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    66 Backers 成都市武侯区tag January 17, 2020 22:00



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  1. 谢英杰
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21:30-00:00 Shot/ 鸡尾酒 买一送一



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BLUE NIGHT-魔术公园是 DJ Blue 创立的以马戏团为主题的派对。是乌托邦的避风港,城市嬉皮的聚集点。它的灵魂来自自然,来自现代波波族精神,它的音乐崇尚简洁放松,迷幻抽象~从你进入Blue Night 帐篷的那一瞬间,你可以回到上个世纪,或者是现在的未来。这将是一个华丽、诡异、色彩斑斓、极具想象力的夜晚。多元化的音乐风格,搭配将无限想象力与创意相融合的搞怪装置,带你一起穿越到奇妙的马戏团现场,每一个神秘的角落都会有新的体验发生。
BLUE NIGHT- magic park is a circus-themed party founded by DJ BLUE. Is the utopia haven, rallying point of city hippie. Its soul from nature, from the modern spirit of bobos, its music advocate concise and relaxed, hallucinogenic abstract ~ from the moment you enter the blue night tents, you could go back to the last century, or the future. Now it's going to be a gorgeous, bizarre, colorful, highly imaginative night. Diversified music style, combined with strange devices combining unlimited imagination and creativity, takes you to travel to the wonderful circus scene, every mysterious corner will have a new experience.
在近两年中,DJ Blue和她创办的Blue Night在顺风顺水的发展着,但今天我们将近距离与这位当事人进行一个深度对话……
In the past two years, DJ Blue and the Blue Night she founded have been developing smoothly ... But today we are going to have a deep dialogue with her ...‍‍‍‍‍‍


当时我和成都早上好吧的张欣关系不错,也很喜欢户外PSY party。

第一届春游在三圣乡的早上好,我才买了tracktor s2,他问我要不要过来放音乐 。在朋友的帮助下,我在家里练习了一周,就放了我人生第一个party,放了psy。


为什么要创办Blue night派对?

从TAG开业的第一天起,我每周都会去。当时很少国际DJ,国内我就比较喜欢Yang Bing的音乐。一个契机,Yang Bing老师给了我一个USB,从此开启了我的DJ生涯。

当时成都的新DJ也不多,跳舞的人也不多,Ellen很鼓励新的DJ建立活动,就这样我开始了Blue Night。


我在没有做DJ之前,就很喜欢PSY的活动,特别是视觉上的体验,我也做过一些psy party的装置。

2016年我第一次去了柏林,Nation OF Gondwana Festival给我的冲击很大 ,让我真正了解到了什么是rave。后来又去了柏林的Kata Blau俱乐部。整个俱乐部布置的就像一个大的梦幻游乐场 ,整个俱乐部都是木质房屋组成, 音乐也是那种充满想象力带着宗教色彩的感觉。回来以后就和Yu一起做了第一个Blue Night帐篷。


做Blue Night给我留下很深的记忆,就像自己的孩子。每一个细节,每一个发生,每一个精彩瞬间……从马戏团到繁华盛开的夜晚。

每一次Blue Night我都会把TAG做成不同的帐篷,这个活动之后,我的机会也好像多了起来。外地的俱乐部也开始叫我去办Blue Night。但是去外地实现这么庞大的装置还是比较复杂,就没怎么答应。

从马戏团再到繁华盛开的夜晚,我也发现这个活动被认可的最重要的是因为布置。可是经过两年对Blue Night的经营,还有我个人音乐上的追求,我的概念和思路也发生潜移默化的变化。

Blue Night——繁花盛开的夜晚



在做Blue Night同期,我也创办了Micro Project。主要集中在 Deep Minimal House音乐上。我开始越来越喜欢这种更深、更细腻的音乐表达,前两年在成都,甚至国内就没有几个人玩这样的音乐,因为这种音乐形式需要更懂舞曲的人 ,它需要你具备更多舞曲聆听经验,很多DJ不愿意冒这个风险播放这种音乐。


我个人也开始自己制作音乐先后出了五六首作品,也在阿姆斯特丹的厂牌出了一首黑胶唱片作品 。



这和我之前只是想放音乐控制舞池的概念区别很大!现在更愿意发现一些不被大家熟知的音乐,从一个简单的DJ发展为Music Selector。我也从一个播放别人音乐的DJ,变成了一个音乐制作人的身份。


Blue Night新的发展方向?

刚才我已经说了自己在音乐上的发展和变化,又说到现在Blue Night的概念!之前Blue Night更注重在布置上,现在想更多的在音乐上,现在我更想做一个纯种的DJ,用精彩的tracklist完成一场音乐旅程,通过mixing不停歇故意模糊曲目之间的舞池界限,带领完成一个有高峰和低谷的旅程,用set整体带给你一场体验,让你记住这个夜晚,而不是记住其中某个特别的歌。

这次的blue night邀请到最初给了我一个usb让我走上dj之路的Yang Bing,他对先锋音乐敏锐的嗅觉,每次都会以一个全新的set表达他近期对音乐的感悟,从最初至今每一次他都会带给我新的灵感!!还有dusk till dawn的新成员 Owan.


Guset DJ:Yang Bing

他被评价为中国电子音乐Marster级人物,2017年,他担任中国电子音乐20年纪录片——“Break The Wall”制片人,并带领中国电子音乐文化的中坚力量——麦爱文化,走进阿姆斯特丹电子音乐活动ADE。曾两次受邀,参加欧洲自由前卫精神代表性音乐节——Fusion Festival。

正如他创办的音乐活动品牌——Dusk Till Dawn的主张:Never Stop Raving,他从未止步。YangBing的DJ风格主要集中在Deepminimal tech micro house等,爵士乐般的随性与创意的Mix,是他一直为人称道的亮点。他对现场超强的把控力和对舞池的敏感沟通力是他DJ独一无二的魅力。他敏锐的艺术触觉,不断突破的音乐理念,对声音的独特诠释,精湛的现场控制力,让他成为中国电子音乐场景、前卫艺术文化中,重要的一部分。

Looking at the development track of Chinese electronic music for more than 20 years, Yang Bing's DJ career almost coincides. He was rated as a Marster figure in Chinese electronic music. A large part of the reason is that he used his unique artistic position to influence and even shape the Chinese electronic music market. The beginning was the "Great Wall Rui Dance Party" planned by him in the 1990s. For the first time, the Chinese party culture image was incorporated into the international electronic music scene. White Rabit is the seed of the Chinese underground club culture he has sown. As he founded the music event brand - Dusk Till Dawn's claim: Never Stop Raving, he never stops. In 2017, he was the producer of the 20-year documentary of Chinese electronic music, “Break The Wall”, and led the Chinese electronic music culture, Mai Ai Culture, to enter the Amsterdam electronic music event ADE. He has been invited twice to participate in the European Festival of Freedom and Avant-garde Spirit, the Fusion Festival. More than ten years of experience in the world tour and its important position in the world have made him play an increasingly important role in the exchange of electronic music culture between the East and the West. Today, the Nomad Club in Chengdu has become a position in which he adheres to this concept and continues to produce high quality music.YangBing's DJ style is mainly concentrated in the Deepminimal tech micro house, etc. The jazz-like casual and creative Mix is the highlight of his always-famous. His super-powerful control and sensitive communication on the dance floor is his DJ's unique charm. His keen artistic sense, the constantly breaking music concept, the unique interpretation of the sound, and the exquisite live performances have made him a star in China's electronic music scene and avant-garde art culture.


DJ Blue,一个具有极强律动感和灵魂音色的舞池掌控者,minimal tech house是她的标志....

在她的音乐里你可以听到爵士,迷幻,古典,实验电子的影响,她喜欢以“玩”的心态去分享她从四面八方收集来的灵感,把这些不一样的元素结合在一起,通过mix与舞池对话制造更多的趣味…所以她的set总是充满着故事性与跳跃性。2015年加入dusktilldawn厂牌后,活跃在全国各大俱乐部,甚至在国际上的阿姆斯特丹的ADE到柏林的sisyphos club都留下了她的身影。2017年参与策划拍摄了break the wall-关于中国电子音乐20年发展的纪录片。2018年开始音乐制作,她制作的音乐风格游走在melody house/techno之间。

An excellent dance floor controller, Dj Blue,who is dedicated to deep minimal and tech house music, is well-known for hers soulful and strongly rhythmed style.

She started djing in Chengdu.Her sets could take many genres such as jazz, classical music, acid music and experimental music.However, she always has the ability to combine all those elements together into a unique combo perfectly.She magically transforms herself into a cellist or a pianist or a band conductor while she is playing the music. It's not just playing the music, Dj Blue has her own music philosophy that underground dance music is actually showcasing a progress of Human Evolution and Creativity.Therefor,her unique perspective in music emphasizes the expression functions of narration of her music.




她从未停止对电子音乐的探索和尝试 钟爱minimal micro house再到DeepTech… 带着对一颗颗极简细腻声音的独特理解 用第六感的力量mix music 擦出火花 给舞池惊喜~

多元化风格的碰撞与独特的音乐视野让她善于构造出颗粒感极强的声音场景 用细致入微的方式牵动舞池情绪。极简的音色,变幻无穷的情绪,听她的音乐如同在沉浸式梦境般抽象有趣。

DJ OWAN is from Chengdu, the most underground music city in china! NOMAD ·Dance Club resident DJ,with her passion for underground music in electronic music scene never stopped her exploration and attempts to find that new sound to bring to a bopping crowd!  OWAN has a unique understanding of minimal micro sound.

Her style ranges from minimal micro house to deep tech. She balances her understanding of music and masters the expression and pays more attention to bring nutrition and fun to everyone.... Since 2016 she has played all over china, regularly playing at Chengdu clubs, 2018 Join the label Dusk till dawn. With her unique vision of music …The minimal sound and rich emotions make her music abstract like a dreamy guaranteed to take you a dreamy place…



MKY,普乐电音 PLUR LAB 主理人,从他的音乐里能够感受到千变万化又丰富多彩的情感世界,简单却不失内涵,柔软却富有弹性。

The origins of MKY and dance music began in his childhood. His father played the dance music tape and the CD in their dance hall room, which enlightened his DJ career and also developed his preference for rhythm music.  In a party at his university, the electronic music played by DJ opened a new door for MKY, who was then obsessed with hip hop. In the twice per week clubbing, he was even more certain of his preferences, and the jumping House Rhythm and the deep Techno beat gradually became part of his life.His preferences were not really satisfied in purely dance. After his trial to play electronic music with professional equipment, MKY decided to stand behind the DJ booth and start sharing his own selections to others through his DJ set.



  从deephouse、deeptechno、到pumping techouse、minimal techno……音乐风格多元且有趣味性。酸性、迷幻、深邃、弹跳……大量不同音色的广泛汲取和对先锋电子音乐文化的不断了解,让她慢慢开拓出自己的声音领域:


Salome, a post-90s DJ from Chengdu, Sichuan,has been a DJ for 5 years since 2014. With  rich experience in music scenes and her unique understanding of electronic music sounds, Her control over music is maturing..

   Deephouse, deeptechno, to pumping techouse, minimal techno psychedelic...  diverse and interesting. Acidity, psychedelic, squat, bouncing... A wide range of different sounds and a constant understanding of Pioneer's electronic music culture have allowed her to slowly develop her own voice field:

        Her music scene is very expressive. The flexible rhythm creates an imaginary space, a sensual and delicate tone change, and gives the soul a core.

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