3.16 | RIFAIN

  • ¥2,400.00


  • 56


  • Expired

This campaign ends on March 16, 2019

  • 预售
    36 Backers March 16, 2019 22:00
  • 早鸟
    20 Backers March 16, 2019 22:00



  1. 东门一姐驾到。
  2. 凡乐意
  3. swinghighh
  4. 爸爸
  5. 蛇渣
  6. 马小虎
  7. Anonymous
  8. Anonymous
  9. 魏富强
  10. 刘贵强
  11. 程敬
  12. 张丹
  13. Anonymous
  14. Sam
  15. Anonymous
  16. 生阳
  17. Anonymous
  18. 3个美女
  19. 李一
  20. Anonymous

  21. ¥100.00
  22. Anonymous
  23. 林子
  24. IMO
  25. 小涛
  26. Anonymous
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  28. 冯总
  29. 陈卫
  30. 重置
  31. 黑夜改造计划
  32. Xi
  33. Anonymous
  34. Anonymous
  35. Anonymous
  36. HuaZer
  37. 史丰源
  38. Anonymous
  39. Nick
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  42. Anonymous
  43. yuyuer
  44. Qiao
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艺人甄选预定厂牌Cliché Records的共同创办人

Fragrant Harbour Sound System唱片公司成员之一


图片 1

Rifain 实验气质浓厚的DJ 风格往往在音乐流派的模糊地带游移、扭转。他善于优雅地混合各种风格的元素,引领舞池进入深邃、暗黑的消沉空间,而后又用部落感的能量把你拉回现实。他善于收集音色并重新排列组合,优雅地混合看似不同的元素,引导舞池进入深沉而戾气的黑暗或不透明的梦境之上,然后通过新鲜的tribal能量进入原始的韵律。

Rifain’s sound is powered by an experimentalism that twists and turns through varied genres with a consistency that cloaks it in its own unique nature. His approach is one of absorption and redefinition, elegantly mixing seemingly divergent elements to guide a dancefloor into deep, downbeat darkness or an opaque dreamscape before rousing it into primal collective movement through fresh tribal energy. 


作为主要运营人和联合创始人,Rifain是河内Savage俱乐部的关键人物,在过去的几年里,它俨然已成为亚洲地下俱乐部的关键节点。他也在此举办了他自己的月度活动-  Slow Beats Disco - 和名字不同的是,该活动并不太注重特定类型或bpm,更多的是提供贴切和冒险的声音探索,其核心是精致。演出嘉宾包括John Talabot,Zozo,nd_baumecker,Samo DJ和Dr. Rubinstein,以及该地区的许多其他才华横溢的DJ们。

As its main booker and cofounder, Rifain is a key figure of Savage nightclub in Hanoi, which over the last few years has turned into a key node of Asia’s underground club circuit. He also runs his own monthly night at the club - Slow Beats Disco - which despite its name is less focused on a specific genre or bpm, but more on a collective intimacy and adventurous sonic exploration with delicacy at its core. Guests have included John Talabot, Zozo, nd_baumecker, Samo DJ and Dr Rubinstein, as well as many of the regions’ other talented players. 



他还与河内2017年首次推出的Equation Festival密切合作,但其实他于此地区的音乐推广可以追溯更远。他同时是坐落香港,成为改变亚洲电子音乐核心之一的重要艺人甄选预定厂牌Cliché Records的共同创办人。

He is also closely involved with Hanoi’s Equation Festival, which had its first installment in 2017. However, his involvement with music in the region goes further back, having co-founded booking agency Cliché Records in Hong Kong, which became a game-changer for electronic music in Asia. 


凭借自己对新鲜声音的热情,Rifain还帮助创建了Fragrant Harbour Sound System,这是一个唱片公司,发行了包括General Ludd, Fulbert and Renart, LPZ, Broccoli Brothers等音乐人的音乐。其附属厂牌Homesick, 制作了包括Marquis Hawkes,Borrowed Identity,Mister Ho,Powder和Jonathan Kusuma等的经典剪辑。

Drawing on his own passion for fresh sounds, Rifain also helped to form Fragrant Harbour Sound System, a record label that has brought out EPs from figures such as General Ludd, Fulbert and Renart, LPZ, Broccoli Brothers, as well as sub-label Homesick, which has produced some great edits with the participation of Marquis Hawkes, Borrowed Identity, Mister Ho, Powder and Jonathan Kusuma.

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March 16, 2019 22:00




  1. 东门一姐驾到。
  2. 凡乐意
  3. swinghighh
  4. 爸爸
  5. 蛇渣
  6. 马小虎
  7. Anonymous
  8. Anonymous
  9. 魏富强
  10. 刘贵强
  11. 程敬
  12. 张丹
  13. Anonymous
  14. Sam
  15. Anonymous
  16. 生阳
  17. Anonymous
  18. 3个美女
  19. 李一
  20. Anonymous

  21. ¥100.00
  22. Anonymous
  23. 林子
  24. IMO
  25. 小涛
  26. Anonymous
  27. 董洁琼
  28. 冯总
  29. 陈卫
  30. 重置
  31. 黑夜改造计划
  32. Xi
  33. Anonymous
  34. Anonymous
  35. Anonymous
  36. HuaZer
  37. 史丰源
  38. Anonymous
  39. Nick
  40. Anonymous
  42. Anonymous
  43. yuyuer
  44. Qiao