9.21 | seafood 海鲜

  • ¥5,427.00


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This campaign ends on September 21, 2019

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  1. .TAG



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  4. Anonymous
  5. 锤子兄弟
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  8. 陈南
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  10. ¥138.00
  11. Anonymous
  12. Anonymous
  13. Anonymous

  14. ¥69.00
  15. XFUU
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  17. ¥70.00
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  19. Bambi
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  21. 巴斯奎特
  22. Anonymous
  23. 卤蛋
  24. Torus
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  26. 张凯
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  29. Eryka Jura
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  31. ¥69.00
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  33. ¥345.00
  34. 海鲜
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  36. BB
  37. 邢孟静
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  44. Kim
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Contact: .TAG




从一开始,海鲜便希望在俱乐部空间里为朋友们开辟出一个亲密无间的友好社区,令每个人都能找到自己的容身之所,在舞池里自由流动且变化着。海鲜的第 8/9 辑,请来了游走在里斯本和柏林两地的年轻音乐人 Marum,9月20-21日的这个周末,在北京 ZhaoDai 和成都 .Tag 俱乐部带来两场属于怪人们的狂欢。
这次的主角 Marum ,由他发起的酷儿俱乐部之夜“mina”是葡萄牙里斯本最令人兴奋的派对,展现着一个推动“性与性别解放”的 Queer Techno 场景的崛起之势。酷儿社群与俱乐部文化的多元与包容,本就是海鲜的名中之意,希望这次 Marum 的到来,能向我们展示夜生活中的另类选择的存在之必要与意义。

From the very beginning, seafood party hopes to create an intimate and friendly community for friends in the club scene, so that everyone can find their own comfortable zone here in the dance floor.  In the 8th& 9th edition of the seafood, we invite Marum, a young musician who sets his base between Lisbon and Berlin. On the weekend of September 20-21, he is going to play at Beijing ZhaoDai and TAG Chengdu.

Marum is the figure behind one of the most exciting parties in Lisbon - the queer night “mina". This party series signifies the rise of the Queer Techno scene that promotes "sex and gender liberation."  The diversity and tolerance of the queer community and club culture is exactly what seafood party wants to convey. We are having the hope that the arrival of Marum will show us the necessity and significance of the existence of alternatives in the nightlife culture.




今年的骄傲月期间,Resident Advisor 发表了一篇名为 "Sex, Techno, Feminism: inside a new generation of queer parties" 的专题,报道了如今俱乐部场景中酷儿群体夜生活的新现象与新趋势。一大批号称“酷儿女性主义集合体 (Queer-femenist collective)”的活动组织方在柏林、纽约、里斯本等地纷纷涌现出来,与上一代际通过纵欲与享乐来逃避现实困境的做法不同的是,这批新生代,有着更加多元的社会认知、更激进的运营理念,以及更具批判性的政治诉求。他们以先锋的性别和酷儿理论为武装,为女性、跨性别者和性别不适应者创造属于他们的夜生活。俱乐部空间是他们的庇护所,强硬的 Ravey Techno 音乐是他们的宣言,在蹦跳中释放真我则是他们的抗争方式。

During this year's Pride Month, the Resident Advisor published an article called "Sex, Techno, Feminism: inside a new generation of queer parties", which reported on the new phenomena and trends in the nightlife of the queer group in today's club scene.  A large number of event organizers known as the "Queer-feminist collective" have emerged in Berlin, New York, Lisbon and many other places. It is different from the previous generation's practice of escaping from reality through indulgence and enjoyment.  This new generation has a more diverse social cognition, a more radical operating philosophy, and a more critical political appeal.  Armed with pioneering gender and queer theory, they create nightlife for women, transgenders and non-binary people.  Clubbing is their sanctuary, the tough Ravey Techno music is their declaration, and releasing in the dancing is their way of fighting.

来自里斯本的 Marum 和他的 mina 便是这 Queer Party 新生代阵线中的一员。在 Marum 的愿景中,mina 是一个让 Techno 爱好者去体验“性和性别解放”的地方,对抗着里斯本当地日益僵化和过度商业化的主流俱乐部文化。尽管有着强烈的 Club-politics 的意图,但对重型 Techno 音乐的热衷仍然是 mina 的核心。作为 mina 的发起人和驻场 DJ ,Marum 个人的音乐风格为 mina 在音乐性上定下了基调。受到电影配乐、极简主义作曲家的影响,往往以猛烈、暗黑的工业 Techno 为主要特征,并混合了 Drone、Breakbeats、EBM、Acid、Trance 的奇光异色。

Marum and his mina from Lisbon are part of the new generation of the Queer Party.  In Marum's vision, mina is a place for Techno fans to experience “sexual and gender liberation” , also a way to go against the increasingly rigid and over-commercial mainstream club culture in Lisbon.  Despite strong Club-politics intent, the enthusiasm for heavy Techno music remains at the heart of mina.  As the initiator of mina and the resident DJ, Marum's personal music style set the tone for Mina music.  Influenced by the soundtrack and minimalist composers, his music is often characterized by the fierce and dark industrial Techno, and blended with Drone, Breakbeats, EBM, Acid, and Trance.
marum at boiler room lisbon: mina 2018

如果你曾身处 mina 的派对,会发现在 Marum 的领航下,锐舞精神在这里得到了充分的诠释。快节奏的高能量舞曲,煽动和感染着流窜在舞池中的焦躁与狂喜,使之成为一个实现身体和精神的双重宣泄的领域。烟机将舞池的氛围一锅煮沸,频闪灯捕捉到了摩肩接踵的赤裸身体在晦暗角落里挥汗如雨、陷入无意识的催眠状态。人群在地板上高频踩蹦而迸发出来的那种生机勃勃的自由能量,形成了一种亲密无间和融洽友爱的氛围。

If you were ever at the mina party, you would find the spirit of raving is definitely interpreted properly with Marum’s leadership.  The fast-paced, high-energy dance music brings out the best on the dance floor, making it a field of dual communication between the body and spirit.  The smoke machine simmered the atmosphere of the dance floor like a hotpot, and the foggy light caught the moments of naked bodies’ tangling in the dark corners, and all of these fell into an unconscious hypnosis.  The vibrant high energy of the crowd on the dance floor with high-frequency beats created an intimate and harmonious utopia.


这种氛围,对于 mina 这样的派对来说,是如生命线一般至关重要的。在 Marum 看来,mina 旨在“创造一个可以公开讨论女性主义价值观、对性和身体裸露持开放态度的空间”。可现实是,在主流俱乐部往往偏执地厌女、恐同的背景下,被暴露于外界的偏见、被排挤和边缘化是来到 mina 的任一个舞客都曾不断经历的一件事情。因此,mina 采取了一系列措施来保证每一个“怪咖”和他们身上的“脆弱性”都能得到应有的尊重和关怀。比如,设立有选择性的门禁政策,设置无分性别的卫生间,为舞客提供免费的生理必需品。Marum 眼中的 mina 是一个服务于边缘人社群的“临时自治区”,因为“这样才能保证每个人都能真正地解放自己,而省去不必要的顾虑和限制。”

This kind of atmosphere is as important for a party like mina as air to the humans.  In Marum's view, mina aims to “create a space that can openly discuss feminist values and openness to sexuality and physical exposure”.  But the reality is that in the mainstream clubs are often paranoid about women and homophobia. Being exposed to misjudged, being excluded and marginalized will never happen to anyone that has come to mina.  Therefore, mina has taken a series of measures to ensure that every “weirdo” and any “vulnerable” being can receive the respect and care they deserve.  For example, the gate control, the genderless bathroom, providing free physiological essentials for dancers.  In the eyes of Marum, mina is a “temporary autonomous region” that serves the marginalized community because “this ensures that everyone can truly liberate themselves without unnecessary concerns and restrictions.”


Credit: David Pissaraas

2018年,Boiler Room 在里斯本的演出交给了 mina 团队来策划。Marum 随即邀请了包括 Naive 厂牌的 Violet、柏林 Herrensauna 的 CEM 等人在内的酷儿音乐人,将摄像机对准他们,向外界展示他们各自在俱乐部场景中撬动边界的努力。在 Boiler Room 随后的一篇采访中,他们把 mina 形容为“里斯本最令人兴奋的派对,是一个不断崛起的 Queer Techno 场景的代表”。

In 2018, Boiler Room handed over its Lisbon event to the mina team. Marum invited queer musicians, including Violet from Naive's label, CEM from Berlin's Herrensauna, etc., to show us their efforts to push the borders in the club scene.  In a subsequent interview with the Boiler Room, they described mina as "the most exciting party in Lisbon, a representative of the ever-increasing Queer Techno scene."
boiler room lisbon: mina 2018

回望 mina 诞生之初,Marum 时常频繁地往返于柏林和里斯本两地,柏林俱乐部场景中“性积极 (Sex-positive)”的氛围为他带来了诸多启发,这些派对经历也为 mina 的出世埋下了种子。随着 Marum 移居柏林,mina 也开始在柏林开花结果。2018年的新年夜, Marum 和柏林当地的姊妹组织 Lecken 合作举办了名为“Fully Automated Luxury Of Oblivion”的派对。今年初,Marum 又带着 mina 首次登陆 Berghain 俱乐部,带来了一场为 BDSM 等非主流性文化去污名化的另类 Techno 狂欢。

当然,对 Marum 自己来说,策划和组织派对只是他实现心中酷儿理想国的其中一个手段而已。他同时也是视觉艺术家、策展人和撰稿人,创立并经营着酷儿音乐人厂牌 suspension,在 Quântica 电台开办了自己的节目,长期关注于性别和女性主义理论,电子音乐和俱乐部政治等议题。Marum 是一个十足的斗士,这或许就是他在地下场景中飞速脱颖而出的一个原因吧。

Looking back at the birth of mina, Marum often travels frequently between Berlin and Lisbon. The “Sex-positive” atmosphere in the Berlin club scene has inspired him. These party experiences eventually gave birth to mina.  As Marum moved to Berlin, mina began to bloom.  On New Year's Eve in 2018, Marum and the local sibling organization Lecken collaborated on a party called "Fully Automated Luxury Of Oblivion".  Earlier this year, Marum took the mina for the first time to the Berghain Club, bringing an alternative Techno event to erase the stigma of non-mainstream culture such as BDSM.
Of course, for Marum himself, planning and organizing a party is just one of the means by which he can achieve his queer utopia dream. He is also a visual artist, curator and contributor. He founded and operated the queer label - suspension, and started his own program on Quântica Radio, and has long focused on gender and feminist theory, electronic music and club politics.  Marum is a full-fledged fighter, and that may be one of the reasons why he stands out in the underground scene so fast.







DJ Blue


640?wx_fmt=jpegNew Sundae


" to create a place 
where techno lovers can experience 
sexual and gender liberation. "

Text/Edit_YENK  Design_Bryce



预售:69 / 现场:99





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  37. 邢孟静
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