1/27 A.Brehme

  • ¥360.00


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  • Event Canceled

This campaign ends on January 27, 2020

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    1 Backer 大理白族自治州大理市The Yun Lab January 27, 2020 22:00
  • Early Bird
    10 Backers 大理白族自治州大理市The Yun Lab January 27, 2020 22:00



  1. Yii



  1. b
  2. b
  3. qing
  4. Anonymous
  5. Tennin
  6. 胡莹
Contact: Yii

制作唱片和不断打磨他的DJ Set是A.Brehme始终的激情所在。无论是在他的布鲁塞尔工作室中精心制作高度敏锐的deep techno还是通过繁复的mix的方式在黑暗的俱乐部里点燃舞池激扬尘土,他选择了一种纯粹的表达方式诠释声音的细节。展示了精神如何在循环中寻求改变、在编织细密的声音环境中寻求具象的美学,最终粉碎了时间和空间的概念。

Producing records and constantly polishing his DJ Set are his life passion. Whether it's crafting a highly sensitive deep techno in his Brussels studio or igniting the dance floor in a dark club by his mixes, he opted for a pure way of expression to interpret the details of the sound. It demonstrates how the spirit seeks change in the cycle and how it seeks figurative aesthetics in a woven sound environment to smashes the concept of time and space eventually.


演出邀请,A. Brehme很快成为比利时最受关注的音乐人,并于2014年在厂牌Coincidence Records完成了他的首次作品发行。

在那之后,A. Brehme加入了比利时知名周日下午派对Technoon以及派对之夜Hertz nights的团队,成为他们的常驻音乐人。

现在,他的身影更是经常出现在世界各地的音乐节及派对。并且是Sonata Forma重要厂牌的创始人,已经成为布鲁塞尔蓬勃发展的Techno派对场景中的中流砥柱.

A. Brehme has been a resident in Fuse, Belgium, one of the most popular clubs in Europe since the age of 20. With more and more gigs, A. Brehme soon became one of the most watched artists in Belgium, and in 2014 he had his first release on the label Coincidence Records.

After that, A. Brehme joined the famous Belgian Sunday afternoon party Technoon crew and Hertz nights Crew, and become their resident DJ.

Now, he is often seen in music festivals and parties around the world. He is also the founder of Sonata Forma Label. He has evolved into the main figure in Brussels' thriving Techno party scene.

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  1. Yii



  1. b
  2. b
  3. qing
  4. Anonymous
  5. Tennin
  6. 胡莹