA SHANGHAI------

[DADA BAR]  上海独立文化、地下音乐活动场地。

每周一休息, 21点开门, 22点后DJ上台。

地址: 上海长宁区幸福路115号 (近法华镇路)








DATEFriday, 19 April 2019

VTICKETSFree entry

ENUEDada Shanghai

DJ’s:Sal Haque aka Skinny Brown,Kodama,Aktüman




Dada, Shanghai, April, 19, 2019. Good Friday. And indeed, what a wicked Friday it will be! XIA |  is very honoured to present Sal Haque’s inaugural Sitar & Beats Live Show. Sal’s behind the ever large Popasuda nights, playing a range of global sounds. He's also a trained, classical Indian sitarist, and will be doing a special live raga over Ableton set, starting of slow and  slowly building up to a climax of epic proportions. If that wasn’t enough he will also treat us to a special XIA |  DJ set later on in the night. Support from the ever illustrious Kodama (GoaProductions) and Aktüman!





Skinny Brown


Skinny Brown is the DJ and promoter who started the Popasuda dance parties at Dada Shanghai back in 2011. Popasuda means "booty" in Portuguese, one of many languages you'll hear at the night. You won't hear any English lyrics though. Skinny Brown strictly plays "global bass" jams coming from cheap computers in the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Indian, and beyond. He has the cred to do a night like this too – dude's background is more mixed than the tunes, he speaks seven languages, and has lived everywhere from Canada and Pakistan to Jamaica and Japan.






Born and bred in Belgium, at the age of fifteen Kodama moved to global music capital London where he picked up his love for psytrance at the now legendary Drome.

Now already over a decade in China, he spent most of that time as half of Magic Garden planting the seeds of the global psychedelic trance scene, throwing fully decorated parties at iconic venues (some now long come and gone) such as club dkd, G+, MAO, Park 97, Madam Zung, Rojam, SOS, Babyface, Shelter, Dada, Logo, Cinderella etc.

Some of these events, such as the two year Full Moon residency at dkd, the G+ Halloween Monster Bash attended by 2800 people and the Nine Year Anniversary at 1933 – Asia’s largest (now defunct) art deco abattoir - have gone down in Shanghai nightlife folklore.

Further afield Kodama has had the pleasure of playing ZOOM Bar on Koh Phangan Beach, Thailand. Bringing over internationally renowned psy-trance artists such as Shane Gobi, Vishnudata, Life Extension, he has also shared the decks with Paul Taylor, Martian Arts and Braincell.

Kodama is now proud to be a member of GoaProductions, the foremost Chinese psytrance outfit which are pushing the scene forward with a label, nationwide international artist tours and proper outdoor festivals.

His technical sets range from progressive to full on psy; driving, techy yet melodic and always tuned into the crowd. Providing the perfect balance to his powerful dance floor sets he also spins luscious downtempo across the whole spectrum, ranging from ambient through dub to lounge.






Aktüman is making his debut as a DJ, but he has been going to festivals for about a decade. Growing up surrounded by many cultures and beign a big fan of music, he always seeks new exotic sounds, underground artists and unknown gems to add to his collection.


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