Basi x Say Yes: Kangding Ray (Live)

  • ¥13,080.00


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  1. Wu
  2. 板板儿



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Contact: Wu
  • Basi x Say Yes:

Kangding Ray (Live)

Limited Earlybird  限量早鸟 ¥100(30张)
Presale 预售  ¥120 
Door 现场 ¥150
2019年9月1日  20:00  
September 1st  8 pm
成都科华中路2号 王府井科华店 5楼露台 心越空间
Basi- 5F Xinyue Rooftop, No.2 Kehuazhong Rd, WangFuJing Chengdu

声音系统 Sound System

Kangding Ray
[Raster-Noton / Stroboscopic Artefacts]

当今电子音乐场景中, 成功游走于Techno舞曲与实验音乐之间, 娴熟驾驭两者, 使其互通交融的大师级人物寥寥无几, Kangding Ray就是这个小群体中极具代表性的先锋人物。在探索音乐领域的十多年里, 作为一位优秀的声音艺术家,他的名字早已通过在Raster-Noton和Stroboscopic Artefacts这两大厂牌的发行, 以及为Warp旗下艺人Battles和Mute旗下的Ben Frost所制作的混音而为人熟知 。

他的电子音乐旅程相较于他人则显得更为Anti- General非常规, 各种机缘巧合。和很多音乐制作人不一样的是: 大多制作人搬到Techno之都柏林是为了在音乐事业上谋求更好的发展空间, 而他则是因为本职工作:职业建筑师。作为建筑师的他曾参与负责巴黎爱乐音厅的设计工作, 综合保障声场和建筑的要求。

也正是因为建筑师的职业背景, 他和Alav Noto因德国汉堡一个公共项目的竞标而结识。Alva Noto听了他的作品, 把他引荐给Byetone, 并计划在Raster-Noton为他发行一张全长专辑。经过3年的潜心制作,《Stabil》问世了。

Kangding Ray在Raster-Noton前后陆续发行作品多达7部。这个专注前卫电子音长达几十年的传奇厂牌,无论在音乐制作、还是平面设计, 影像创作上, 每个细节都彰显着主理人对品质的追求和对口碑的精心维护, 厂牌因此在世界范围赢得较高的美誉度。厂牌艺人除主创成员Olaf Bender (Byetone), Frank Bretschneider, Carsten Nicolai (Alav Noto), 其他旗下艺人也个个都是该领域极具代表性的佼佼者, 其中包括(备受尊敬的教授)坂本龙一 、Atom™、Dasha Rush、SND、Signal、Kyoka、池田亮司.....

Kangding Ray的音乐轨迹不同于他人还在于他一开始并没有任何Techno背景。十几岁的愣头青, 组乐队, 玩摇滚,耍后朋,听九寸钉(Nine Inch Nails)。但搬到柏林这样的电子音乐圣地之后, 无法不受到环境的影响和熏染, 于是他发现了Techno, 开始了电子音乐创作。具象音乐(Musique Concrete)积累的深厚根基使他的作品充满活力, 独一无二, 因此赢得了来自全世界粉丝的热烈追捧, 无论是品味独到, 听觉敏锐的先锋派电音粉,还是俱乐部舞池资深玩家, 都纷纷拜倒。

Kanding Ray后期越来越倾向Techno领域, 这一点在他与意大利冒险家Lucas Mortellaro a.k.a Lucy, 另一位Techno界举足轻重的人物的密切合作中崭露无遗。同样也是一个偶然的机会, Kangding Ray和Lucy在著名的宇宙夜店Berghian相遇, Lucy作为Stroboscopic Artefacts主理人邀请他加入这个聚焦于舞池的厂牌。(该厂牌旗下艺人包括Donato Dozzy, Tommy Four Seven, Cio Dor...)

该厂牌显然与Raster-Noton迥然不同,然而作为一个热爱挑战的制作人,他接受了这个邀请。并在一年后发行了一张完美平衡了个人风格和Stroboscopic Artefacts音乐审美的该厂牌11号作品 《MONA》。Kangding Ray对俱乐部和Techno音乐的热情被点燃, 又继续发行了一系列EP。特别是2017年发行的《Hyper Opal Mantis》, 昭示着Kangding Ray的新时代。 在带来这些直接有力的俱乐部舞曲和暗黑系电影原声的过程中, 他展现了保留作品艺术欣赏层面的过人之处。这些作品很好地成为他在Techno和实验音乐之间来回穿梭的纽带。

就像他自己在采访中提到的那样:“多年来, 我都一直在俱乐部文化的外缘, 也就是不同实验音乐和其他先锋音乐重叠的领域不断进化。我一方面想继续自由自在, 特立独行地探索这个领域, 也想对这个场景回馈一些强烈, 美妙而实用的作品, 同时又保留足够的个性, 使其听起来令人兴奋不已。"

Kangding Ray把俱乐部音乐和原始纯粹的极简美感相结合,以他的方式制造出一首又一首各具有独自特性的“有机生物”。后续的更多EP无一不展现了Kangding Ray在制作人和DJ、Live 和DJ Set之间的柔韧性。他所传递的混合型作品及现场不但让人耳目一新,其中所包含的可能性更加令人着迷。

向舞曲领域的逐渐转型的过程中, 他开始DJ演出。但更为深入人心的始终还是他作为制作人运用鼓机、合成器硬件设备所演绎的live现场。在以自己制作的音乐为铺垫的基础上,混入喜爱的其他音乐,这一过程展现出的灵活, 也是他另一个令人无法抗拒的特点。

十年间,Kangding Ray在世界范围内赢得了赞赏和尊敬。除了曾受邀为Electronic Explorations, Smoke Machine, Resident Advisor, mnmlssg等知名平台制作Podcasts, 他的live演出几乎领衔了Berghain和 Tresor 等所有重要俱乐部的主打阵容, 也是各大音乐节争抢邀请的座上客: ADE, Dekmantel, Detroit Movement, Atonal, CTM, Mutek, GAMMA, Labyrinth, WonderFurit...

Kangding Ray不忘初心, 一直遵从自己内心深处的指引, 坚持不懈地践行着, 从未停止过在音乐上的探索,  这是他最令人尊敬的地方。他仍在不断尝试突破自己的极限, 寻找新的拓展空间, 这期间和不同的优秀艺术家合作, 碰撞出灵感的火花: 比如之前在Atonal和Paula Temple的Jam;2018年在Atonal上首次推出和Sigha的新项目Neon Chambers。

Neon Chambers= Kangding Ray + Sigha

CTM音乐节期间与视觉艺术家Christopher Bauder联合创作沉浸式视听项目—— Skalar,  作品探索了光和声音对人的感知的复杂影响, 该演出成为2018年热议的年度大秀,  并在Kraftwerk Berlin连续上演8场。

Raster-Noton label leaders Alva Noto and Bytone released a lot of his productions. They've been doing high quality sound for years, also with some other masters like Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ryoji Ikeda, Frank Bretschneider、Atom™、Dasha Rush、SND、Signal、Kyoka...

There are few musicians who manage to explore the convergence between techno and experimental as successfully as as Kangding Ray, he has been producing for almost a decade, releasing his music exclusively on Raster-Noton and Stroboscopic Artefacts.The aesthetic domains of these two labels epitomizes Kangding Ray’s complex sound—it’s an aesthetic that tests boundaries, evolving tirelessly in its exploration of texture, rhythm, and sound design.

His foundations in rock and musique concrete give his music a vitality and uniqueness that has won fans the world over, from discerning avant-garde–electronica listeners, all the way to devoted clubbers.

KR has also been known for remixing artists such as Battles on Warp, Ben Frost on Mute, or Inigo Kennedy on Token.Those who have been following Letellier since his debut album, 2006’s Stabil, will recognize not only his meticulous and constantly developing approach to sound design, but also the conceptual gravity behind his releases.

Through a string of recent EP’s and albums, culminating with the critically acclaimed “Solens Arc”, KR showed his ability to keep his artistic approach while delivering direct and powerful club-leaning tracks and darkly cinematic soundscapes.

On 2015’s “Cory Arcane”, he pushed the limits of his sound even further. Relinquishing standard rhythmic structures and conventional tonal models, he delivered what is perhaps his most sophisticated release yet; a raw and visceral universe, allowing a more fluid dialogue between soul and machines.

2017’s “HYPER OPAL MANTIS” released on Stroboscopic Artefacts heralds a new era for Kangding Ray, where he explores the tension between the natural and artificial, the body and mind, which are central themes in electronic music in general, and Techno in particular. The means of creation, focused around technology and interactions with machines, contrast with the emotional response to sound, the mystical ritual of collective dancing, and the ethos of liberation and tolerance embedded in the culture it has produced.

His live show is highly requested by the top clubs and festivals like Berghain, Tresor, ADE, Dekmantel, Detroit Movement, Atonal, CTM, Mutek, GAMMA, Labyrinth, WonderFurit...

Kangding Ray + Paula Temple  at Berlin Atonal
He also extended his live projects, been collaborating with different artists: Neon Chambers with Sigha, primie at Atonal festival, Skalar with visual artist Christopher Bauder at Kraftwerk...

SUMS = Kangding Ray + multi-instrumentalist Barry Burns.
SUMS是KR和乐器演奏家Barry Burns的合作项目。

As he describes it himself in an interview : “I’ve been evolving since a couple of years at the outer fringes of the club culture, where it overlaps with different experimental and avant-garde genres. While i intend to continue to explore that zone as a free maverick, i also wanted to give something back to the scene, something strong, beautiful and functional at the same time, while retaining enough personality to be exciting.

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